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(5 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{SKWindow/Cell|'''Joined:''' 09/20/2011|||2}}
{{SKWindow/Cell|'''Joined:''' 09/20/2011|||2}}
{{SKWindow/Cell|'''Guild:''' [[Recon Rangers (Guild)|Recon Rangers]] |||2}}
{{SKWindow/Cell|'''Guild:''' [[Recon Rangers (Guild)|Recon Rangers]] & [[Guild (Guild)|Guild]] |||2}}
{{SKWindow/Cell|'''Achievements:''' 60/60 |||2}}
{{SKWindow/Cell|'''Achievements:''' 60/60 |||2}}
Take the following with a grain of salt. It's in dire need of updating here.
== Hiya! ==
== Hiya! ==
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Now, I may be lenient on who I accept friend requests from, but don't think I'm just gonna abandon ship and tend to your whim. I'm here for my friends, and random nobodies who spam requests are not friends of mine.  
Now, I may be lenient on who I accept friend requests from, but don't think I'm just gonna abandon ship and tend to your whim. I'm here for my friends, and random nobodies who spam requests are not friends of mine.  
The name Whimsicality originated from some silly name I had on Skype, relating to the Pokémon Whimsicott, or something. I feel that this name is fairly fitting for how I generally act in this game; I joke around playfully, and I like to do certain tasks in the game spontaneously. (Variety is the spice of life!) I guess you could say I'm very whimsical! <s>Oh God, kill me for that lame joke.</s>
The name Whimsicality originated from some silly name I had on Skype, relating to the Pokémon Whimsicott, or something. I feel that this name is fairly fitting for how I generally act in this game; I joke around playfully, and I like to do certain tasks in the game spontaneously.
As of the November 2012, I broke my Free-to-Play vow, and caved into the $10 Guardian's Armor Pack. Seeing how I have a decently paying job, dropping $10 every now and again is no big deal.
== My Whole Arsenal ==
== My Whole Arsenal ==
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* [[File:Equipment-Barbarous_Thorn_Blade_icon.png|20px]] [[Barbarous Thorn Blade]] [[file:Unique variant icon.png|20px|Attack Speed Increase: Low]]
* [[File:Equipment-Barbarous_Thorn_Blade_icon.png|20px]] [[Barbarous Thorn Blade]] [[file:Unique variant icon.png|20px|Attack Speed Increase: Low]]
* [[File:Equipment-Gran_Faust_icon.png|20px]] [[Gran Faust]] [[file:Unique variant icon.png|20px|Damage Bonus: Fiends Medium]]
* [[File:Equipment-Gran_Faust_icon.png|20px]] [[Gran Faust]] [[file:Unique variant icon.png|20px|Damage Bonus: Fiends Medium]]
* [[File:Equipment-Lionheart_Honor_Blade_icon.png|20px]] [[Lionheart Honor Blade|Levi Recolor]]
* [[File:Equipment-Lionheart_Honor_Blade_icon.png|20px]] [[Lionheart Honor Blade|Levi Recolor]] [[file:Unique variant icon.png|20px|Attack Speed Increase: Low]]
* [[File:Equipment-Mighty_Great_Cleaver_icon.png|20px]] [[Mighty Great Cleaver|Cleaver]]
* [[File:Equipment-Mighty_Great_Cleaver_icon.png|20px]] [[Mighty Great Cleaver|Cleaver]]
* [[File:Equipment-Deadly_Candy_Poker_icon.png|20px]] [[Deadly Candy Poker|Candy Cane]] [[file:Unique variant icon.png|20px|Attack Speed Increase: High]]
* [[File:Equipment-Triglav_icon.png|20px]] [[Triglav|Ice Ice Baby]] [[file:Unique variant icon.png|20px|Damage Bonus: Gremlins High]]
* [[File:Equipment-Triglav_icon.png|20px]] [[Triglav|Ice Ice Baby]] [[file:Unique variant icon.png|20px|Damage Bonus: Gremlins High]]
* [[File:Equipment-Dread_Venom_Striker_icon.png|20px]] [[Dread Venom Striker]] [[file:Unique variant icon.png|20px|Charge Time Reduction Low]]
