The Reclaimers (Guild)

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The Reclaimers
GuildLogo-The Reclaimers.png

Reclaiming the clockworks one gate at a time

Guild Founder: Jamiethebold
Approx. Population: 40-50
Guild Master(s):
  • Suddenstorm
Guild Officer(s):
  • Aznsniper
  • Henry-Cz
  • Knightfallz
  • Oceankim
  • Othra
  • Vercin
Website: None atm

About The Guild

The Reclaimers started out as a guild of School friends in the old (now disbanded) guild, 'necessary oxymoron.' The necessary oxymoron was a one-man guild for a while with Jamiethebold as the only knight. Eventually, he convinced Anzsuxso, Blazenar, Forbprince, Suddennight, and Zacmoo to leave their other guilds and join him. For a short while the school friends were content in the guild. But after some discussion, Jamie decided to scrap the guild and start again. The main reason was that none of his friends liked the name necessary oxymoron. The guild was disbanded and the Reclaimers were formed. December came and went and Jamie tried again to convince his friends to join him but to no avail. After that, Jamie stopped playing spiral knights altogether due to the loss of his ability to use his steam account. However, in early March 2012, he found a way to circumvent that issue and once again started playing SK. At first, the guild hung as lifeless as before, since he was the only knight there besides Zacmoo. Soon, Suddennight joined him, Fobprince soon followed but Aznsuxo had quit SK for good. Other difficulties ensued also, Blazenar was extremely reluctent to join, but later reconsidered and accepted Jamie's offer. All of the school friends who actively play SK are now GMs along side our original founder, Jamiethebold.


As of the 1st of july the guild will be wipped and be used as the guild The Forerunners see fit fot it. This page will be rewriten.


The ranks are done by tier clearance:

  • Tier 1: Recruit
  • Tier 2: Member
  • Tier 3: veteran
  • The rank of Officer or Guild master can only be achieved by a Guild Master promoting them to that rank.

People can be promoted past their gear restrictions if they posses exceptional game skills.

How to join

  • To join, talk to one of the Guild Masters or Officers.

Guild Rules

The rules are:

  • Have fun
  • No begging (everyone worked hard for their crowns. so u should too)
  • No bullying
  • No spamming
  • No anger or hatred toward other guild members
  • Be friendly to guild members, guild masters and officers and to other players
  • Be active
  • Help each other
  • Obey Guild masters (dont make life hard for them)

If a rule is broken you will get one of the following:

  • Warning
  • Demotion
  • Possible removal from the guild


It was The 5 of May 2012, The reclaimers was a strong,skilled and loyal guild, A guild Clockworks Run was planed by suddennight at around 4:00pm with the help of Vet.Stongy, (Stongy was a skilled and well known knight) it was fine at first when GM.Jamiethebold joined and came to help, with the three of them they successfully finished the The danger room. soon after they did another run and when suddennight left and went offline Jamie demoted and kicked (killed) Vet.Stongy, In rage the guild set planing to Rebel, and ask suddennight to start a new guild "The Forerunners" A stronger and more skilled guild. With that in place the Operation "Rebellion" was set to work, and on The 19th of May, The Guild Rebelled and disbanded more than 75% of the guild, including more than 80% of officers. we had guild wars between both guilds in lockdown, this lasted more than 2 months. 2 months....thats a long time....


  • -



  • 'Guild Boss runs' are timed runs, that the guild does to see how fast parties can beat a boss and do the run.

The symbol of the rebellion

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Guild Boss runs

Guild Pictures

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