Informations pour Nouveaux Joueurs

De SpiralKnights

Cette page Informations pour Nouveaux Joueurs consiste à énumérer quelques bases à propos du fonctionnement du jeu. Vous pouvez aussi trouvez d'autres informations dans le guide Débuter.

Parties et Exploration des Niveaux

  • Tout le monde gagne des crown, peut importe qui les ramasse. Ils ne sont pas divisés; vous en gagnez autant que vous équipiers.
  • Tout le monde gagne de la chaleur, peut importe qui les ramasse. Elle n'est pas divisée; vous en gagnez autant que vous équipiers.
  • Tout le monde gagne des jetons peu importe qui les ramasse.
  • Quand des coeurs apparaissent, il y a une copie de chaque coeur pour chaque chevalier. Il n'est donc pas possible de voler les coeurs de ses coéquipiers car ils n'existeront pas pour vous, si vous les avez déjà pris.
  • Matériaux sont distribués aléatoirement entre les joueurs, ce n'est qu'une question de chance!
  • La chaleur est rassemblée durant un niveau mais son effet ne s'applique pas directement, il faut utiliser l'ascenseur à la fin du niveau pour que la chaleur soit prise en compte
  • Excepté la chaleur, tout ce qui est collecté durant le niveau est directement ajouté à vos arsenals.
  • Vous pouvez redonner la vie à un coéquipier mort en se mettant au dessus de lui et lui donner la moitié de votre vie restante en appuyant sur le bouton d'action. En faisant ça, vous obtenez la chaleur qu'il a fait tomber en mourant ( qui correspond à 30% de la chaleur qu'il possédait avant de mourir).
  • Si vous vous Ressuscitez vous même (avec de l'énergie), vous ne reprenez pas la chaleur perdue.
  • Every time you go down a lift, if you had less than 3 health bars, you get your life filled up to 3 health bars.
  • If someone is defeated and everyone else gets on the lift to the next level, the lift goes down, the defeated person doesn't gain any heat, but is revived automatically with 3 health bars at the next level.
  • Similarly, if someone is defeated and everyone else steps onto the party button, the defeated person will be automatically warped to the party button.
  • More crowns and heat drop at the deeper levels of a tier, so for example the first 4 depths of tier 3 give much less crowns and heat compared to the last 5 depths.
  • If everyone in a party is dead, the party will get kicked from the dungeon after some minutes.

Bonuses and Equipment

  • Equipment can be unbound for a fee by Vise.
  • Equipment can be bought from vendors, other players, or crafted. Crafting requires a learned recipe, materials, crowns, and energy.
  • Crafting an item using one that is already bound to you will result in another bound item.
  • Equipment levels up to level 10 maximum, except for trinkets which are complete at level 1.
  • Leveling up equipment raises their stats up to the limit of the dark blue shadowed area of the stat bars.
  • Heat is divided evenly among all the equipment that needs to be leveled.
  • Weapons get charge time reduction bonuses at levels 5 and 10.
  • Each time you craft, there is a chance of getting up to three unique variants (UV) of an item, with a random bonus; offensive for weapons, defensive for armor.
  • The UV is displayed in yellow with a star, and can be transferred to the higher level version of the same item when crafting.
  • Bonuses are additive, not multiplicative. Bonuses can be negative. See Bonus for numbers and addition examples.
  • Weapons can have offensive bonuses. Armor can have defense and/or offensive bonuses.
  • Offensive bonuses are percentual. They cap at a maximum.
  • Attack speed increase value for swords has a hard cap, which mostly affects the cutter/spur line.
  • Defensive bonuses are static.
  • Weapons get stronger depending on the depth you are in and their star rating. At the last depth of tier 2 a 3* weapon will be dealing full damage, while a 5* weapon will not.


  • Playing Tier 2 requires having at least a 2 stars armor/helm/shield/weapon and having cleared at least 15 Tier 1 levels. You must then talk to the Spiral Warden at Moorcraft (depth 8 of any gate).
  • Playing Tier 3 requires having at least a 4 stars armor/helm/shield/weapon and having cleared at least 25 Tier 2 levels. You must then talk to the Spiral Warden at Emberlight (depth 18 of any gate).
  • After you have access to Tier 2 or 3, you can start a party at Moorcraft/Emberlight, or join parties in those tier depths.
  • Starting/joining a party costs 200 crowns for Tier 2, and 500 for Tier 3, unless you already cleared the tier above that gate.


  • 100 mist energy recharges over 22 hours.
  • Crystal energy (CE) can be bought from other players in the CE market with crowns, or with money from Three Rings.
  • Mist energy is shared between accounts playing from the same computer, unless one of the accounts has ever payed for any energy with cash; see the Energy FAQ for more detailed information.
  • If you feel you need to post on the forums about the system, please do not make new topics, use an existing one.

Gate Construction

  • Different combination of minerals make different strata, so it is best to try to get different combinations on different gates instead of auto-selling.
  • A stratum determines which enemies will appear in a given segment of the gate.
  • A stratum goes from the start of a tier to a terminal, or from a terminal to the end of the tier.
  • There are two type of levels; premade levels always have the same design, and randomly generated levels are made from different premade blocks joined together.


  • There are many instances of Haven, you can switch between them by clicking over Haven X on the top right of the screen.


See Also

Tutoriaux & Guides
Débuter | Informations pour Nouveaux Joueurs
Icon-bomb.png Guide de l'Artificier | Icon-handgun.png Guide de la Gâchette | Icon-sword.png Guide du Maître d'armes
Outils personnels