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Icon 55x55px
Damage Resistances
Defense elemental icon.png Defense piercing icon.png Defense shadow icon.png
Defense decreased.png Defense none.png Defense increased.png

Bombies are a type of monster found in the Clockworks.


Bombies are Zombies that explode shortly after contact with knights or when sufficiently damaged by any weapon. They have far less health than other monsters and can be easily dispatched at distance. They can be resurrected by Grim Totems and Deadnaughts.



Surging Bombie

Choking Bombie

Freezing Bombie


The easiest method is to just avoid them entirely, however, one should keep aware of the bullets they release upon exploding, as they are easy to run in to if many have died and will wear your shield down quickly when you need it most. Simply running and not not stopping (and obviously not looping back around to them) is the easiest way to avoid damage from them. This is not always feasible though, as running around and around won't accomplish much. You must decide how to budget running and fighting based on your fighting capabilities and style to maximize your chances, and your team's chances of winning the level and surviving.


  • Bombies are one of the few monsters not seen for now in the Clockworks. They are exclusive to specific Missions.
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