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== About Us ==
Founded in late May, 2013, Elfen Lied was created by Hemad, Ligiters, and Araliaggtwo, who hoped to create a fun, vibrant new guild with friendly and helpful players while also ensuring a nurturing environment was created to help new players.
| type = png
| logosize = 300
| name = Elfen Lied
| motto = Os iusti meditabitur sapientiam, et lingua eius loquetur iudicium. (The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and tongue shall speak judgment.)
== Join ==
| founder = Hemad
To join <Elfen Lied>, we recommend contacting the officers Grinchin and Tintilito, although you can contact any of our officers or guild masters. Plaers wishing to join may be subject to an interview and/or inspect of your gear, but don't worry; passing isn't that hard. There are no rank or gear level qualifications to meet, and we're just checking to make sure that this guild is right for you.
| masters =
|officers =
| pop = 83
Elfen Lied has been disbanded. We are no longer accepting recruits into our ranks.
=About Us=
Founded in late May, 2013, Elfen Lied was created by Hemad, Ligiters, and Araliaggtwo, players who aspired to create a fun, vibrant new guild with friendly and helpful players while also ensuring a nurturing environment was created to help new players. Our guild is always hoping to grow and find more ways to involve ourselves in the Spiral Knights community, and we'd love to start hosting events with other guilds in the near future.
== Guild Rules and Regulations ==
Although our guild may be small in number, we have a huge personality. We focus on incorporating positive and friendly players into our guild, and we always love to meet and greet new people. Being social is our goal, and we love partying :P If you're looking for an environment full of amiable players who are always willing to help and chat, then this may just be the guild for you. Although some guilds focus on growing and filling their guild with the maximum number of players, we focus on filling our guild with responsible and respectful players who are willing to assist you in your missions and love to have fun :D!
To join '''<Elfen Lied>''', we recommend contacting one of our Guild Masters. Players wishing to join may be subject to an interview and/or inspect of your gear, but don't worry; passing isn't that hard. There are no rank or gear level qualifications to meet, and we're just checking to make sure that this guild is right for you.
Make sure you are willing to dedicate yourself to our guild. If you are not willing to help our guild or other members, this guild is not for you. Negative or unfriendly persons will most likely be denied access to our ranks. Positive and sociable players are welcomed with open arms! :)
=General Guild Rules and Regulations=
Created by the Guild Masters of Elfen Lied, our list of rules is always a malleable and ever-changing set of rules. If we ever find that we need to create a new rule or even remove one, this section will be changed according to their decisions. Make sure to check in once in a while to refresh your self on these! (For rules regarding changes to the guild hall, promotion and demotion, and other ranked powers, see the Rules for Ranked Guild Members section.)
*Please, no begging for money, materials, and/or crystal energy! All of these can be earned with hard work and help from friends. If you ever need help, just ask! We're always happy to help other guild members in need. '''Continuing to beg can result in demotion or even removal from the guild. Please heed our warnings and don't beg!'''
*Vending inside our guild hall or within our guild chat is not appreciated. We consider asking to buy/sell items to be spam when done repeatedly or more than necessary. If you wish to sell equipment, materials, crystal energy, etc., please go to the auction house and buy/sell there. Personal transactions between members is fine, but yelling out, ''WTS/WTB -item name here-!'' is frowned upon. '''Continuous vending will most likely result in demotion, and, in most circumstances, members will consider you to be an annoyance. So don't do it!'''
*All members are required to speak and understand English well enough to interact with those around them, in order to make communication easier. Communicating in another language besides English can be fun, but it can complicate things and make it harder for other guild members to understand what is going on.
*Excessive language is not permitted as it creates a crude environment for all of our other guild members. Language is permitted, as we cannot control the way you speak, but we still ask that you limit yourself if you have a habit of over-using foul language. '''A warning will be issued if we find that you are using more language than is necessary. If you continue to use a larger-than-needed amount of language we may:
:*'''Ask you to stop.'''
:*'''Ask you to turn on the 'Comicify' setting in the settings menu.'''
:*'''Demote you.'''
*Show respect to the other guild members! Although we encourage all of the members of Elfen Lied to be nice to all players, it is crucial that players are friendly to others and know what's appropriate and what's not. If any member has been having an issue with another, we encourage them to contact one of the Guild Masters in order to address this issue. We'd hate to have a member leave because of the behavioral issues of other players. '''Consequences for any issues involving this category (trust me, you don't want to read all of them) can vary depending on the severity of the situation. They can range from verbal warnings to demotion to immediate removal from the guild.'''
*Don't beg for promotion. Ever. When we feel like the time is right, we will promote you. Don't think that we've forgotten you. We assure you that any member who stays with the guild long enough, contributes their time to it, and interacts with others in a positive way will eventually become an Officer if they try. '''Begging for promotion is almost strictly forbidden. Only Officers and Guild Masters can promote people, and are only allowed to do so with approval from other ranks, depending on the circumstances. If you try to bribe, beg, spam, or blackmail any Officer or Guild Master to promote you, you will immediately be warned or demoted, and in extreme cases, removed.'''
