
From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 22:48, 10 August 2012 by Gianor (Talk | contribs)

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Name: David
Aliases/Nicknames: Gia, Giabore
Joined: 06/16/2011
Tier: 3 Baby!
Guild: The Rebellious
Guild rank: Founder/GM!
Lockdown class: Beware the shadows...... Yes, I'm a recon!
Mission rank: Vanguard all the way!
Bestest friend for all eternity in foreverness: Swordofomen!

Due to critique's on game-play, weapons, and some covered up naughhhhhty language, reader discretion is advised.

(Note: Listen to this while reading, makes it epicccer. DBZ forever man! )

Hiiii, will update this page later, gotta find some coding, eat some dinner, go to the bi-monthly fun night at my church, etc....

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