Valle del Acertijo

De SpiralKnights-es

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Valle del Acertijo
Archivo:Gate-Valle del Acertijo.png
Gate Icon-Construct.png Gate Icon-Gremlin.png
32px Eje Esmeralda I

32px Eje Esmeralda II

32px Enredo de Jade I

32px Enredo de Jade II

32px Paseo del Perímetro I

32px Paseo del Perímetro II


Appearing to be sky islands ripped apart and put back together again as if it were a puzzle this world can sometimes be confusing to navigate. Unfortunately it also seems to be home to a host of mindless slimes and constructs who do not seem to mind its erratic layout.

Jigsaw Valley is a set of levels appearing in The Clockworks. Although it is categorized as Construct, this level contains multiple Gremlins. Its landscape is similar to the Treasure Vault, with Knights adventuring on a bright and sunny day in a lush, grassy area.


Eje Esmeralda I - II


The key in Emerald Axis II appears when players stepped on the nearby party button.


Enredo de Jade I - II


Stepping on the party button on the lower right of the map in Enredo de Jade I will spawn four scuttlebots and four gun puppies behind the locked gate.


Paseo del Perímetro I - II


Paseo del Perímetro II contains caged monsters:



  • Mission 6-1 Axes of Evil also showcases this set of levels
    • The first floor, Felling Giants is Emerald Axis I.
    • The second floor, Chopping Block is Jade Tangle I.
  • Mission 7-3 Beyond Axes of Evil also takes place on these levels
    • The first floor, Lumbering Doom is Emerald Axis II.
    • The second floor, Barking Mad is Jade Tangle II.
    • The final floor, Outpost of Tyranny rotates between Perimeter Promenade I and Perimeter Promenade II.

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