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Retrodes are a type of monster found in The Clockworks.


Retrodes appear to be twiggy mechanical Zombies. Their most dangerous attack is their beam attack, which they only start using in Tier 2 and higher. Their laser beams (which are the Retrode's equivalent of a zombie's breath attack but are more dangerous) will travel a straight path towards the adventurer before exploding, usually inflicting a negative status effect.







Notable Retrodes

Thumbnail Name Description Location Notes
Monster-Petrode.png Petrode Nonna's Assistant Retrode Haven
  • Assists Nonna in helping knights adopt lost baby monsters
  • Significantly larger than other Retrodes and is almost entirely black.
  • Has a single, exed eye, and the face carving is in the shape of a heart.


Beam aside, Retrodes closely resemble a zombie both in attack pattern and in strategy to defeat them - a full sword combo will usually knock them down, interrupting almost anything the Retrode was doing (although it WILL NOT stop a beam that has already been fired). The beam is the most problematic attack Retrodes have: after the beam is fired, explosions will follow the beam and inflict elemental damage as well as a status effect if it is not a normal retrode. Here are some pointers on how to avoid dying at the hands of a Retrode's optical device:

  • When the retrode rears its head back, GET OUT OF ITS LINE OF SIGHT - the beam and accompanying explosions always go in a straight line and if you are not in that straight line the retrode will inevitably miss.
  • Can be lured to shoot the beam into walls and corners, despite the beam visual effect, the explosions will not occur making it the best time to counterattack.
  • The beam that they shoot does not cross gaps, or any other object that you cannot walk through. For this reason, a Knight can sit behind a gap or a block and happily fire away while the Retrode sits there ineffectively firing beams at said Knight.

Unlike most enemies, Retrodes can still rotate to track you while charging their Swipe attack, so running behind them to dodge won't work; you need to either shield or get out of range. However, Retrodes do not rotate when preparing a beam attack, which is easily distinguished because it is telegraphed by a green aura rather than a red one.


Retrodes can be seen attacking the Rescue Camp on the 'Light in the Darkness' stage. However, they will always be killed by mecha turrets within seconds of their appearance.

See Also

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