* [[File:Equipment-Dread_Venom_Striker_icon.png|20px]] [[Dread Venom Striker]] [[file:Unique variant icon.png|20px|Charge Time Reduction Low]]
* [[File:Equipment-Voltedge_icon.png|20px]] [[Voltedge]] [[file:Unique variant icon.png|20px|Attack Speed Increase Medium]][[file:Unique variant icon.png|20px|Damage Bonus: Slimes Low]]
* [[File:Equipment-Voltedge_icon.png|20px]] [[Voltedge]] [[file:Unique variant icon.png|20px|Attack Speed Increase: Very High]]
* [[File:Equipment-Warmaster_Rocket_Hammer_icon.png|20px]] [[Warmaster Rocket Hammer]] [[file:Unique variant icon.png|20px|Charge Time Reduction Low]]
* [[File:Equipment-Warmaster_Rocket_Hammer_icon.png|20px]] [[Warmaster Rocket Hammer]] [[file:Unique variant icon.png|20px|Charge Time Reduction Low]]
* [[File:Equipment-Stable_Rocket_Hammer_icon.png|20px]] [[Stable Rocket Hammer]] [[file:Unique variant icon.png|20px|Charge Time Reduction Low]]
* [[File:Equipment-Stable_Rocket_Hammer_icon.png|20px]] [[Stable Rocket Hammer]] [[file:Unique variant icon.png|20px|Charge Time Reduction Low]]
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== Filler (Work in progress) ==
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vel enim facilisis, faucibus velit vel, lacinia est. Suspendisse sit amet eros lobortis turpis mattis volutpat. Sed at tellus volutpat, cursus metus eu, ultricies massa. Maecenas tincidunt tempus mauris eu gravida. Etiam non facilisis ante, at ultricies elit. Suspendisse eleifend est erat, sed cursus ipsum consectetur sed. Mauris condimentum porttitor fermentum. Vivamus laoreet nec leo ut accumsan. Integer vel urna facilisis, rhoncus libero quis, eleifend arcu. Phasellus ut odio dapibus, tincidunt sapien ultricies, condimentum odio.
Ut at orci diam. Nunc lacinia lorem vel faucibus aliquam. Proin sit amet gravida nulla. Suspendisse placerat eget risus eget congue. Duis sit amet tempus nisi, nec commodo erat. Phasellus rhoncus, arcu accumsan molestie sagittis, felis ipsum mattis orci, quis laoreet justo turpis ut enim. Proin suscipit dolor a tortor accumsan feugiat. Donec eget ultricies quam, in blandit urna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus at dui et lectus imperdiet tempus sodales et mi. Duis faucibus, sem quis molestie auctor, est mi volutpat quam, ullamcorper lacinia nulla est eu ipsum. Pellentesque ullamcorper urna ut interdum sodales. Maecenas laoreet nulla lorem, sed scelerisque est iaculis eu.
Nulla sodales blandit metus eu sollicitudin. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum vel magna in sem ultrices rutrum. Sed eget ante cursus lorem volutpat viverra posuere ultricies dolor. Proin a porttitor magna. Morbi ut libero urna. Proin quis elit nulla. Praesent at magna nec erat consequat auctor aliquet dignissim orci. Pellentesque pretium tellus in bibendum viverra.
Ut in elit quis erat aliquam mollis. Vestibulum ut nisi posuere, malesuada metus a, interdum est. Vestibulum pulvinar, lorem non varius blandit, velit sem aliquet augue, eu vehicula augue turpis in nunc. Fusce tristique arcu sit amet convallis gravida. Quisque dapibus lectus quis lobortis elementum. Aenean dapibus viverra tortor, non pellentesque turpis ultricies eget. Aliquam tempus rutrum lorem, non tincidunt turpis tempor sed. Fusce a velit pulvinar, pellentesque mi at, iaculis purus. Nulla eget lacus at eros placerat sodales. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent congue sapien lorem. Ut ac augue est. Nullam vel sapien quam. Suspendisse ultrices laoreet posuere. Nunc non volutpat arcu, in ultrices metus. Aenean adipiscing feugiat bibendum.
