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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
18:52, 22 August 2012 Weight of Darkness.jpg (file) Weight_of_Darkness.jpg 170 KB ChrizManiac {{screenshot image}} Maniac and Wizard battle fight their spectral and fiendish foes. 1
17:53, 22 August 2012 Puppy Romance.jpg (file) Puppy_Romance.jpg 246 KB ChrizManiac "Puppeh found a mate :)" ~Citp Puppy finds romance in the most unlikely of depths in the Clockworks. 1
16:38, 22 August 2012 Rock on!.jpg (file) Rock_on!.jpg 147 KB ChrizManiac {{screenshot image}} "\m/@_@m/" ~Chrizmaniac Maniac defiantly gives Vanaduke the "rock on" hand sign before clashing with him. 1
16:35, 22 August 2012 Valkery's Balony.jpg (file) Valkery's_Balony.jpg 222 KB ChrizManiac {{screenshot image}} "Yep...It has baloney in it!Perfect fuel for killing tiny cowards!" ~Parmartins Valkery indulges in a "Baloney Sandvich", beefing himself up for his next round of fighting in the Clockworks. 1
00:09, 21 August 2012 Swift's Iron Strike.jpg (file) Swift's_Iron_Strike.jpg 197 KB ChrizManiac {{screenshot image}} "Let us strike while the iron is hot!" ~Yttriu Swift galvanizes her team mates into action with her ever energetic pep talk. 1
00:06, 21 August 2012 Grub's Pizza.jpg (file) Grub's_Pizza.jpg 201 KB ChrizManiac {{screenshot image}} "...such sweet tomato sauce blanketed with the most beautiful parmasion~sean~seen~whatever cheese, all on the most wonderful crust in the nations. :O" ~The-Restless Grub takes a break in Firestorm Citadel to enjoy his heavenly pizza. 1
00:02, 21 August 2012 Hamster's rivveting Quote.jpg (file) Hamster's_rivveting_Quote.jpg 159 KB ChrizManiac {{screenshot image}} "...based on Spongyobservations INC...we found your speech inferno...very rivveting...full of flaud characters and classic american humor. ~Spongerino Hamster shares his rave review of Inferno's officer speech with his unique and quirky style. 1
23:58, 20 August 2012 Don't mess with Nerds.jpg (file) Don't_mess_with_Nerds.jpg 186 KB ChrizManiac {{screenshot image}} "...dont pik on the nerd." ~Epiced When Maniac and Ice use Cow as target practice, Cow turns feebly defends himself using his "nerd" status. (Nerds FTW!!!) 1
23:52, 20 August 2012 Thank you Ice!.jpg (file) Thank_you_Ice!.jpg 181 KB ChrizManiac Maniac thanks Ice for funding and organizing Aegis Team's 1st Anniversary celebrations. 1
23:51, 20 August 2012 1st Anniversary Fashion Show.jpg (file) 1st_Anniversary_Fashion_Show.jpg 233 KB ChrizManiac {{screenshot image}} Aegis Team shows off their best outfits and styles to the judges Maniac and Ice in the 1st Anniversary Fashion Show! 1
23:48, 20 August 2012 1st Anniversary CL Dash.jpg (file) 1st_Anniversary_CL_Dash.jpg 172 KB ChrizManiac Inferno, Grub, and Naga participate in the "Clockworks Dash", a competition in which dashers race from Moorcraft Manor to Emberlight for the coveted prizes. 1
23:44, 20 August 2012 1st Anniversary Trivia.jpg (file) 1st_Anniversary_Trivia.jpg 171 KB ChrizManiac {{screenshot image}} During Aegis Team's 1st Anniversary celebrations, guild members put on their thinking caps while Maniac puzzles the group with a paradox. 1
15:44, 17 August 2012 AT vs R GvG Win.jpg (file) AT_vs_R_GvG_Win.jpg 189 KB ChrizManiac {{screenshot image}} Aegis Team prevails fighting Rigorous in a tier 3 Lockdown match. 1
11:51, 17 August 2012 Sorry Ice.jpg (file) Sorry_Ice.jpg 253 KB ChrizManiac {{screenshot image}} "Planet-Devastation apologizes. Sorry!" ~Planet-Devastation "Night-Rove apologizes. Sorry!" ~Night-Rove "Yuri-Cloud apologizes. Sorry!" ~Yuri-Cloud When Ice is really sorry, she has an interesting way of expressing it. 1
