Installation FAQ

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This FAQ covers information about installing Spiral Knights on your computer. See the technical issues FAQ for information on the minimum requirements for running the game.

Installing on Linux

The following instructions are based on the instructions found on Ubuntu Vibes:

Install the default version of java from your distribution's repositories. If you are on a Debian or Ubuntu based distro, open a terminal and run:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install default-jre

Once you register your account on the Spiral Knights website, there will be a download link. Download the file spiral-install.bin and run the following command:

sudo sh (path to spiral-install.bin)

Note: If you install to a place you have write-access to (such as in your home directory, which is the default), you can leave off the 'sudo' part of this command and the launch command.

Accept the license agreement and point the installer to the directory containing your java installation. It is recommended to point this to "default-java" as this is symbolically linked to the JRE listed by default-jre.


Next, enter the path where you would like the game to be installed and hit enter. Once installed, run the following command:

sudo sh (path to the file Spiral in your game installation folder)

When you initially run it, it will update your game client. Once it's finished patching, it will automatically launch the game.

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