From SpiralKnights
SK name:Unseenstealth
Spiral knights is one of my favourite online games in my laptop. I like contributing to people's discussions, give-aways and making a racing competition. Mostly in Spiral knights, I lag nearly most of the time doing runs such as RT runs and Vanaduke runs that's because my laptop is very old and too much components will make my Spiral Knights have a frozen screen or takes a long time to load. Besides from lag, my favourite run is doing JK runs because my weapons are all shadow types(Slimes are weak against shadow)which makes my life easier. I like to listen to arguments(mostly the most popular players)and may record it. My guild is called Avalon, I know that the page for my guild isn't great but when you know them they are Epic! Also the original Guild Master of Avalon is Moogy(which still plays SK)and then Moogy promoted Mrniceguyd as a guild leader. But there aren't many members of our guild due to many of the members don't play Spiral Knights any more so the Guild Masters remove them from the guild to make space for other players to join. My sister plays Spiral Knights, her name is Princessjustine. She is an officer in our Guild and is fully five star. My other sister play Spiral Knights named Domburi but she stopped playing SK because she likes watching Anime and playing piano. I'm not fully five star unlike my sister due to my shield is a four star but I'm still beating her because she has only her fully five star equipment but I have lots of 4-5* in my inventory. My real life friends in Spiral Knights, Username's: Theoncomingfire, Pedropolo, Godziwa, Fufumaster, Ultimatesword, Razorrobo, Shadow-Unleashed, Latinkid and Forbiddenname. I kind of get angry quite easily when someone scams me, be rude to me, kicked out of the party, kicking me out of the guild and lagging like hell.