Gremlin Haiku Hijinks
From SpiralKnights
The player-run Gremlin Haiku Hijinks is a forum event from the Summer of 2011.
Sponsored by the Obsidian Guild to herald the arrival of The Ironclaw Munitions Factory,
and the arrival of 2 new gremlin spies...derp...merchants Punch and Vise.
Competition details are at the following link:
Entries are only accepted through the official Spiral Knights forum link or Spiral Knights facebook link:
July 14, 2011 11:59PM Central (GMT-5) -CLOSED-
- Raspberry
- Thebadger
- Eurydice
The Spiral Haiku Master Receives:
- 100,000 Crowns
- 1000 CE
- A Wallpaper Honoring the Winning Haiku
Honorable Mentions Receive:
- 15,000 Crowns
Gremlin Haiku Library
The haiku are sorted alphabetically by the IGN(or forum name, if IGN wasn't given) of the submitter.

Gremlins gremlins, what
y'gonna do? What y'gonna do
when they come for you?

Gremlin in the night
Wandering in the bazaar
Merchanting he likes

We stand together!
Their hatred burns very hot!
Knights of Haven go!!!

June is dry tinder.
Tier Three fires burn shyly:
In tier one decon!

I hate those gremlins
deadly wannabe humans
need we any more?

Small dark eyes glaring
Scaly claws grasp your money
Ripped off once again

Gremlin team hurts you
You go buy from "nice" Gremlin
He was team leader

new boss, hiding foes
sneaky spies of gremlin blood
hidden, wait for you

Gremlins in Haven.
Is it the Unbind Center?
Crazy at bazzar.

Damage armor
Merchant happy

More and more missiles,
Flash...and the big puppies come,
The battle begins!

Rockets, Missiles, BOOM!
Beware big towering twins,
Or face destruction.

gremlins bizarre sale
strangers thought, will the snipes like
still give me shinies

Gremlin over there!
Draw my sword and charge right in,
just to realize that it's a merchant Gremlin.

We welcomed them in
All was well, until we heard
Those dire words, "Stay Close!"

Menders fill my woe
as the red numbers stack high
no true end in sight

Knight wants Menders dead
Gremlin Merchant sells him sword
Sword breaks at first hit.

Gremlins come to help,
But you see their tricky ways,
And run, run away!

a gremlin haiku?
what is this I don't even...
too busy grinding

Gremlins come to us,
In this our town of haven.
Spy cam in the Loo...

Emerging Shadows
Reveal a new villain
The outlook was grim

Crimsonite + Moonstone =
Mechanized Mile, Decon Zones.
Where's my Dark Matter…

An Ironclaw Demo?
Going nuts behind that gate!
I'm on this side though ~<3

Bombs are confusing.
Spiral Knights look like they know
what to do. Here, catch!

gremlin merchants here!
do they sell anything new?
just gremlin gizmo

Gremlins are coming
Unsheathe your shadow weapons
Kill the healers first

I hear them plotting
Filling Cradle with their stench
Trust gremlins? Never

More than one mender
Hammers surrounding my rear
please don't thwack me bro.

Munitions abound
Pyros o'er yonder training
This will not end well

Its all about trust,
Gremlin Merchant fits or not?
Only time shall tell...

Gremlins one and two
Spies or merchants, which is true?
Guess it's up to you!

Factory means jobs!
Such as spies and guardians
Against pesky knights

Mechanical Fiends!
Their Arcane Factory Looms!
Onwards, Knights! To Glory!

Can they be trusted
Ironclaw in our Haven
Or will we all burn?

Mender ascetics:
while clockworks turn like seasons,
hone ironclaws on spikes.

Merchant's watchful eye,
Coldly watching as knight dies
Trust them you cannot

The Gremlin is hiding
They come to watch, Eyes open!
The sale begins!

I fix broken things
Knights like to make broken things
I make knights broken

Gremlin transmission
Says, "Burn Haven to the ground!"
We prepare for war

Gremlin axe hurt much
Knight need better equipment
Gremlin merchant smiles

The one who
Owns a thwack hammer
Fears not

Gremlins with big guns
Bombs, Hammers, Menders! Oh my!
I have my sword ready

Fire crackle and roar
Three heroes stand on button
Afk knight snore

No food past midnight
Not your typical mogwai
This guys no Gizmo

Knight In Skelly Helm
Sinister Grin Charges Sword
Flash Of Light Corpse Dust

Redfur fix Clockworks
Redfur has broken something
Redfur needs more bombs

Gremlin bombs abound
Frenzy heats up the office
Working over knights

Annoying gremlins.
Alas, a gremlin boss comes!
I shall burn you good.

when gremlins are dead
they turn into small kittens
they are sinister

New Gremlin Merchants?
But I Am Inflammable
Firebreak Armor

Too many Gremlins!
O why did I go solo?
A mecha knight, please!

Lighten your spirits!
Fanged merchant friends can help...
Just bring your wallet.

Gremlins in Haven
King Tinkinzar has to know
Traders, Spies Stay Close

King Tinkinzar speaks
Crimson Order battles knights
For Cradle's future.

