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This is the official wiki page for the ''Spiral Knights'' guild Lancer Knightz. Lancer Knightz is a fairly old guild, dating from sometime in April 2011. (''Spiral Knights'' itself launched on April 4, 2011.) Over time, we have accumulated many fine players, who have nevertheless stopped playing the game and are never around anymore. We are currently in the process of cleaning out these inactive players and rebuilding our guild with active players.
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Our guild is casual. You don't need to be any kind of elite player to join. Rules and procedures certainly aren't our thing. But here are some common values, on which we can all agree, I hope.
* Play the game. Everyone goes on trips or is otherwise busy in real life sometimes. It's okay if you don't log on every day, or even every week. But if you stop playing ''Spiral Knights'' entirely, or if you find yourself missing weeks frequently, then please remove yourself from the guild, so that we can bring in more active members. No hard feelings. If you log in after months of inactivity, to find that you've been kicked out of the guild, then please don't be upset. Ask to be reinvited, if you expect to play actively again; we'd be happy to have you.
* Be nice. Don't scam people or yell at them for no good reason. This includes people who are not in our guild. Let's develop a reputation, of which we can be proud.
* Don't beg. If you want crowns, then sell something or go into the Clockworks. If you have no energy, then wait for tomorrow. If you invite someone to join your party, and they won't come, then don't keep asking them; that's begging too.
Rank is admittedly a bit silly, but I like to use it as a small reward for serving the guild well. So let's lay out some rough guildelines, for what rank means in Lancer Knightz.
* When you first join our guild, you are a Recruit. Your guildmates may notice you, welcome you into the guild, and offer to go into the Clockworks with you.
* You get promoted to Member as soon as it's clear that you are going to be an active player. If I invite you one day, and on the next day I see that you're back, then that may be good enough for me. Membership carries no special rights or responsibilities. Most people in Lancer Knightz are Members.
* A Veteran is a member who has distinguished himself or herself somehow. The basic way to get promoted from Member to Veteran is to recruit one active guild member. (A Member cannot invite people into the guild, but he or she can ask an Officer or Guild Master to invite for him.) Sometimes a knight who has simply played in the guild for a long time is promoted to Veteran. Sometimes a knight whom we recruit from another guild, who held a high rank in that guild, is granted Veteran status early.
* In ''Spiral Knights'', a guild Officer has actual power, in that he or she can invite people into the guild and promote lower-ranked members. In Lancer Knightz, this right comes with responsibility. An Officer is expected to recruit new guild members and promote them to Member and Veteran as appropriate. (Although Officers are technically able to promote Veterans to Officers, this is discouraged. Although Officers are technically able to remove members from the guild, this is discouraged.) An Officer is expected to play often — certainly multiple times per week. An Officer who does not fulfill these responsibilities may be demoted to Veteran. No hard feelings. If you are a Veteran and want to be an Officer, you can prove it by recruiting a couple of active guild members.
* A Guild Master has the responsibilities of an Officer (playing often, recruiting new members) and several other responsibilities related to the long-term health of the guild. He or she promotes and demotes Officers to improve the flow of new members. He or she occasionally takes on the task of cataloguing and carefully removing inactive members. (This latter task recently required me to send out about 150 mail messages. Consider the time and crowns required.) Right now we have two Guild Masters. (There is a third, inactive Guild Master, who exists simply to keep a toe in the door for the players who started Lancer Knightz long ago.) Promotion to Guild Master happens very rarely, and there is no guideline for who deserves it. Even if you are the most active member of the guild, you may find that you never proceed past Officer.

Revision as of 20:00, 21 August 2011

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