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Construct Family
Icon Gate Icon-Construct.png
Damage Resistances
Defense elemental icon.png Defense piercing icon.png Defense shadow icon.png
Defense decreased.png Defense increased.png Defense none.png

Lumbers are a type of monster found in the Clockworks.


Lumbers are a hybrid of tree and steam-punk machinery. Although slow moving they will slam their one giant arm at anything that comes too close, monsters and knights alike.

Lumbers will deal both elemental and normal damage as Knights delve deeper into the Clockworks.







Void Lumber

Notable Lumbers

Ironwood Sentinel


All Lumbers attack by smashing down their arm like a mace. This is a slow attack with a fairly long charge time. This attack strikes everything in front of it and has a very high chance of stunning all hit targets, knights or monsters. If you can dodge this attack, the Lumber will remain harmless for a few seconds before he strikes again. Use this advantage to get as many hits on it as you can, or get into a better position.

  • If their attack hits you while shielding, you are knocked back, leaving your window of attacking shorter or even allowing you to escape a crowd of monsters.
  • You can also stay behind them and attack as they may not turn around fast enough to counter.
  • Lumbers in higher tiers have less warning before their attack falls.
  • In narrow hallways, it's best to lure them to attack you, fall back and then retaliate while they recover.
  • Because of their long charge time, they are vulnerable to charge attacks.
  • Even if there's a wall between you and a Lumber, its attack will still push you back. Be wary of this around traps.
  • Out of all the Lumbers, the Silversap earns the spot for the most dangerous lumber. If they ever smash you successfully, you will usually get frozen to the spot and by the time the freeze status runs out, the Silversap may have already smashed you once again, causing you to be frozen again and the process repeats. If you ever get frozen, quickly ask your teammates to chip at the ice. If you're playing solo, use a remedy capsule.


The Ironwood Sentinel was originally a beta-exclusive monster.

The names of Lumber monsters are frequently puns and sometimes allusions:

To lumber is to move in a slow, heavy, and awkward way. Lumber is also a word for wood during a specific stage of wood processing.
The Redward's name is a portmanteau of "Redwood", an endangered species of extremely tall tree, and "ward", which means to guard; an allusion to the Lumber's high health and slow movement speed that befits this synonym of "defend".
The Electreant's name is a portmanteau of "Electric" and "Treant". Treants are large, sentient trees in Dungeons and Dragons.
Vilewood is a combination of "Vile" and "Wood", the former meaning repulsive, nauseating or horrid, describing the Lumber's poison status.

See Also

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