The twin shopkeepers
Ride a breeze to market square.
Will costs rise like sun?

Two gremlin merchants...
They are spies! Looks like they are...
Sappin' my Haven!

Axes razor sharp
Watching re-runs on TV
Healer ahhhhhh aight.

Deep in the Clockworks
Mender fires ember bolt
Embarrassing death

Outcasts with distrust
Will they really help us out?
Emberlight Gremlins

Oh freaking Gremlins!
How can you all torch me so!?
Oh God oh God oh-

Welcome to Haven!
This Gremlin has things to sell.
"What are you buying?"

Singed fur, toothy grins.
Armor smoking in silence
After thund'rous blasts.

two gremlin merchants
selling, passing their free time
scorching and bombing

Crafty Scorcher pair
Now the Bazaar is aflame!
A fire sale

Burn Haven they say?
The Twin Roarmulus awaits!
Things just got hotter!

Bark Modules tempt us.
Gun puppy or lumber boss?
We will soon find out.

Translated as:
The Big Angry Bomb
explodes in angry constrast
as laughter explodes.

Can't wait for new Boss
New levels, this is so cool
Too bad I can't win

Gremlins aren't so tough.
I can handle guys like you.

From fog, Twins emerge
Roaring, missiles and bullets
Air becomes as death

Buy from Gremlins? Ha!
What? A free toaster, you say?
Eh... what could go wrong?

Advance scouts are here
Plotting Havens ultimate
Demise. Get ready...

New gear in Bazaar!
But so expensive... Damn them,
Those greedy gremlins.

Old Gremlin Motto,
A Manual reads as such:
Dodge, Toss, Toss, Toss, Dodge!

Big Ol' Tinkinzar
Not another Jelly King
to run this summer!

Rumoured new stratum
Gremlins with guns, they sell them
Buy cheaply, or die!

Haven, Tinkinzar
Covert means intentions hide
Service knight for naught

Thunderfist Arenas
Shocking experience
Piercing through metal

Boom Bang Gremlins work
In second tier gather mines
Flamers smile tonight

Two shady figures
A cause for celebration?
A battle ahead

I for one welcome
Our new Gremlin ov-er, uh
I mean these merchants

Go for the mender
So very close, casts his dome
Bounced into a mine

Two little Gremlins
New arrivals in Haven
Are they friends or foes

Rising tide of flame
shield flickers in the tempest
the others flank right

Gazing at the sky
With friends and brothers in arms
Ironclaw wins again

The Roarmulus Twins
Our Knights have defeated them
Angered Gremlins come

Acrid smell of oil;
Twin hounds bereft of mercy:
Leave me alone, jerks.

Missiles everywhere!
The summer sun shines above.
Knights, we shall prevail!

Clockworks tick as we
tow the pieces of machine.
Our hands bring forth life!

Sneaky Gremlin kind
Wouldn't trust them with ice cream
What are they planning?

A Gremlin outcast
Stranded deep in the clockworks
He seeks redemption

Two Gremlins, red hair
Their masked eyes are sparkling stars
Born to sell used cars

Gremlins in Bazaar
Defective goods aplenty
Conning knights of crowns.

Mysterious place,
Darkness lurks every corner,
No light exists here.

The smell of oil
And deconstructed world parts,
But I'm in Haven?

Gremlins? Let's take them!
"Remember last time?" you say
Oh whoops I'm on fire

Sounds of Tinkering
Bulky Metal Canines Rise
Endless Projectiles

Those gremlin merchants,
Don't trust them! Probaly spies
Spying in the night...

Mechanics is all
Gremlins enjoy to work hard
Hunting alien knights

A shield of fire
The Sun's jealousy prior
White path green again

Gremlin Fire Flows
Valkyrie Knight Moaning
On Fire Again

Wrenches don't kill knights.
Soon: Ironclaw factory!
Now, bullets kill knights...

Factory today
Rockets from the darkness fly
I hold X and pray

My firotech gun,
Is in need of a replace.
Flamethrower melt face!

Once, as they huddle
Scorchers, Menders, and Demos
Slain by one blade

I am Spiral Knight.
Thwack! Thwack! Coin! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Coin!
Gremlins sell good stuff!

Gremlins around you
Bullets come, dodge them all
Got hit by a wrench

Gremlin merchant spies
Sells poor equipment and lies
Then grins as we die.

Explosion echoes
Another wave of Rockets.
They had to make two...

Past countless missiles
Prepared to strike down the twins
Oh god lag I'm dead

deceit in haven
war machines rumble forward
according to plan

Gremlins have arrived.
Enter the Haven Bazaar,
They will be waiting.

Where two gremlins twine:
A place sublime and divine,
What is to occur?

With shady conduct,
"View our wares, curious one"
The sly Gremlins snarl.

Do not be afraid
These gremlins bring goods for sale
Lay down your crowns now

Six star sword, you say?!
I'll buy it! Wait… just a fake.
Need more Scam Resist...