As you may know, donations are what keep a guild running! A guild needs money to pay upkeep, expand its guild hall, decorate, and provide services for its members.
*'''Donations are not required by our guild''', and we will not persecute or hate on you if you do not donate. '''It is your decision as a player whether or not you want to donate to our guild''' and we respect that, as a player can choose what he or she would like to spend their money on.
*'''However, we ask that you donate on a weekly or biweekly basis.''' Donations are extremely vital to the livelihood of our guild, and we need almost every crown we can get! Donations can range from a small sum of crowns to a big bundle of crowns, and we'd love it if you pitched in and helped us make the guild an even better place.
*Donations to the treasury can be used to:
**Pay upkeep for the Guild Hall and its wings.
**Buy upgrades such as Guild Member Limit Upgrades and Guild Storage.
**Buy new wings, special rooms/floors, and doors for the Guild Hall.
**Buy or create furniture to decorate the Guild Hall.
===Special Event Purchases===
Occasionally, during Flash Sales or Special Events, furniture for Guild Halls will be on sale. During that time, Guild Masters or Officers may let the members know about what we're interested in buying, and let you know who to send your money or energy. If you're interested in donating during that time, please send or trade the items to the specified personnel.
This section is dedicated to what ranks are and what your rank says about you! If you're looking to get promoted, refer to this section to see what you should do. Whatever rank you aspire to achieve, we wish you luck!
*'''Recruit:''' You are new to our guild, and just making new friends. You've literally just been invited, and you haven't been deemed active yet, either. This is usually the shortest stage of membership in '''<Elfen Lied>''', and it can range from a couple of minutes to a week or two, depending on your activity.
*'''Member:''' You have proven you are active and are now a full-fledged member. You occasionally participate in conversations, know a few people in the guild, and you have access to the guild services offered by us.
*'''Veteran:''' You are social, and a generally warm and amiable person. You show loyalty to us, and we trust you. You contribute to the guild not only socially, but with generosity as well; you contribute to the Treasury and help others with missions. The Officers and Guild Masters recognize you and you are a mostly active person.
**To become a Veteran, you must be nominated by an Officer or handpicked by a Guild Master. The Officers and Guild Masters will deliberate during a meeting and then cast votes to see if you are truly to be a Veteran. '''Again, if you bribe, beg, spam, or blackmail an Officer or Guild Master to choose you, you will be subject to demotion or immediate removal of the guild.'''
*'''Officer:''' You are known in the guild and are a prevalent contributor in terms of social situations and can always be trusted to offer a helping hand. You donate to the treasury a lot, and the Guild Masters and other Officers trust you with managing the guild and keeping order while they're away. You are a responsible and respectful person who knows when to goof off and when to act like an adult, and a real role model that other members look up to. You are the embodiment of what our guild stands for.
**To become an Officer, you must be chosen by a Guild Master, and the Guild Masters will vote on you. Officers can voice their opinions about who their fellow colleagues will be, but ultimately the decision lies with the Guild Masters. Upon promotion, you will be monitored closely to see how you handle being an Officer, and once you prove yourself, you will become a true Officer, respected and honored.
*'''Guild Master:''' You are a leader, and the Guild Masters have known you for a long time as a friend and fellow player, and can rely on you. You can hold out on your own and make tough decisions when time is short. You are kind, but strict when necessary, and you put the guild first above your own personal interests and do what is best for the guild. You aren't just qualified to be a Guild Master; you can handle being a Guild Master.
**To become a Guild Master, you must be (after careful deliberation) designated by a Guild Master to the others. To become a Guild Master, ALL Guild Masters must vote for you, and after you have been promoted, you will go through a trial period (just like as an Officer) to demonstrate your capabilities as a leader in the guild.
==Rules for Ranked Guild Members==
This second section of rules is created for rules regarding the abilities granted to Veterans and Officers within Elfen Lied.
*Changing the MOTD (Message of the Day):
**Due to experiences with MOTD spam in past guilds, changing the MOTD is always done by a high-ranking Officer or a Guild Master. '''''Veterans are not allowed to change the MOTD. Changing it will result in a severe warning, and repeatedly spamming it AFTER WARNINGS or changing an important message is not allowed.'''''
*Entering Design Mode and changing the look of the Guild Hall by publishing it:
**On occasion, our guild will have groups of people in design mode, changing the looks of our Guild Hall. We encourage Veterans to join in the remodeling of our Guild Hall, and we love more company! '''Entering Design Mode with at least one Officer or Guild Master present is approved, but entering it alone and changing the Guild Hall without permission is out of the question. If you are in a small group while in Design mode, tampering with already finished rooms and publishing without consent is not appreciated.'''
*Changing the MOTD (Message of the Day):
