Ikan Bakar Cianjur (Guild)

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aeuer flerk aer whert ern redd

Guild Founder: Erntrephayz
Approx. Population: ermahgerd erts opvher 9000
Guild Master(s):
  • Fhloriernz
  • Blerkperl
  • Erntrephayz
Guild Officer(s):
  • Spernerlkoe (hurr he qweeted sphiral knyghtsz)
  • Bluemerlern (he gut haekd)
  • Erstreeoeed
  • Shillyheppi (hurr hi alshow qhuithet sphiral knyghtsz)
  • Yoeghae
  • Merteberkmerners
  • Rebernkeren

Wii R is Akthiv erndernershen quild we suck is at ernglish cuz we r ratardhed


ermaHgerd we r indo quILld our quildmastr isz erntrephyzh wi r mygraetyon frum ikan bkr cynjr beekUs rms kuitD spheeral knyhgt hurr we r aktive playink if ur indoneshun just pm wan of oUr opissher and get inphited okey pony pinKKz stuFf kull`~`3123

Abawt Us 1231233

We r Indonesian beachez we r racist if ur not dont ask for invite u calipr nuubs~jsdajshdkleruihsdfhbxcv

JoyIning asdfer

just phee emm wan of our opisser okey as lonk as u can undherstend awer lenguaje u can joyin qvvqjasjkdhawe

ProMetions Sisterhem

Quild Merster: Ermahgerd gib me ASI VH tutpik and shokc maekxs skolver shat n fayer meksx snarpolaks sett sdasd

Ofvisherr:Dis slot eez pryvaet for fraendsa asd

Pheterran:JuST thier thrii AnD VerRRy AkThiVe 120983hsad

MermBher:ThyerR Twuu And Aktihve asdasd

Rektewt:BeacheZ Nuubs Inaktiv F0Cks lol lol lol


Wii alsho do lokdhon soemtimes We kombospam wid autoaim cuz we are nuubs lol :33333c Lol seriously,this is just a joke wiki page :)

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