Spiral Kaisers (Guild)

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Guild Info

  • Name = Spiral Kaisers
  • Motto = "Everyone can be a Kaiser/Kaiserin"
  • Population = 11

Master and Commanders

  • Founder & Master : MolochMekkane
  • Officers: Carser, Kafeithepoet, Sillystyle, Blitzninja


Spiral Kaisers started out from my want to have my own guild. I felt that we could explore the clockworks and become a tight group.


You can ask to join if you aren't annoying us about it. We may also be looking for people to recruit. We will not let just anyone in, we only care to let people who can be nice join.


The rules are easy enough.

  1. First and foremost, be nice to nice people. (We don't need to be nice to mean people, they aren't getting in the guild)
  2. If you can help out your fellow members in some way, even small, do it.
  3. Don't pull rank on members . That's a paddlin. (Unless of course you're an Officer or myself (the guild master) and it becomes necessary to.)


  1. Demotion.
  2. Demotion.
  3. Removal.
  4. 1-3
  5. Eternal Banishment if removed a second time.

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