**As an officer, you are only allowed to change the MOTD for an important message, and as long as you don't spam it, there won't be an problems. '''MOTDs that are derogatory or use foul language are not allowed, under any circumstances. Spamming is also intolerable, as stated in the Veterans section.'''
*Entering Design Mode and changing the look of the Guild Hall by publishing it:
**As our guild expands, we will allow Officers to have their own room that they can choose to share with one other person (they must agree to share, of course). The officer is in charge of raising the funds with their roommate for any furniture they wish to have. They may also change their room whenever they wish, and are authorized to by furniture with the money they have deposited in the treasury. We do not encourage you to install doors onto your room, and your room = your responsibility. '''If we find out that you are using the a large chunk of the guild's money (and not you and your roommate's) to buy furniture for your room, you will be warned. We support Officers having rooms and will allow a portion of our funds to be used, but frivolous spending is discouraged.'''
**We'd like our Guild Hall to change from time to time in order to freshen things up. Because of this, Officers are allowed to change the Guild Hall from time to time. '''To change the Guild hall, make sure you let another Officer or Guild Master know. Don't change the guild hall too much; we don't want our guild members getting lost!'''
*Buying Furnishings and Expansions from the Birdsong Emporium:
**In order to decorate the Guild Hall, it is often necessary to buy supplies from the Birdsong Emporium and other upgrades as well. '''Officers, unless they are told by a Guild Master to make an authorized transaction, are not allowed to buy Furnishings and any other upgrades/expansions offered by the Birdsong Emporium. It is strictly prohibited.'''
**As any guild does, we are always looking for new recruits to join us, and as Officers it is your duty to recruit and represent us. You are the first people any recruit ever meets. Because this is the case, '''Officers are not allowed to spam guild invites to everyone they see or advertise our guild excessively or with the use of rewards, as it taints our reputation. Officers should recruit and represent us positively; constantly being negative or just plain out no fun to be with is bad for you as a ranked member and bad for us too.''' When recruiting, get to know the recruits a little, and chat with them. There's no problem in chatting; it's fun anyways! Recruiting is quite easy to do, and you shouldn't have a hard time.
**As the Guild Masters carry out many of the duties that an Officer does, '''most Officers are not expected or allowed to promote members.''' Promotions that have not been finalized or are unauthorized can be a danger to the guild structure and can cause unnecessary trouble and chaos. '''Officers can promote Recruits to the rank of Member as long as the Recruit in line for promotion is active (because Guild Masters are not online all the time), and meetings with the Guild Masters will be held occasionally to determine who will be promoted to be new Veterans and Officers.'''
Elfen Lied is proud to say we are allies with:
*[[Hydra (Guild)]]
*[[Kuradentia (Guild)]]
*[[Owsla (Guild)]]
*[[Vebolt Guardians (Guild)]]
Members from all of these guilds are welcome in our Guild Hall and we consider them to be our friends and allies. We'd love to host events someday with these guilds and have parties as well!
=Guild Hall=
'''Section under construction.'''
=Legends and Lore=
==The Disappearing Chair==
At the time when our guild was filled with only a dozen or so members, we earned and put enough crowns in the treasury to buy ourselves a piece of furniture! We decided to buy a Blue Chair, and use it to decorate the Guild Hall. Hemad placed it smack dab in the middle of the floor, inducing one of those 'Lol wth are you doing?!' moments, and then published the Guild Hall. It used to face forward, until Araliaggtwo turned it around (being a troll ftw). From that day on it has stayed in its place, no matter what. After deciding to buy an Alchemy room, the three Guild Masters entered Design Mode, only to find the chair had disappeared, ''even after'' they saw that their Furnishings tab said there was 1/1 Blue Chairs. The Guild Masters ignored the weirdish issue that they saw, and published the Guild Hall. Once the guild mebers realized the chair was gone, they grew upset. "WHERE IS THE CHAIR?!" they asked, and when the Guild Masters finally bought a new one to take its place, everything was fixed. Hemad, who claimed that he was 'the smartest one here,' finally concluded that the chair had 'walked away and disappeared.' The chairs were eventually found hiding behind a wall (someone had moved them, in order to be funny = -=) and a chair hasn't gone missing ever since.
==The Derpbot==
Derp goes the Derpbot.
=Member List=
This list is updated about every week and is used to keep track of members. If any alternates are in this guild, they will also be listed, but we ask that you contact us (preferably Araliaggtwo) so we can list your alternates with your main character.
'''Last updated at 9:00 p.m. EST, November 4th, 2013'''
{{showhide|Guild Masters|content=
==Inactivity Policy==
As of now, our inactivity policy is as follows:
*'''If you have been inactive for 2 months or more and are of member or recruit rank, you will be removed from the guild roster.''' Those removed because of inactivity are welcome back into the guild whenever they choose to return, but we ask that you please remain active at least every few weeks so that we know you are not taking up valuable space within our guild ranks.
*'''Veterans and Officers are expected to contact their higher-ranking officials about any major absences that may occur,''' so that they will not be removed from the guild. Officials within Elfen Lied will be lenient with members of higher ranks, but remember that '''there is a 3 month policy that applies to you if you do not contact a Guild Master or Officer during this time.'''
*''Special cases for both groups will be considered and ruled upon by the Guild Masters.''
==Future Scheduled Meetings and Events==
Any scheduled meetings and events for '''<Elfen Lied>''' can be found here.

