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Thorfinns portrait.png
Name: Thorfinns
Otherwise Known: Thor, God of Thunder
Guild: Bombheads Founder&Guildmaster
Playstyle: Swordsman



Thorfinns began his journey to the cradle the year 2012.Weeks later he searched for a family or otherwise a Guild!He joined Kingz of War.After many months helping his mates he got a promotion and became officer!Later that year the only Gm in the guild asked him to become Guildmaster and he accepted.After many months working as a GM an incident happened!One of the members disrespected a newbie.He kicked the Member immediately out but the other GM disagreed.So he decided to leavevcause he hated being in a guild who disrespect a newbie.After while,he decided to found Bombheads with his friend Gatoss!Bombheads are still active and explore cradle :)


Equipment-Divine Avenger icon.png Divine AvengerAttack Speed Increased: High
Equipment-Barbarous Thorn Blade icon.png Barbarous Thorn BladeAttack Speed Increased:Very High
Equipment-Acheron icon.png AcheronAttack Speed Increased: Low
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