Ut dictum metus et diam venenatis dictum. Maecenas fringilla fringilla tortor lobortis dictum. Vivamus tortor urna, volutpat nec adipiscing ultricies, tincidunt vel felis. Mauris vulputate quam a lectus facilisis vestibulum. Nulla justo ligula, tincidunt sit amet orci sit amet, mattis ultrices lorem. Sed non lacus at dolor fermentum fermentum. Nam quis bibendum nulla, vel varius massa. Curabitur feugiat eleifend metus, ut tempor sapien varius vel. Phasellus lobortis, nunc vitae volutpat luctus, orci sapien ultricies elit, non feugiat velit turpis non erat. Nulla elementum tellus et adipiscing rutrum. Sed et pulvinar nibh, sit amet adipiscing sapien. Nunc semper sem dolor, eget molestie nunc varius nec. Nunc quis tellus auctor, varius sapien a, laoreet turpis. Nunc elementum dolor magna, ac dictum ligula ultricies in.
Nulla ante nisi, fermentum vitae turpis et, vestibulum elementum lacus. Donec fermentum id tellus id mattis. Vivamus congue ligula eu tempus dignissim. Curabitur gravida tincidunt eros, et posuere nulla sagittis a. Maecenas ultrices elit ac odio faucibus consequat. Fusce volutpat augue ut sem mattis bibendum. Maecenas quam arcu, malesuada in tempus nec, dapibus eget nibh. Ut imperdiet rhoncus risus, a interdum leo porttitor eget. Pellentesque viverra dui id arcu pharetra pretium. Vestibulum a orci lectus. Mauris augue urna, ultrices non vestibulum vel, accumsan eget mauris.
Duis sagittis orci a urna hendrerit, non posuere lacus pulvinar. Duis eleifend fermentum pellentesque. Vivamus posuere lobortis lectus. Nunc non leo erat. Phasellus dictum eleifend lobortis. Donec molestie condimentum ante. Mauris tempor turpis auctor laoreet ornare. Proin quis semper turpis. Fusce vehicula ante vitae tincidunt rhoncus.
Morbi mollis non leo sed dapibus. Ut ullamcorper dictum libero ac pretium. Pellentesque sed sem non ante lobortis luctus id eget felis. Donec ac lacus tortor. Nam ante nisl, adipiscing in ipsum et, euismod porttitor leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nisi ante, accumsan non venenatis bibendum, condimentum id metus. Morbi consequat consequat dui, eu accumsan sem imperdiet non.
Donec tristique tortor id iaculis condimentum. Vivamus ipsum nibh, consectetur id massa a, condimentum malesuada ipsum. Fusce eu ultrices lacus. Vestibulum luctus neque lorem, eget sodales justo accumsan ac. Nullam ultricies mollis eros, at vulputate purus adipiscing vitae. Sed auctor, purus in posuere rhoncus, nisi quam posuere massa, vitae rutrum diam eros quis ligula. Duis vel venenatis neque, ac dapibus turpis.
Sed tristique molestie iaculis. Donec eu volutpat diam, in aliquet sapien. Nulla accumsan in justo sed tempus. Proin euismod felis magna, blandit viverra ipsum eleifend at. Morbi metus libero, aliquam in interdum quis, cursus eleifend nisl. Sed interdum imperdiet ornare. Integer varius, turpis vitae auctor venenatis, ligula dolor hendrerit nisl, eget convallis risus ante sed ipsum. Duis nec pretium leo. Nulla rutrum, lectus vitae rutrum blandit, tellus leo consequat neque, nec blandit elit nisl et metus. Sed justo justo, venenatis at ante non, tincidunt luctus sem. Morbi nisl diam, commodo placerat volutpat nec, interdum id dolor. Vestibulum sed magna lacinia, ornare nulla ut, consectetur leo. Nunc tristique adipiscing nulla, vitae volutpat nulla tristique ut.
