
De SpiralKnights-es

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starts the template
The name of JUST the color - we don't have "personal color" after each one, although we see that in-game, here we've got it before the color instead, cause that's better for the wiki and easier on users' eyes. Probably. Or I just didn't notice and don't feel like it needs to be fixed. Shhhh.
where to get the usable and for how much.

{{Table/end}} - ends the template


<br/> puts in line breaks without breaking template or page.

The description for all Personal Colors is the same, so we've built it into the template.


To organize Personal Colors.



|name = Magenta
|acquisition = [[Vatel]] - 50,000 crowns



Nombre Visual Adquisición
Una vez usado, este articulo cambiara permanentemente el color personal de tu caballero al color especificado. Este articulo se destruye una vez que lo uses.
Vatel - 50,000 crowns
Herramientas personales