17:26, 16 August 2012 Murderous Ace.jpg (file) Murderous_Ace.jpg 243 KB ChrizManiac {{screenshot image}} "Walks slowly over to Manatee with a knife in his hands." ~Kaijuhunter Ace suddenly turns into a murderous psychopath when Manatee accidentally says something wrong. 1
17:23, 16 August 2012 Feeling sorry for Almire.jpg (file) Feeling_sorry_for_Almire.jpg 185 KB ChrizManiac "I feel sorry for them." ~Hitranger Despite the tough exterior and silent behavior, Candy expresses his remorse for the fallen kingdom of Almire. 1
17:17, 16 August 2012 Seerus stealing rocket pack.jpg (file) Seerus_stealing_rocket_pack.jpg 227 KB ChrizManiac {{screenshot image}} Manatee aka "Seerus" steals a mortafire's rocket pack rendering it defenseless and foolish looking. 1
17:13, 16 August 2012 No Touchie Horseshoe.jpg (file) No_Touchie_Horseshoe.jpg 236 KB ChrizManiac {{screenshot image}} "Don't touch my horseshoe." ~Nagadontjump Naga gets is very protective of his "horseshoe" or maedate. 1
17:07, 16 August 2012 New RSS Conversation.png (file) New_RSS_Conversation.png 1 MB ChrizManiac Maniac, Hamster, Art, and Grub express their feelings and frustrations with the changes undergoing the sun shard line. 1
17:05, 16 August 2012 Children's Shows conversation.png (file) Children's_Shows_conversation.png 767 KB ChrizManiac Maniac, Hamster, Deadshot, Valkery, Ace, and Old reminisces in the ancient shows of the 90s. 1
17:02, 16 August 2012 Hamster goes OW Conversation.png (file) Hamster_goes_OW_Conversation.png 365 KB ChrizManiac {{screenshot image}} As Ice and Hamster generously give away heat, Hamster screams out in digital pain. 1
00:45, 12 August 2012 Eating Swift.jpg (file) Eating_Swift.jpg 246 KB ChrizManiac Hamster eats Swift rather unexpectedly. (Note: Don't get eaten by a carnivorous Hamster) 1
00:40, 12 August 2012 Chriz Melon Jazz Dammy Arena.jpg (file) Chriz_Melon_Jazz_Dammy_Arena.jpg 205 KB ChrizManiac Maniac, Melon, Jazz, and Dam fight gremlins in a tier 3 arena. 1
00:37, 12 August 2012 Raging at Basil.jpg (file) Raging_at_Basil.jpg 187 KB ChrizManiac Maniac, Hamster, and Ice vent their frustrations at Basil, who is notorious for selling the wrong merchandise to Spiral Knights. 1
00:34, 12 August 2012 Sergey Jelleh.jpg (file) Sergey_Jelleh.jpg 174 KB ChrizManiac Aegis Team bonds with a soul jelly found in Firestorm Citadel; Sergey. 1
00:31, 12 August 2012 Bromance.jpg (file) Bromance.jpg 275 KB ChrizManiac Ghost and Melon show each other their brotherly love by hugging each other in front of the Auction House. 1
00:19, 11 August 2012 AT vs LA GvG Win.jpg (file) AT_vs_LA_GvG_Win.jpg 231 KB ChrizManiac Aegis Team defeats a prestigious guild, "Lockdown Aces". 1
12:43, 8 August 2012 Maniac Hamster Art Ice conversation 1.jpg (file) Maniac_Hamster_Art_Ice_conversation_1.jpg 183 KB ChrizManiac Aegis Team has many fun and often weird conversations... In this chat, Maniac, Hamster, Art, and Ice talk about untimely romance. 1
12:29, 8 August 2012 British Hamster.jpg (file) British_Hamster.jpg 176 KB ChrizManiac Hamster suddenly becomes a British gentleman, offering a hot beverage to his companions. 1
12:26, 8 August 2012 Swift's ruthless LD Conversation.png (file) Swift's_ruthless_LD_Conversation.png 631 KB ChrizManiac Swift's unexplainable grudge on Hamster during their Lockdown matches sparks a conversation about "huffin cat pee". 1
12:01, 8 August 2012 HoI Fight.jpg (file) HoI_Fight.jpg 202 KB ChrizManiac Maniac and Ice fight like gladiators and appease the monstrous crowd in the danger mission "Heart of Ice". 1
