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Character pic
Account Name: Manumi
Guild: The Fallen
:: Finding Me
  • My ingame name is Manumi.
  • I'm coming from Germany, which is in the timezone GMT+1.
  • E-mail: WhoCares@nobody.noob
:: Loadout
  • Blizzbrand Equipment-Blizzbrand icon.png
  • Tempered Calibur Equipment-Tempered Calibur icon.png
  • Super Blaster Equipment-Super Blaster icon.png
  • Elemental Hood Equipment-Elemental Hood icon.png
  • Silvermail Equipment-Silvermail icon.png
  • Drake Scale Shield Equipment-Drake Scale Shield icon.png

About Me

What a nice day! Heyho Spiral Knights! My name is Manumi. Maybe you saw me in Haven once. I can't be very active now, so i thought i write my Story here to entertain you! =D Let's go!

The Start

First of all I started to play Spiral Knights as it appeared on Steam. A good friend forced me to play with him and time after time i loved the game more and more! So it became my favorite game till today. My friend, called Xzenosx (unactive now), and me played every day together and i learned a lot about the game in that time. All in all we played about 300-400 hours together and it was a great time. We fought against everything till we landed on Vanaduke. In this way i improved my skills a lot and learned how to fight in a perfect team. Meanwhile we founded the Guild Knightforce Of Haven, but it never was a big success. Maybe because we never went to the English Haven and it was hard to find good people. My friend and me quit the game but i came back after a few weeks. Then i saw the guild was dead (What a surprise!) but i didn't give it up.

The Change

After that i was a solo-player and that sucked a lot. Sometimes i fought with random people and suddenly at the Firestorm Citadel i met a guy who changed my virtual life there! Infectedchicken was his name, an Officer of The Fallen! Well, it was a long time ago as i fought with skilled people and it worked very well between us. I found one to chat and fight. I guess he was impressed of my skills and he wanted to invite me to his guild. I accepted and changed to The Fallen. And what i should say? I never regretted it. It was and is still the best time I've ever had. From the beginning it was my main goal to get promoted to the top of the guild, to not fail the Officer who invited me. I was friendly to everyone, helped as much as i can and spoke to everyone so that i got a lot of friends and made me very fame. My reward were series of promotions and just after two weeks i was the fresh new Officer of The Fallen. I was very proud and continued my work again. The guild became a part of my daily life. All in all i spent about 1000 hours there and i tried my best to improve the Guild to the best. That means: I try to help where i can (Fights, Questions, ...) I always am friendly to everyone. If there is a problem or conflict i try to solve it in a friendly way. I never treat others or being rude. I don't look down to people, especially not to guild recruits or members. I have a democratic issue. The guild can be changed by members. We discuss and speak to each other what we can make better.

The Unknown Passage

Unfortunately because of familiar problems including internet problems i was unactive a long time. Right now it's the same. I'm not sure when i will be the "old" active player with a good internet connection but it will be as fast as possible.

My friends

The reason why I'm addicted to SK, especially to The Fallen.

The following Gamers are or were a significant part of my virtual life and why i wouldn't quit the game.

I will give a short statement to everyone of them.


- ???

The Founder No Informations about Spirithief. A living legend.


- the kitty Guild Master

Skylined is the major Guild Master and i became his right and left hand till today and for all times. Since i joined The Fallen our relationship improved day by day. He is always very kind and friendly, but also can be serious and hold you on the line, if you fly too high in the sky. Personally i sweared an oath to obey his orders and protect his body and soul from every enemy and danger and i try to make him feel good all the time. He is the main reason why i never could quit Spiral Knights. In discussions he is also very wise and calm and respect your dignity. You can count on him, you can speak with him about everything you wanna do, he gives you a smile on your lips even if you are sad, he is a good teamplayer and absolutely not selfish, he would do everything for the guild, and we experienced a lot together. And I'm really grateful for that. Manlined! By the way: He is a perfect drawer with excellent talents!


- the unknown Guild Master

Fdthrees is second Guild Master and i don't know him really well because I didn't chat and fight with him a lot but i can say that he is really friendly as well and did a great job in the guild.


- the daily Guild Master

Daystorm is Daystorm and the third Guild Master. Actually he is the most active Guild Master and did a fabulous job. He improved the guild a lot so that it goes up again. He formed a good Lockdown-Team that represents us in the GvG-Battles and got fame. He is a very friendly and funny person and blew a fresh storm through our Guild, fulfilled with the sense of life. And I'm really grateful for that as well. If I play with him, It's always a good feeling and never get boring. He is helpful and polite and all of us are glad to have him. I sweared an oath to obey his orders as well and do what i can to make him happy.


