From SpiralKnights
NOTICE: Inactivity
I am currently a retired player and do not actively post on the forums, edit the wiki, or log in to Spiral Knights itself. I do however check the forums, as well as my wiki page, every-so-often (semi-weekly).
As for my CloudUP designs, feel free to use them in your own designs as well as modify them yourself. I am no longer responsible for their upkeep, as I am no longer an active member of the community.
I hope everyone is doing well and I wish the best in spelunking to all the old friends who still play. :)
Hello, and welcome to my purged userpage. :) I'm currently in the process of developing a large collection of templates to be used specifically for userpages, and so this page itself might not be very stable for the next while.
My Knight
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Other Stuff