From SpiralKnights
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This is an alternate account for Knight Skepticraven (due to Steam being unable to edit wiki).
I've been conducting various research efforts including:
- Treasure Box Drop Rates[1]
- Forging Game Mechanic[2]
- 4 Boss Token "Theory" Testing[3]
- Shield and Armor Game Mechanic[4]
- Weapon Damage Mechanics[5]
- Grinchlin Assault Droprates
Treasure Box Analysis
Research Status: Completed. Not taking any more data, but I am willing to share the analysis files if others wish to continue. Simply visit the recent data and make a copy to edit yourself.
Participation: Not taking submissions at the moment. Discussions and analysis in thread encouraged.
Most Recent Data: Current [6]
Research Conclusions:
- Red and green treasure boxes have different drop rates.
- Rarities are a "bonus" drop applied to treasure boxes.
- Red treasure boxes have a significantly higher chance of dropping fire crystals and other rarities (Refer to recent data).
- Data also holds arcade farming data (inclusive of crown payout per depth). Check out sheets on the data for more info!
- Depending on the spawn location of boxes, boxes can be 100% red, 100% green, or [1/30 chance of red, 29/30 chance of green].
Forging Game Mechanic
Research Status: Active by submission only.
Participation: Follow Thread Directions[7] and submit here[8]
Most Recent Data: Current[9]
Research Conclusions:
- Bonus chance seems independent of item level, but heavily dependent upon star count as well as crystal multiplier.
- Refer to data for 25% heat and double levelup chances.
- Forge Prize box is estimated at 1% chance or less.
- It is possible to get 25% heat, double levelup, and a forge prize box on the same forging.
4 Boss Token Drop
Research Status: Inactive.
Participation: Submit new theories to test in main thread.
Most Recent Data: Dec 5, 2013[10]
Research Conclusions:
- Theories tested:
- Speed of killing boss (Disproved)
- Not getting hit during boss (Disproved)
- Speed run of the levels prior (Disproved)
- Longer boss fight (Unlikely, but not disproved)
- Take quite a bit of damage during boss fight (Unlikely, but not disproved)
- Run takes a specific quantity of time (Disproved)
- Run match specific patterns for server time (Disproved)
- Interesting Observations:
- If one member gets the "Bonus Token" in a party, everyone does.
- Baseline tokens are added to loot if you join during a run. This is tied to taking elevators going TO the boss depth, and the 2 depths prior. For Non-Vanaduke mission runs, this includes using the party lobby elevator.
Damage Analysis
Research Status: Inactive. May at some point pick this back up.
Participation: Ask in thread if you wish to support.
Most Recent Data: Armor and monster damage [11]
Weapon Damage [12]
Proto Sword Heating Curve [13]
Proto Gun Heating Curve [14]
More Links to other Weapons in the thread: [15]
Research Conclusions:
- No equations for predictions yet. Data is still insufficient for a better model than the current (Defense).
- Another user in my thread displayed a currently irrefutable Damage+Armor calculation equation. That can be found here: [16]
- Heating curves can be viewed in compact form Here.
- Damage resistances appear to be the same between shields and armor.
- Proto sword follows the same pattern as shields : raw damage stops increasing at depth 3, with a depth increase multiplier of 5/24.
- Unheated items have a "current damage", which is applied prior to damage reduction for usage in lower tiers. Example: A lvl 1 5* weapon will deal the same damage as a lvl 10 5* weapon in T1 and T2 areas.
- Shield HP scales with depth.
- All shield (except the omega shell line) have the same hp for stratum 1.
- Shield HP values except Omega shell line can be predicted with the chart below.
Depth | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 30 |
HP | 50 | 70 | 91 | 112 | 133 | 154 | 175 | - | 200 | 228 | 256 | 284 | 312 | 340 | 368 | 396 | 425 | 475 | 525 | 575 | 625 | 675 | 725 | 750 | 775 | 800 | 825 | 850 | 900 |
- This is part of a larger project to auto-generate the wiki damage tables for all conditions for all weapons with minimum data collection from in-game.
- An example of how this functions can be seen in its preliminary stages Here.
Grinchlin Assault Drop Rates
Spreadsheet of Data: [17]
Krakob's old thread: [18]
Participation: None. It appears that Krakob's data suffered from a submission bias, so I just collect this data. Feel free to copy the spreadsheet and add your own data (since the functions auto-update based on the "Data" sheet).