From SpiralKnights
name: lightningelement
preivous guilds. runs with sisors, reign of chaos, rigorous, the downword spiral, skyblitz, loose gear, reflex, wild arms, impervious, probley others i forgot xD probly more at some point...
guild: the shadow legion
guild rank: guild master
star count: *****
time playing: 45:13:7:34
playing type: any
weapons. {only 5* wepons listed} swords:
divine avenger (uv) ASI low,
levithan blade (uv) undead VH, construct med.
fang of vog (uv) feind VH.
barbarbous thorn blade (uv) undead very high, jelly low.
final flourish (uv) ASI high
dread venim striker (uv) feind low
voltedge (uv) jelly med
warmaster rocket hammer (uv) jelly low
granfaust (uv) ASI med
firearms. blitz needle (uv) CTR high
argant peacemaker (uv) ASI low
armor: vog set, azure set, stranger set, almiren set, skolver set, many others (i suck at this whole page thing) =/
shelds: aegis, swift strike buckler, scarlet sheld, volcanic plate shield, ect. again loads of these...
shadow lares beaten: 23
jellyking kills: lost count
snarby kills: lost count
twins kills: lost count
vana kills: very much lost count