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|content=The amount of money you MUST deposit depends on what Guild rank you are:
|content=The amount of money you MUST deposit depends on what Guild rank you are:
+Recruit: 1000cr
+Recruit: 1000cr; Member:  2000cr; Veteran: 3000cr; Officer: 4000cr; Guild Master: 5000cr => Per WEEK
+Member:  2000cr
+Veteran: 3000cr
+Officer: 4000cr
+Guild Master: 5000cr
=> Per WEEK
1.When to deposit?
- Saturday or Sunday (if you besy at this day you can deposit at the other one, Example: You busy at Saturday -> You can deposit at Sunday)
=> Depositing at any day except Sat and Sun require a mail which is sent to GM
2.How to put money to Treasure Vault?
-> Come to Guild Hall -> Center (The circle machine- I call it HQ) -> choose "Show Treasure Vault - You will see the box in the center of the screen -> you can type the number of money you want to deposit.
Example: your Guild rank is Veteran, so you must deposit 3000cr as Requirement, if you want to deposit more, just type that number...
3.The next week...is it exception or cumulation?
As i said before, the requirement is the money you must deposit for ''one week'' . It's not mean your Guild rank is Member (Requirement is 2000cr) and you depositted 4000cr, then the next week you say you no need to deposit 2000cr again... So, please...Accept the requirement, volunteering just be recommendation
4.Why I must deposit at Saturday or Sunday?
- So that Officers and Guild Masters can easily manage.
Important: If you deposit at Wednesday (not at Sat or Sun), we will defaultly understand that money is volunteer
In case you busy at Saturday and Sunday, too. You must mail to Guild Master, tell what reason (you will travel with family for long day?... How long can you come back..etc) + the money require (base on your Guild rank)
5.How can Officers and Guild Masters manage us?
- They use name list + day checker...by paper, Word program or Excel program (I suggest Officers and GMs use this). This jobs is worked at Monday, slowest is Tuesday -> The result and report (who didn't deposit money in time) must be sent through mail to Guild Master

Revision as of 04:52, 3 March 2013

Girl Generation
GuildLogo-Girl Generation.png


Guild Founder: Ladycutecat
Approx. Population: 1

Girl Generarion Guild's rules

Personal tools