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Current Discussion

Going to be doing some major fixes in here, regarding names:

1-2 Interface-icon-PvE.png Mission: The Ancient Generator has a lot of bubbletext with names that do not line up with current file names
Advanced Training Hall has a lot of bubbletext with names that do not line up with current file names
Certain objects have names when targeted
NPCs reveal the names of a few things (Nature Sprites with shadow fire for example)
The rest, trying to balance between file names, admin posts/release notes, and colloquial, as there are no in-game names for many objects.

--Novaster 18:33, 22 December 2015 (UTC)

List of entity naming inconsistencies

  • In the Advanced Training Hall, Treasure Boxes are headed by "Treasure Blocks" but within the bubbletext are called "Boxes." Subtype issues?
I am choosing to ignore this and leave files alone. Boxes > Blocks for the playerbase, and this is just one bubbletext I've found.
Just leaving this alone for now.
Wiki is currently published as Pressure Pad, because I was going of The Phantom Mask, which is the most recent, so I figure it's the most up to date, if it's an intentional input.
  • In targeting text, The Phantom Mask bubbletext, and release notes, statues are called "Heavy Statue." In the Advanced Training Hall, they are just called Statue. --Novaster 21:14, 22 December 2015 (UTC)
Wiki is currently published as Heavy Statue.
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