- the tasty Officer

Infectedchicken is an Officer from The Fallen. As i mentioned before he was the one who found and invited me into The Fallen. Today i can say that i was really lucky to meet him. He is a funny teammate and I really like him. We did a lot of runs and i laughed a lot. Unfortunately he was unactive after our first ..and last..Shadow Lair and i missed him. Today he comes online sometimes but I still haven't contact to him because we passed us. His attitudes: Friendly, Bravely, and..a Computer that takes ages to load Training Hall!


- the unforgotten Officer

Swiftyknight was an Officer from The Fallen. He decided to quit the game and lost him. But we keep his memory in our hearts. He was a friendly and helpful Officer all the time and it was nice to cheek him sometimes. He was a good gamer and we placed an altar in our Guildhall to honor him and keep him in mind. We still hope he will come back in the future. We will wait. His attitudes: Next to friendly and helpful, a funny guy and ...a phone that cause a collapse of internet connection if it's ringing. Very often at GvG-Battles!


- the dutch Officer

Koekjje is a dutch Officer in our Guild. I really love to cheek him and he is THE one i cheek very often. But I'm happy that he laughs about it and still knows that i love him <3. He is a good officer and nice teammate. The dutch personality he has is ..loveable. He is my neighbour(Netherlands/Germany) so that i can understand his least sometimes and that makes me happy often.


- the hot Officer

Coldness is hot and another Officer of our Guild! He brought a warm wind in our guild and completes with Daystorm a very skilled LD-Team. I guess he was the first one who called me Manu instead of Manumi. He is a brilliant officer and I'm really sad about my unactive time so i can't spend more time with him in the game. A tough enemy - so i advise you..don't mess up with him!


- the blossom Veteran

Cherryberry is a veteran in our guild and I met her about another guild member called Emba. I liked her and invited her finally and till today she did a nice job and improved day by day more. She is personally one of them I try to help and protect as much as i can and I'm sad here again because I can't spend much time with here. But she is lovely, nice and would help you in any situation as well. I'm glad that she is in our guild and I wouldn't let her go.


- the fugitive Officer

Eclaium was an Officer from The Fallen and decided to leave - once again but this time finally - the guild because of senseless reasons as always. He was one of the best teammates I had and tried to give him backup very often. But unfortunately he left without saying a goodbye or an explanation - and in my opinion not a single good reason. After all the months i spend on his side it was a shock but showed me that the relationship wasn't a big deal. Otherwise the guild suffered under his pressure and rudeness to other members that i never understood including ignorance for another opinion. A bad episode in The Fallen but we got stronger and happier.

Useless facts nobody cares about!

Play Style

Lockdown/PvE: WASD-Keys (What A Shield Does)+ Mouse to turn // E to attack, R to activate shield Rolling Weapons on Spacebar..

Addicted to post useless facts nobody care's about/they see me postin' they dont carin' they tryin to bitch, me quitting quickly.

Tactic: Run as fast as possible against the next wall. My head is damaged and my Assassin-Modus is activated! I see many enemies dancing around me and catch them all. Then i win.

Use Polaris to polish the floor.

Who cares?

My favorite color: Green

The people on Mars: Green

The color of my underwear: Green

The Water where i stand on: Yellow.

A German who lives in Germany and speaks German.

Is not a fan of Sauerkraut even though Manumi is a pure German.

Asking every Knight with the nickname "Harald, Gertrud, Otto" if he is German. Not found a single one yet.

The noobiest words i have ever said were: Oh wait..I'm not a noob!

Routine Day:

He wakes up and washes his head in the toilet

He pushes the button and comes online to surf the internet

Then he eats Crowds for breakfast and doesn't like it.


- Manumi is really pro skilled

- Manumi finished every mission and has all artefacts

- Manumi achieved all achievements in Steam

- Manumi spent about 200$

- Manumi did Vanaduke with Proto Gear without shield (No death)

- Manumi is an average in Lockdown but kicks asses!

- Manumi has Rose Chapeau, which means he is rich and respectable

- Manumi eats nails for cereal and bolts for dinner.

- Manumi is the best

- Manumi is searching love and attention. Please regard the retard and call him!

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