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My True Form!

I am known as Deroro in-game, my Steam name is Dero7253

About Me

In-game I am the Guild Leader for D R D. If you want to know what D R D stands for you gotta join the guild :P. If you are interested in joining just add me as a steam friend and send me a PM in-game. For my main weapon(s) I prefer to use bombs with swords being my 2nd choice.(shock right?) My 2 main bombs are: Big angry bomb and graviton vortex. (in progress) Because of my love of bombs, I use Demo armor and I'm currently trying to get Mad Demo for my 5* armor. I am also a avid player in TF2 with one unusal hat in my inventory.

My Guild

My guild D R D was created when Delagrant, Rendross, and I got the crazy idea to make a guild with a surplus of crowns and energy at our (my) disposal. Since I was the one with the idea and funds I got the right to become the guild leader. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Backstory aside, the guild is a bunch of people that just enjoying playing Sprial Knights and some other games. We have a mix of all gamers ranging from casual to hard-core to everything in-between. I also host events in the guild whenever I have spare things on hand. Heres a link to the guild page: D R D (Guild)

My Allies

When they make thier wiki pages I'll add them here so you can discover and love/lothe them.

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