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EhHtee516 is a user in Spiral Knights wiki. He plays Spiral Knights. His main character is Sky-Roseshade, his alternative character is Sunoenjeru. EhHtee516 is a user in the Spiral Knights Wiki. He plays Spiral Knights. His main knight is "Sky-Roseshade" and his alternate knight is "Sunoenjeru."


EhHtee516's main knight was named Sky-Roseshade because the day EhHtee516 created the knight, he accidently ate a rose, the sky was clear and sunny, and his cat's shadow made the cat look fat. These method of naming characters is common for EhHtee516. EhHtee516 intends his main knight, Sky-Roseshade, to be big, yet angelic. His current loadout is called "Thundering Heavens Set" which includes Avenger, Wise Owlite Shield, Dewy Wetstone Pendant, Kilowatt Pulsar, Sinister Skelly Suit, and Miracle Hood. He would also sometimes use his loadout, "Piercing Snow Angel Set," which includes Iceburst Brandish, Antigua, and the armor, shield, and helmet used in "Thundering Heavens Set." Sky-Roseshade belongs to a guild called Resistance[[1]] EhHtee516 comments, "People think my knight is a girl. *He gives a short mild laugh* I think it's because of the 'rose' part of the name."


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