Proin purus urna, interdum quis erat a, dapibus porttitor erat. Nam molestie dui mauris, et placerat nisi suscipit et. Cras nec auctor magna, ac convallis lacus. Nunc nec nulla dignissim ipsum porta imperdiet. Aliquam dictum erat dolor, sit amet pellentesque tortor porta eu. Fusce sollicitudin, elit vitae tempus interdum, lacus erat aliquam urna, non fermentum lorem libero non tellus. Nam fermentum ornare lorem, quis ullamcorper massa. Proin fermentum sapien ullamcorper, elementum lacus quis, aliquam nisl. Quisque et volutpat enim. Sed mollis, libero ut dictum vulputate, purus massa ornare velit, quis dapibus erat libero in odio. Aenean urna odio, euismod nec varius sed, blandit nec tortor. Donec tempus eget felis nec dictum. Integer volutpat dolor eu blandit condimentum. Aenean et turpis nibh. In tincidunt a arcu sit amet facilisis. In et malesuada quam, eget cursus lorem.
== PvP ==
Yes, I am a big fan of playing [[Lockdown]]. I honestly prefer playing on Tier 2, mainly since I find it most <s>balanced</s> fun.
''So what do you use?''
{{showhide|Tier 1|content=
* [[Lockdown#classes|Guardian Shield]]
* [[Emberbreak Helm]]
* [[Emberbreak Armor]]
* [[Frost Gun]]
* [[Cold Snap]]
* [[Heavy Hatchet]]
* [[Prototype Rocket Hammer]]
''Wait, why do you have this?''
Well... I haven't played T1 lockdown that much, so I can't really say. But, I have a very quick charge time on the Cold Snap, making it effective in defending bases and overall being annoying. The hammer is effective for maneuvering, and chunking away health. Though, from what little I have played, you just mash the attack button and hope the other player dies first. As such, virtually not much skill is required. I do have quite a bit of fun running around and spamming my Cold Snap, though. Cold Snap works wonders in roadblocking other players, and if they get frozen, there is ample opportunity to beat on them. I find Tier 1 is the only tier in which a guardian can easily overpower an entire team. The health regeneration is absolutely broken.
{{showhide|Tier 2|content=
'''Generic Set:'''
* [[Lockdown#classes|Striker Booster]]
* [[Dusker Cap]]
* [[Dusker Coat]]
* [[Swift Flourish]]
* [[Kilowatt Pulsar]]
* [[Shockburst Brandish]]
* [[Arc Razor]]
* [[Tri-Heart Pendant]] (x2)
''Wait, why do you have this?''
As much as I dislike abiding by any sort of meta, I have found that sometimes it's necessary for me to swallow my pride and carry my team. So here's your basic generic set, but not really. Instead of opting in for a Sealed sword like everybody and their mother, I prefer the speeed of an Arc Razor. The Arc Razor hard counters any slow sword with it's sheer speed and it's erratic swing pattern. I love my Arc Razor. Otherwise, I use my ASI VH Shockburst to whittle someone down, or I juggle someone around with the Flourish.
'''Recon Set'''
* [[Lockdown#classes|Recon Cloak]]
* [[Blazebreak Helm]]
* [[Dusker Coat]]
* [[Shockburst Brandish]]
* [[Voltech Alchemer Mk II]]
* [[Swift Flourish]]
* [[Lightning Capacitor]]
* [[Tri-Heart Pendant]] (x2)
''What about this junk?''
Being a fast piercing weapon, a toothpick is a pretty basic choice to bring in, and it counters out the recon's slowed down sword attacks. Not to mention, it makes the kills so much quicker and satisfying once the foe's defense is nerfed. Even without a defense nerf, a few strikes from the TSB can bring down foes easily. I typically try to cripple strikers with a shot from my Voltech Alchemer, but Kilowatt Pulsar is a good alternative for creating a distraction to lure enemies away from a base, or stop a bomber from charging his bomb. Shock is also a good status to inflict upon others, as it gives you ample opportunity to strike while they're spasming, and it dishes out extra damage. I have found that Shock removes invincibility frames, making a Striker with ASI an effective health-bar-melting tool. The Dusker Cap and Coat are pretty standard, being some of the best armor you can possibly wear. I wear a Blazebreak helm because it's functional and stylish. <s>Sun Shards are an example of an amazing, yet underused bomb in Lockdown. Not only do they deal Elemental and Piercing, two important damage types, it has multiple purposes. Picking off foes from afar, breaking a recon's cloak, supporting teammates attacking someone, etc. </s> THIS IS OBSOLETE AS THE SUN SHARDS SUCK NOW.
