User talk:Shanoaran

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Situation Rooms and Structures

Situation Rooms

Throughout the Clockworks you may discover special rooms. These rooms are called situation rooms and were added in a 2012 update. (Exact Update unknown) They usually add little stories to Cradle and most often involve knights from the Spiral Order, similar to the Core or a Subtown. They come in several types. One of the more commons ones is the "Crystal Room", a large, open room with two large crystals on pedestals in the center, and between them a monster reflecting the two types of crystals that must be put into a gate to summon that type of monster; and infront of it at a computer a Spiral researcher. There is a Situation room for each type of monster/crystal combination. Another common one on Wolver Den levels is a camp. It will have some computers lying around, with sleeping bags and a few Spiral Knights here and there. They will admonish you with messages like, "Oh no! I left my sword back at Haven!" and other conversation, when clicked. Some even give helpful litte tips.


Also added at the same time as the Situations rooms and possibly a sub-category, Structures can be used to refer to the strange naturally occuring special spots in the Clockworks. Some of the best known examples are a wishing well, A bridge, A gremlin workshop, and a broken bridge. They can occur in multiple levels, but are all quite unique.

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