Latest revision as of 01:21, 1 January 2014

Elfen Lied
GuildLogo-Elfen Lied.png

Os iusti meditabitur sapientiam, et lingua eius loquetur iudicium. (The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and tongue shall speak judgment.)

Guild Founder: Hemad
Approx. Population: 83
Guild Master(s):
  • Araliaggtwo
  • Hemad
  • Ligiters
Guild Officer(s):
  • Agenta
  • Servano
  • Xglory
  • Xxhopexisxneededxx
  • Zenial


Elfen Lied has been disbanded. We are no longer accepting recruits into our ranks.

About Us

Founded in late May, 2013, Elfen Lied was created by Hemad, Ligiters, and Araliaggtwo, players who aspired to create a fun, vibrant new guild with friendly and helpful players while also ensuring a nurturing environment was created to help new players. Our guild is always hoping to grow and find more ways to involve ourselves in the Spiral Knights community, and we'd love to start hosting events with other guilds in the near future.

Although our guild may be small in number, we have a huge personality. We focus on incorporating positive and friendly players into our guild, and we always love to meet and greet new people. Being social is our goal, and we love partying :P If you're looking for an environment full of amiable players who are always willing to help and chat, then this may just be the guild for you. Although some guilds focus on growing and filling their guild with the maximum number of players, we focus on filling our guild with responsible and respectful players who are willing to assist you in your missions and love to have fun :D!


To join <Elfen Lied>, we recommend contacting one of our Guild Masters. Players wishing to join may be subject to an interview and/or inspect of your gear, but don't worry; passing isn't that hard. There are no rank or gear level qualifications to meet, and we're just checking to make sure that this guild is right for you.

Make sure you are willing to dedicate yourself to our guild. If you are not willing to help our guild or other members, this guild is not for you. Negative or unfriendly persons will most likely be denied access to our ranks. Positive and sociable players are welcomed with open arms! :)

General Guild Rules and Regulations

Created by the Guild Masters of Elfen Lied, our list of rules is always a malleable and ever-changing set of rules. If we ever find that we need to create a new rule or even remove one, this section will be changed according to their decisions. Make sure to check in once in a while to refresh your self on these! (For rules regarding changes to the guild hall, promotion and demotion, and other ranked powers, see the Rules for Ranked Guild Members section.)