'''Hammer time!'''
* [[Stable Rocket Hammer]]
''What the--?!''
At times, I will switch in the Stable Rocket Hammer, when I feel the need to whip out my new toys. I tend to go either guardian or striker while wielding the Hammer. Why do I use the Hammer? Well, it's a "slow" sword that hits three times, has a unique dash that can deal damage, and it encourages everyone to be as varied in their gear as possible. One by one, the Duskers all fall! Dark Reprisal is also a good area-of-denial bomb, despite the damage being unnecessarily nerfed to the Core and back. I find that if combined with a Shock bomber, the Dark Reprisal will be pretty dang effective. It also has a short charge time, making it easy to spam and fill up a base with little purple orbs.
{{showhide|Tier 3|content=
* [[Lockdown#classes|Recon Cloak]]
* [[Black Kat Cowl]] OR [[Chaos Cowl]]
* [[Chaos Cloak]]
* [[Voltedge]]
* [[Valiance]]
* [[Barbarous Thorn Blade]]
* [[Voltaic Tempest]] OR [[Gran Faust]]
{{showhide|Heart Pendant Controversy(?)|content=
''Hey, Heart Trinkets are easier to get! What are your views on this?''
Well, I have a couple of Dual-Hearts myself, and I don't mind switching my Brute Jelly Bands to them if/when someone else happens to have them. It really doesn't make too much of a difference if it takes six hits or three, this game is still a matter of skill. And really, Lockdown, in my eyes, is a giant Arms Race. It helps to be skillful, yes, but you need to keep your gear up to date in order to keep up with everyone else! And, really, other trinkets don't really make much of a difference unless you're in T3.}}
== What about Blast Network? ==
Once in a blue moon, when the planets align absolutely perfectly, when the derivative of f(x) is the inverse of h(x), when the world is in perfect harmony, I ''might'' just play this. I, admittedly, never was good at Bomberman. Just throw in some lag and input delay, and you got the perfect recipe for disaster.

Latest revision as of 15:16, 8 May 2016

Joined: 09/20/2011
Guild: Recon Rangers & Guild
Achievements: 60/60

Take the following with a grain of salt. It's in dire need of updating here.


The username's Whimsicality, but for simplicity's sake, call me Whimsy. My friends have brought my attention to this game a while ago. I was skeptical at first, and when I found out my computer could hardly run the dang thing, I almost wanted to delete the game and quit. I do not regret continuing in the slightest, as Spiral Knights has cemented itself as one of my favorite games to pick up and play. It's been enough to hold my attention for so long, so I think OOO deserves some credit for making a neat game.

Now, I may be lenient on who I accept friend requests from, but don't think I'm just gonna abandon ship and tend to your whim. I'm here for my friends, and random nobodies who spam requests are not friends of mine.

The name Whimsicality originated from some silly name I had on Skype, relating to the Pokémon Whimsicott, or something. I feel that this name is fairly fitting for how I generally act in this game; I joke around playfully, and I like to do certain tasks in the game spontaneously.

My Whole Arsenal

Too lazy to list everything, but this is somewhat accurate.


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