Talk:The Demo Alliance (Guild)
From SpiralKnights
Use of This Page
This page is for officers of The Demo Alliance to note and discuss the establishment of and changes to the guild's structure.
Officer-people, feel free to delete either paragraphs you wrote OR no longer relevant paragraphs if they are not marked by a wiki-editor's signature. Thank you. --Froglegs 13:08, 3 December 2014 (UTC)
When writing your notes to this page, you can add your signature by either
1) adding --~~~~ to the end of your paragraph, or
2) clicking the second to last button of the little wiki auto-formatting bar.
That's two dashes directly followed by four horizontal squiggly lines.
The Guild "About" Section
'Something concerning bombs and their use and that we like bombs.
There's gotta be Some method to this. How shall we go about finding people? Casually? Actively?
I'd like a formal invite letter drafted to send along with the actual guild invitation. What details are important to tell people first? A commendation for having the qualifications to be part of this guild, of course. 'and a note that we have a comprehensive guild wiki page explaining how the guild runs. --Froglegs 13:08, 3 December 2014 (UTC)
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- Thank you, Premium-Baka. We have a letter! :D Officers, please attach the introduction letter (as seen to the right along with each guild invitation you send. When you send an invite, paragraphs may not copy-and-paste completely into the slot in which you can write with the guild invitation. Please send another letter to preserve paragraph formatting when copy-and-pasting the official text. Thank you. If you have suggestions for editing this official Introduction Letter, just... talk to everyone before going Rambo on it. Thanks! Froglegs 01:42, 13 December 2014 (UTC)
If a person's invested in a bomb or two, sure, we'll shoot you an invite.
Requires clarity.^
Please do recommend fellow bombers to officers. The more, the probably-merrier.
- Just ask members to direct people who are clearly bombers and aren't already in the guild to an online officer so they can send them an invite--The LVL100 Baka/Premium Baka 09:36, 26 December 2014 (UTC)
Screening? nah? maybe? nah?
Placeholder text
Code of Conduct
Anything beyond SK TOS/Code of Conduct? Maybe-maybe.
Guildhall Editing
'Procedure for purchasing from the Emporium?
Also, moving things around rooms...
'Perhaps designate someone to do so? --Froglegs 13:08, 3 December 2014 (UTC)
Structure for Noting Membership
Procedure for kicking?
Shall we require further screening?
How about free mats each week to every one who donated? Yeah!
- Officer promotion is an interesting thing. I guess it's mostly based off merit. An officer notices that a veteran has the makings of a good officer, generally being active within the community among other, less set in stone values. They discuss this with a few other officers and if they agree on the promotion they may immediately promote this person to officer.
Kicking can be done when a few officers agree on the reasoning behind the kick (about 3).
One thing we might have to worry about, in our system that relies on a group of officers agreeing for an impactful decision to be made, is a group of friends who are officers ganging up to kick someone without reason, or promoting someone not qualified for officer. Maybe, we should have a body higher than officer that can be relied on to make decisions fairly. Instead of getting x amount of officers to agree, you could just get one of these people's approvals. --The LVL100 Baka/Premium Baka 10:07, 26 December 2014 (UTC)
- Hrrrm, I see you point out a potential flaw between an agreement of officers to determine kicking. 'That officers can be corrupt or share a biased point of view and kick unfairly. We caaaaan appoint a higher authority to govern officers and veto and authorize, but I feel that's fighting the same fight-- putting faith in one trusted appointed person is just as reliable a governing body as several trusted appointed persons. What do we do about a guild master who'd be too quick to judge or simply unavailable when they're wanted? 'Still a small chance that a kicking decision would be unfair. Then we should have strict.... whatsits, details, um, trespasses...... we should have strict guidelines for what justifies a kicking. 'Strict guidelines we can agree on anyways. ;Guidelines we can refer to and back each other up with, that we can all say-- "yeah, this dude was a meanbutt because they violated this and that code this one time and that other time, and someone else was there, too and suffered so-and-so's violation of this code". i.e. reported (with detailed description?) to an officer through mail for insistent begging in Haven, burns through three strikes of offenses within.... the course of three consecutive weeks, Some things like that?
I didn't expect we might have a guild large enough to discuss future debating kicking procedure things. @_@ Froglegs 11:23, 26 December 2014 (UTC)
Social Aspects for Promoting Camraderie
Event Suggestions/Plans
Blast Network? Hehehe...
Scrapbooking... may be nice.
Knight Networking
Anyone wanna organize some GvG?
I'd like to write a table reference to help recognize knights in your guild list. Are they alts, hybrids, or love nitronome, or play LD often? I'll ask permission from each and every member if I may add them to the bombers reference table. --Froglegs 13:08, 3 December 2014 (UTC)
Placeholder text
Hurr, so mach guild management... like holding together a club... People have more trust in structure though, right? --Froglegs 13:08, 3 December 2014 (UTC)