Battle Chef Hat

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Battle Chef Hat
Battle Chef Hat-Equipped.png
Accessory Positions:

Icon-accessory-helmet side.png  Icon-accessory-helmet front.png  Icon-accessory-helmet back.png  

  • This item isn't in a set.

The Battle Chef Hat is a costume.

The Battle Chef Hat Costume is part of the Gourmet group. Its lore is associated with the Mighty Great Cleaver and Frozen Great Cleaver weapons. They are in a set with a relevantly colored Battle Chef Coat. The in-game character Biscotti wears this item.


  • A hat worn by the knights who work in the Skylark's galley. Not to be trifled with, these chefs are blade masters on and off the battlefield.

Available Styles

Battle Chef Hat comes in a variety of color styles, while maintaining the same Battle Chef shape:

Available Color Styles

Style Visuals Acquisition

Template:Recolortable/special Template:Recolortable/special Template:Recolortable/special Template:Recolortable/special


See Also

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