Riders Of Death (Guild)

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Riders Of Death
GuildLogo-Riders Of Death.png

We are here to help others in need

Guild Founder: Gowlite
Approx. Population: 47
Guild Master(s):
  • Mizuki-San
Guild Officer(s):
  • Captain-Codfish
  • Ostinstar
  • Seelesturm
  • Thesamurai

In the Past

It is true this guild once had a Dark history. But that is in the passed lets forget about that shall we. I'm the new Guild Master, me and the officers are working on restoring the guilds honor.

About the guild

Riders Of Death is here helping others and mostly to have fun and making friends.

If a guild member needs help in a mission or anything else we are here to help, you only need to ask (within reason)

How to join

If you want to join just asks a member to tell an Officer or Guild master as we are always recruiting new fun members.

to join you will need

Nothing that's right nothing is needed .New to the game or looking for a new Guild all are welcome to join, they are no entry fees or tests to join. Just that we ask you to agree and follow the rules.

Guild Rules

We have three simple rules we would like you to follow

  • 1. Be nice and respectfull to others
  • 2. DON'T beg for ce/cr inside or out side the guild
  • 3. Do NOT ask for promotions, they will be given when you earnd them

If you brake these rules you will be Warned, if you brake them again you will be Demoted

The Members

Promoting guideline

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