Trophy Furniture

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Trophy Furniture is a family of furniture items that players can use to decorate a Guild Hall.

For a closer look at some of these items, see the Gallery below.

List of Trophies

Note: mouseover furniture images or their icons for the item's official description, just like in-game.


Name Visual Rotation Acquisition Description & Notes
A long, razor-sharp tooth, proof that you encountered the fabled Snarbolax and survived to galumph back.
1This item cannot be rotated and always faces South. Requires:
Both 3F Wings

Craft: Armero Alchemy Machine

50,000 Crowns
This item was introduced in December 2012.

Description: A long, razor-sharp tooth, proof that you encountered the fabled Snarbolax and survived to galumph back.

Main Article: Frumious Fang (Furniture)



See Also

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