User talk:Efreak

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Lending 1.5kce to Kosxeli until Friday, October 12. He will pay back the amount listed below. Efreak 23:35, 1 October 2012 (UTC)

moved from my main userpage to here Efreak 23:45, 1 October 2012 (UTC)

I would like to loan 2k of ce. I will return the money at 10/14/2012 6:00 o clock pm or send the money at that date. KosXEli

Having borrows a total of 3.8kce, Kosxeli will pay Natashavolkova a total of 4.5kce on the following date:November 3, 2012 i will mail the money by 6:00 o clock

Kosxeli has still not paid me back Efreak 19:20, 17 November 2012 (UTC)
Kosxeli still has not paid me back. I'm told he's been banned. --Efreak 06:35, 11 March 2013 (UTC)

Lending a grasping aura at currently assumed price of 170kcr to Kaneza. Price may go down, will not go up. Kaneza is paying back in ce, cr, or tf2 keys (with tf2 keys at an assumed value of 1800ce each) Efreak 05:45, 15 January 2016 (UTC)

Kaneza can't seem to edit the wiki, so he agreed via pm that I took a screenshot of. Efreak 06:19, 15 January 2016 (UTC)

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