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De SpiralKnights-es

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Revisión de 11:44 13 dic 2011

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El/Los tipo(s) de daño y velocidad de ataque influyen en combate. El estilo de ataque de la arma en relación con el entorno de combate es también importante. Considere ambas cuando escoja que arma empuñar.


Las mejoras/boosts y penaltis son ambos considerados "habilidades" en general. Muchos artículos no tienen ninguna habilidad especial. Vea la pagina de habilidades para mas detalles. Algunos enemigos son inmunes a ciertos efectos de estado - vea la pagina de efectos de estado individuales para mas detalles.

Este articulo no tiene ninguna habilidad especial.

Todas las armas ganan estos bonos de CTR (Reducción de tiempo de Carga) mientras van subiendo nivel.
  • Nivel 5+: CTR: Bajo
  • Nivel 10: CTR: Medio
  • Pepperbox no es parte de un set.

El Pepperbox es una pistola de 3 estrellas.


A fully automatic handgun capable of rapidly firing powerful bolts of energy.


Basic Attack

A single push of the "attack" button causes this gun to fire six medium speed shots in rapid succession. Each shot travels up to 6 squares away and has a chance to inflict fire. While firing, the user can not move, shield, or interrupt the attack. Also, the shots go out in an irregular wave pattern, rather than a straight line... this gun is therefore useful for fighting groups, but it may be difficult to focus the attack on a single enemy unless at a very close range. However, when close enough to the enemy for all bullets to hit a single target, the Pepperbox can be devastating. The user may fire up to two such bursts before reloading.

Charged Attack

Fire fifteen shots in rapid succession. Similar bullet speed and range as the basic attack, but each shot inflicts roughly 150% damage. In addition, shots from the charged attack pull most monsters directly into the origin of the bullets, often ensuring the majority will hit. While this can also be used to pull monsters out of hard-to-reach areas or away from vulnerable teammates, care must be taken; back-stepping away from an incoming melee attack and then unleashing the charge may pull the monster into range to hit the player, if the charged attack fails to knock down or kill the monster first.

Basic and Charged Attack

Below table shows the approximate charge time in milliseconds:

Ninguno Bajo Mediano Alto Muy alto Ultra Máx
Pepperbox 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800  ?  ?


The following damage values represent the weapon at its completed level, without any UV or bonus from other equipment, and listed as the damage dealt on the first and last floor of each stratum. Similarly, fire damage is listed as the damage done per "tick" against the strongest monster on the first floor and the weakest monster on the last floor of each stratum.

Tabla de Daño del Pepperbox.
Estrato 1 Estrato 2 Estrato 3 Estrato 4 Estrato 5 Estrato 6
Normal Damage + Icon status fire.pngIcon status fire.png
Each Bullet (x6) 5 - 7 8 - 9 14 - 16 17 - 19 18 - 16  ?
All Six Hit 30 - 42 48 - 54 84 - 96 102 - 114 108 - 96  ?
Charge: Each Bullet (x15) 7 - 10 12 - 14 22 - 25 26 - 30 28 - 25  ?
Charge: All Fifteen Hit 105 - 150 180 - 210 330 - 375 390 - 450 420 - 375  ?
Fire (x4) 4 - 13? 10 - 25 14 - 40 24 - 60? 29 - 60  ?


Vendors that sell this item:

  • Basil at depth 13 (Recipe)


La receta de 3-estrellas para este artículo cuesta 4,000 crowns; el costo de alquimia es de 1,000 crowns y 200 energía. Abajo se listan los materiales necesarios para transmutar un Pepperbox.



Crafting-Red Shard.png Red Shard 10
Crafting-Scrap Metal.png Scrap Metal 3
Crafting-Iron Gear.png Iron Gear 1
Crafting-Blast Powder.png Blast Powder 1
Crafting-Torchstone.png Torchstone 1
[[Image:Crafting-{{{mat6}}}.png|18px]] [[{{{mat6}}}]] {{{mat6amount}}}
[[Image:Crafting-{{{mat7}}}.png|18px]] [[{{{mat7}}}]] {{{mat7amount}}}
[[Image:Crafting-{{{mat8}}}.png|18px]] [[{{{mat8}}}]] {{{mat8amount}}}
[[Image:Crafting-{{{mat9}}}.png|18px]] [[{{{mat9}}}]] {{{mat9amount}}}
Equipment-Autogun icon.png Autogun (Level 1)

Nota: Cuando transmutas un artículo usando un artículo fusionado como precursor, el nuevo artículo también estará fusionado.

Alchemy Path

Sendero de alquimia del Pepperbox
☆☆☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆☆ ★★☆☆☆ ★★★☆☆ ★★★★☆ ★★★★★
Needle Shot
Needle Shot
Strike Needle
Strike Needle
Blitz Needle
Blitz Needle
Toxic Needle
Toxic Needle
Blight Needle
Blight Needle
Plague Needle
Plague Needle
Fiery Pepperbox
Fiery Pepperbox
Volcanic Pepperbox
Volcanic Pepperbox
Dark Chaingun
Dark Chaingun
Black Chaingun
Black Chaingun
Grim Repeater
Grim Repeater
Wild Buster
Wild Buster
Feral Cannon
Feral Cannon
Savage Tortofist
Savage Tortofist


Pepperbox is a general term for handguns with three or more barrels.

See Also

Herramientas personales