11:59, 8 August 2012 FSC Fight.jpg (file) FSC_Fight.jpg 221 KB ChrizManiac Aegis Team battles the fiery undead in Firestorm Citadel. 1
11:57, 8 August 2012 Froggylicker.jpg (file) Froggylicker.jpg 182 KB ChrizManiac The two guild masters of Aegis Team amuse themselves with a colourful Spiral Knight's name. 1
15:20, 7 August 2012 Hubert the Brute Jelly.jpg (file) Hubert_the_Brute_Jelly.jpg 203 KB ChrizManiac Aegis Team meets the only brute jelly in existence in the Clockworks; Hubert! 1
15:15, 7 August 2012 JMF Boop.jpg (file) JMF_Boop.jpg 190 KB ChrizManiac "...boop Chrizmaniac Boop!" ~Jmfmagnum If you hang out with JMF, expect to get "booped" by the self proclaimed "Shiny Guy". 1
15:10, 7 August 2012 Snarby SL.jpg (file) Snarby_SL.jpg 184 KB ChrizManiac The two guild masters of Aegis Team make their stand in the Shadow Lair Gloaming Wildwoods. 1
15:05, 7 August 2012 Terminal Meltdown Fight.jpg (file) Terminal_Meltdown_Fight.jpg 236 KB ChrizManiac Maniac and Stael attempt to put out the inferno created by a mass of greasy and gelatinous gels. 1
10:06, 3 August 2012 Friendly Lichen.jpg (file) Friendly_Lichen.jpg 183 KB ChrizManiac Aegis Team unexpectedly meets a friendly lichen in the Clockworks. 1
10:04, 3 August 2012 Final Room FSC Fight 2.jpg (file) Final_Room_FSC_Fight_2.jpg 253 KB ChrizManiac Maniac, Hamster, Candy, and JMF duke it out in the final room of Firestorm Citadel before a fight with Vanaduke. 1
10:01, 3 August 2012 Grubstep!.jpg (file) Grubstep!.jpg 245 KB ChrizManiac "Grubstep! :D" Grub testifies his love for dubstep by creating his own style of it; "Grubstep"! 1
09:58, 3 August 2012 Raise the Roof.jpg (file) Raise_the_Roof.jpg 246 KB ChrizManiac For some strange reason, held items do not appear when it is raining in Compound 42. Maniac, Ghost, and Candy take advantage of this bug! 1
09:54, 3 August 2012 Ice Hamster Maniac t2 LD.jpg (file) Ice_Hamster_Maniac_t2_LD.jpg 193 KB ChrizManiac Hamster, Maniac, and Ice together as one unit in random teams Lockdown. 1
08:42, 3 August 2012 AT vs. WM GvG.jpg (file) AT_vs._WM_GvG.jpg 214 KB ChrizManiac Aegis Team explosively clashes with the Lockdown guild Weapon Masters. 1
08:26, 3 August 2012 AT vs WM GvG Win.jpg (file) AT_vs_WM_GvG_Win.jpg 206 KB ChrizManiac Aegis Team vs Weapon Masters. After an intense, hard fought game, Aegis Team prevails. 1
08:25, 3 August 2012 Aegis Team GvG Score -1.jpg (file) Aegis_Team_GvG_Score_-1.jpg 183 KB ChrizManiac Aegis Team's best Lockdown score yet! 1
23:39, 1 August 2012 AT in da house in t2 LD.jpg (file) AT_in_da_house_in_t2_LD.jpg 244 KB ChrizManiac Aegis Team invades a random teams lockdown game. 1
12:47, 1 August 2012 Viva la Vita!.jpg (file) Viva_la_Vita!.jpg 196 KB ChrizManiac "Viva la vita!" ~The-Restless Grub expresses his joy upon finding a vitapod in the Clockworks. 1
12:26, 1 August 2012 Maniac Ice Porky Gunfight.jpg (file) Maniac_Ice_Porky_Gunfight.jpg 166 KB ChrizManiac Maniac, Ice, and Porky face off in a high speed gun battle in Lockdown. 1
12:23, 1 August 2012 Chriz's Quote.jpg (file) Chriz's_Quote.jpg 218 KB ChrizManiac "High explosives + heavy metal = WIN! >:3" ~Chrizmaniac Chriz reveals the secret to his continued success in the Clockworks; bombs and motivational music. 1
12:21, 1 August 2012 Chriz + Ice = Forever.jpg (file) Chriz_+_Ice_=_Forever.jpg 176 KB ChrizManiac After Ice gives Chriz a friendly hug, Art jumps to the conclusion that Chriz and Ice are romantically involved. 1

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