User talk:Hortumalx/Guild-Redesign

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Hey Hortumal, I discovered the redesign for the guild page. It looks great! The current guild page is rather bad... I don't know how much time I will have, but do you mind if I help with the upkeep of the new guild page? (I already changed a typo.)

I noticed that you have a page for yourself and created a page for myself. After doing so, I realized that when logged out my page was an older version but when logged in I saw the current version. I searched on the forum and found this: see comments #7 - #10. I believe this is why the wrong guild master images were displayed when not logged in, it is a problem with the wiki.


Thanks Kemelien. Glad you like it! I seem to not be having the problem anymore. If you want an image of yourself on the guild page, you can make one (or I can create one for you) but make sure that it is 5:4 ratio


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