What's this? Another soul ripe for harvest by the Apocrea?
What is this place and what are you talking about?
Lost Soul
You, curious traveler, stand in the Obsidian Nexus, realm of the Apocrea. You will likely never see the sun again.
What do you mean? Who are the Apocrea?
Lost Soul
The Apocrea are stuff of nightmares: a terrible legion of otherworldly phantasms whose only ambition seems to be trapping and devouring the souls of all life.
Though you may venture beyond this nexus, you will undoubtedly fall into one of their traps along the way.
Tell me about these traps.
Lost Soul
The Apocrea bend reality, twisting the environment they invade into a trap. In these traps they stalk any life, harvesting their souls for some unimaginable purpose.
I won't let them take me so easily.
Lost Soul
You don't understand, do you? You simply don't have a choice.
What's this? You still have your body. Perhaps you can help us.
Who are you?
Lost Soul
I'm just another soul hiding from the gaze of the Apocrea. But I refuse to give up. Until they find me, I will do anything I can to save another soul from my fate.
How can I help?
Lost Soul
Soon you will find yourself in one of the traps set by the Apocrea. If you are powerful enough to escape then you may be able to save some of the other lost souls along the way.
I will try. Tell me what to do.
Lost Soul
Lost souls trapped by the Apocrea are bound to the realities they have created. Find the lost souls and free them from the bonds of the Apocrea.
Lost Soul
Once freed you will collect an Apocrean Sigil as proof of your deed. Bring these to me and my friend here will reward you with special treasures I have collected during my time in this world. You can use these items to craft rare and powerful items using that obelisk of creation over there.
I will do my best.
Lost Soul
Good luck to you. Travel swiftly and avoid their grasp.
End conversation.
Map of The Obsidian Nexus.
Talk to lost souls here. These friendly NPCs have important information and items for sale.
This strange area is only accessible during Shroud of the Apocrea.