Lockdown Aces (Guild)
From SpiralKnights
{{Welcome to our guild page, now get out <3}}
Lockdown Aces is a veteran Lockdown guild founded by Rdzknightz. Our guild mainly focuses on Tier2 Lockdown, but will occasionally venture off into the Tier3 region. Sometimes Tier1 just for the lolz. Please note that our guild is usually limited to approximately 50 members to maintain elite and active members. The Aces are extremely friendly and are always willing to help. Feel free to express yourself in the guild chat if you have any questions or concerns!
Hope to see you online!
How to Join
Request to be tested from a prominent or iconic Lockdown Ace. Please do not nag players, which in turn, could reduce your chance of approval. If you are worried that you may have gone unnoticed or forgotten you may consult a Guild Master or officer by a single PM or Mail. Also, when we are scouting for new players to join our guild, look down below to see a list of officers and GM's that if you beat 1v1 in lockdown, you may get a recommendation to join our guild. We also prefer it if you have FULL T3 clearance so we can do more T3 lockdown. To join simply ask an officer to be tested or get a veteran to recommend you and we will always get back to you. The test consist of 3 parts: First to see how well equipped you are, the second is a few question based on your SK activity in general, and the third is the LD test. In the LD test you must achieve a minimal of 3 captures and at least 6k damage.(Note: Bombers will not be tested on damage rather their supportability and captures)
There are certain requirements to be promoted in Lockdown Aces. Here are some basic guidelines:
Recruit: - Just recruited - Is still possible to be turned down - Could still be tested - An inactive member before being kicked
Member: - An approved player - Has decent skill - Gets Average damage (App. 5k) - Got minimal damage in testing
Veteran: - A constant player - Logs on frequently - Has good skill - Can get good damage (App. 8k) - Got outstanding damage in testing
Officer: - A trustable and longtime player of Lockdown Aces - Must be approved by the Guild Master and other Officers - Must be an open Officer slot (currently there are only 1 )
Guild Master: - Don't even ask, the Guild Master shall choose.
Recommended Equips
Weapons: (Swords) -Swift Flourish/Twisted Snarble Barb -Sealed Sword/Kamarin/Grintovec -Shockburst/Fireburst/Iceburst Brandish/Nightblade -Stable Rocket Hammer (Only obtainable through Expansion Mission "Operation Crimson Hammer") -Arc Razor-(added by Rekillit, me gusta Arc Razor~)
Weapons: (Handguns) -Kilowatt Pulsar -Firotech/Cryotech/Voltech Alchemer MK II -Shadowtech Alchemer MK II -Antigua -Super Blaster
Weapons: (Bombs) -Lightning Capacitor/Haze Bomb Mk II/ Freezing Vaporizer Mk II -Super Blast Bomb -Twisted Spine Cone
Armor/Helms: -Dusker Cap/Coat -Gunslinger Sash/Cap or Cyclops Cap -Brute Jelly Helm/Armor -Quiksilver Helm/mail
- Please note that having the equipment listed does NOT ensure a spot in the Lockdown Aces, it only increases your chances of admission as a prepared knight is prepared to succeed.
- Variants are helpful in increasing your LD loadout performance.
- Also, it's not the weapon that makes the person, it's how they use it.(The listed gear is optional, if you find something that works well for you go for it! Ask if you feel something else should be on this list.)
- Variants are helpful in increasing your LD loadout performance.
Guild Rules
1. Do not abandon your team. A true Ace will stay with their team even in losing battle. Do not leave in the middle of a game. (If you're disconnected, tell us what happened when you get back on.)
2. Be active. Please try to log in at least once every 10 days. We can't be a very active guild if our members don't even play Spiral Knights.
3. Do not beg for crowns or CE. If you really need something, ask once and we'll see what we can do to help you. Generally we are able to help eachother obtain the equipment we need as a guild, however most Aces should be capable of earning their own stuff.
4. Ask first. Nobody likes unexpected surprises, myself included. Ask before joining a party because they may be expecting someone. Tell people what you need when you invite them and ask if you can join rather thank simply jumping in to prevent unfortunate and unintended mishaps.(This Rule was edited by a knight who had some one jump in when they were gathering an SL party, R.I.P. Shadow key.)
Current Guild Members
Updated as of may 16 2015
Current Guild Capacity: (19)
- Sam-Head
- Ziyadk-Kk
- Lol-Michael-Lol
- Lockdown-Champion
- Vicious-Frenzy
- -=Officers=-
- Alexzhuqiu
- Caballero-Feroz
- Fyn-Ra
- Gray-Mystic
- Its-Fate
- Theofficeman
- -=Veterans=-
- Endiir
- Cszar
- -=Members=-
- Biayen
- Lanbint
- Ponzi
- Scayzor
- -=Recruits=-
- NON at the moment
- -=Members=-
- Our guild hierarchy is usually based on skills experience and personality as well, officers can usually take on 2-3 of our veterans without dying, and Guild Master's can usually take on whole teams without breaking a sweat. Once joined the guild, you will usually be promoted to veteran because we know you have the right gear to be at that level, and on occasion we have tests for officer. To become an officer you must: 1. Recommendation and good comments from the rest of the guild, 2. Take a GM given officer test, 3. Be prepared for officer responsibilities.
Records: The following are some of our members' best scores
T1 Lockdown:
- Rdzknightz- 6.1k Damage
- Marshallvlee- 4.3k Damage
T2 Lockdown:
- Rangerwillx - 18.6K Damage http://imageshack.us/a/img196/5259/pclg.png
- Rdzknightz-17.8k Damage
- Rekillit-17.2k Damage
- Prolyphic-16.9k Damage
- The-fat-16k Damage
- Rileyslayer- 15.6k Damage
- Derss-15.4k Damage
- Named-knight-13k Damage
- Red-baronx-12,753 Damage
T3 Lockdown:
- Rangerwillx 39.2K Damage
- Rileyslayer-25k Damage
- Dragoonten-21k Damage
- Marshallvlee-17.2k Damage
- Derss-14k Damage
T1 Lockdown:
T2 Lockdown:
- Rekillit- 24
- Frightless- 17
- Rileyslayer- 13
- Red-baronx- 11
T3 Lockdown:
T1 Lockdown:
T2 Lockdown:
- Prolyphic - 11
T3 Lockdown:
(Announcing Events Soon!)