Flamelash Arena
When the fire is "broken"
Gremlin barbecue

Ironclaw crisis
Blast surrounding munitions
Fireworks await

Ironclaws for hire!
Eligible if skilled at:
Bombs; Heals; Thwacks; Scorching.
Spiral Fun-ku Outtakes
The entire Spiral Community had fun tossing non-competition haiku, including staff and judges...

Cicadas and ants,
Butterflies and the silkwings,
Crown loss and lockout!

Gremlins beneath feet
Sounds of industry echo
What do they prepare?
Spy intel arrives
Radio transmits static
What beast makes that noise?
A name, "Roarmulus"
The decipher team instructs
"Needs more test subjects"
More chatter is heard
Are those shouts of volunteers?!
Knights shudder in wait
Copy-paste all day
The keys V and C wear down
All day erry day yeah!
Bumbity bump bump
A thread you should recognize
Maybe this will work

I don't know if The
Good General Patton Approves
Of Gremlins in Haven
But All I Know Is
The fastest route to The Core
Is Through The Factory
"Onwards, Knights!" Patton
would say. "The quickest way home
is through Ironworks!"
Hearing those words, I grab
my Faust and Vog Cub Suit, and
entered Ironworks
Alas, my love, it was
Not to be! A Mender came and
Shot off my poor knee!
As I lay dying, with
my last breath, I silently cursed
General Patton.
Those Gruesome Gremlins!
Their aim: Roast Snipe for Mealtimes!
Boswick, go get them!

Haiku contest judge?
Iceni, I'd be honored!
Awaiting beauty...

Dogrock missed entries.
Griffy harasses Dogrock.
Dogrock says brain fart.
Dogrock goofed again.
There are two G's on Wiki.
Griff is mindboggled.

I am impressed by
Your splendid imagery and
Crazy haiku skillz

Poetry is lame
W T F is a haiku
Writing a haiku
I can't think of syllables
These stupid haikus
Other Spiral Knights
Please go die in a fire
So I get your heat
Disqualify me
mine are not about gremlins
and I posted four

Yours resemble trolls
Tad uglier than gremlins
Love the zen thinking

Spiral Knights Haiku?
You can't make me make one up.
Wait, hang on. Dammit!

Everywhere in this thread;
Poor gremlin merchants.

Lots of explosions?
Michael Bay must be down there
In the gremlin forge

The bomb is now set
like the mirthful smile I wear
what a blast this is!
Scheming, "Love" Puppy
finds reverse psychology,
the cruelest technique
Though we covet coin,
you can keep your gold monsters.
No thank you, we say

In the gloaming woods
Snarbolax awaits the knights,
Plotting their demise.

Sell me some ammo
Please new merchant, sell me some!
I need it so bad
Wait, what’s what? Oh no!
Your face is no Stranger, no!
Gremlins all around!
Why - how - are they here
Are we dead? Not yet, not yet
Tenderfoot friendly
What is this surprise?
Gremlin good, Gremlin bad, or
Gremlin spy backstab?
Ironclaw or Darkfang?
A Thwack-mend-scorcher gangbang?
Die with demo bang!

I like how people
are abbreviating words
amusing it is

Darkfang flamers come
This floor once cold is blazing
3 caps aren't enough
Deconstruction zone
O no here we go again
Fodder for gremlins

All work and no play.
Building contructs through the night.
Built strong. Built to fight.
Blood, oil, sweat, and tears.
Crafting, building, filled with fears.
Fighting for our lives.
Menders, please spread out!
Bombers, run around and shout!
Go forth! Have no doubt!

Gremlin scorcher love
Summer heat wave danger rooms
Singed knight jumps in pond
Flogging continues
Whip, whip, work, work all day long
The slaves need a break
Slave labor Dogrock
Mumbles copy paste haiku
Need more Mountain Dew
No knights will be harmed
In the production of this...
Film at eleven

Those stupid bombers
Dropping land mines like hot cakes
Fill em' with holes, mates
Big King Tinkinzar
And his nasty gremlin crew
What you gonna do?

Here's King Tinkinzar
With his army of gremlins
Ready to destroy...

What are you sellin'?
I'll buy it at a high price!
Is that all, stranger?
Got a selection
of good things on sale, stranger!
Come back any time.
Just for fun, of course.
I love that merchant so much.
Greatest shop ever.

Mulling, pondering
intercepted transmission?
Submit your haiku.

Clockworks hum behind
patter of feet, Gremlin laughs.
See you soon Haven.

For my in game name,
My knight is known as Therring.
(I couldn't help it...)

Skelly suit, let's go
Into fiery dungeon depths
Now just skeleton :(
Wolver howl by night
Bright red eyes in the shadows
Pure white fangs flashing

Oh great Tinkinzar
We have brought you test subjects!
Good…*flames rise up* More!
Gremlin Merchant sells.
Gremlin Merchant sabotages.
Gremlin Thwacker wins.
Spiral Haiku Master:
- ★★★★★Ozymandius
Honorable Mention:
- ★★★★☆Katmint
- ★★★☆☆Tantarian
- ★★☆☆☆Providence
- ★☆☆☆☆Brysonic