  • Please, no begging for money, materials, and/or crystal energy! All of these can be earned with hard work and help from friends. If you ever need help, just ask! We're always happy to help other guild members in need. Continuing to beg can result in demotion or even removal from the guild. Please heed our warnings and don't beg!
  • Vending inside our guild hall or within our guild chat is not appreciated. We consider asking to buy/sell items to be spam when done repeatedly or more than necessary. If you wish to sell equipment, materials, crystal energy, etc., please go to the auction house and buy/sell there. Personal transactions between members is fine, but yelling out, WTS/WTB -item name here-! is frowned upon. Continuous vending will most likely result in demotion, and, in most circumstances, members will consider you to be an annoyance. So don't do it!
  • All members are required to speak and understand English well enough to interact with those around them, in order to make communication easier. Communicating in another language besides English can be fun, but it can complicate things and make it harder for other guild members to understand what is going on.
  • Excessive language is not permitted as it creates a crude environment for all of our other guild members. Language is permitted, as we cannot control the way you speak, but we still ask that you limit yourself if you have a habit of over-using foul language. A warning will be issued if we find that you are using more language than is necessary. If you continue to use a larger-than-needed amount of language we may:
  • Ask you to stop.
  • Ask you to turn on the 'Comicify' setting in the settings menu.
  • Demote you.
  • Show respect to the other guild members! Although we encourage all of the members of Elfen Lied to be nice to all players, it is crucial that players are friendly to others and know what's appropriate and what's not. If any member has been having an issue with another, we encourage them to contact one of the Guild Masters in order to address this issue. We'd hate to have a member leave because of the behavioral issues of other players. Consequences for any issues involving this category (trust me, you don't want to read all of them) can vary depending on the severity of the situation. They can range from verbal warnings to demotion to immediate removal from the guild.
  • Don't beg for promotion. Ever. When we feel like the time is right, we will promote you. Don't think that we've forgotten you. We assure you that any member who stays with the guild long enough, contributes their time to it, and interacts with others in a positive way will eventually become an Officer if they try. Begging for promotion is almost strictly forbidden. Only Officers and Guild Masters can promote people, and are only allowed to do so with approval from other ranks, depending on the circumstances. If you try to bribe, beg, spam, or blackmail any Officer or Guild Master to promote you, you will immediately be warned or demoted, and in extreme cases, removed.


As you may know, donations are what keep a guild running! A guild needs money to pay upkeep, expand its guild hall, decorate, and provide services for its members.

  • Donations are not required by our guild, and we will not persecute or hate on you if you do not donate. It is your decision as a player whether or not you want to donate to our guild and we respect that, as a player can choose what he or she would like to spend their money on.
  • However, we ask that you donate on a weekly or biweekly basis. Donations are extremely vital to the livelihood of our guild, and we need almost every crown we can get! Donations can range from a small sum of crowns to a big bundle of crowns, and we'd love it if you pitched in and helped us make the guild an even better place.
  • Donations to the treasury can be used to:
    • Pay upkeep for the Guild Hall and its wings.
    • Buy upgrades such as Guild Member Limit Upgrades and Guild Storage.
    • Buy new wings, special rooms/floors, and doors for the Guild Hall.
    • Buy or create furniture to decorate the Guild Hall.

Special Event Purchases

Occasionally, during Flash Sales or Special Events, furniture for Guild Halls will be on sale. During that time, Guild Masters or Officers may let the members know about what we're interested in buying, and let you know who to send your money or energy. If you're interested in donating during that time, please send or trade the items to the specified personnel.


This section is dedicated to what ranks are and what your rank says about you! If you're looking to get promoted, refer to this section to see what you should do. Whatever rank you aspire to achieve, we wish you luck!

  • Recruit: You are new to our guild, and just making new friends. You've literally just been invited, and you haven't been deemed active yet, either. This is usually the shortest stage of membership in <Elfen Lied>, and it can range from a couple of minutes to a week or two, depending on your activity.
  • Member: You have proven you are active and are now a full-fledged member. You occasionally participate in conversations, know a few people in the guild, and you have access to the guild services offered by us.
  • Veteran: You are social, and a generally warm and amiable person. You show loyalty to us, and we trust you. You contribute to the guild not only socially, but with generosity as well; you contribute to the Treasury and help others with missions. The Officers and Guild Masters recognize you and you are a mostly active person.
    • To become a Veteran, you must be nominated by an Officer or handpicked by a Guild Master. The Officers and Guild Masters will deliberate during a meeting and then cast votes to see if you are truly to be a Veteran. Again, if you bribe, beg, spam, or blackmail an Officer or Guild Master to choose you, you will be subject to demotion or immediate removal of the guild.
  • Officer: You are known in the guild and are a prevalent contributor in terms of social situations and can always be trusted to offer a helping hand. You donate to the treasury a lot, and the Guild Masters and other Officers trust you with managing the guild and keeping order while they're away. You are a responsible and respectful person who knows when to goof off and when to act like an adult, and a real role model that other members look up to. You are the embodiment of what our guild stands for.
    • To become an Officer, you must be chosen by a Guild Master, and the Guild Masters will vote on you. Officers can voice their opinions about who their fellow colleagues will be, but ultimately the decision lies with the Guild Masters. Upon promotion, you will be monitored closely to see how you handle being an Officer, and once you prove yourself, you will become a true Officer, respected and honored.
  • Guild Master: You are a leader, and the Guild Masters have known you for a long time as a friend and fellow player, and can rely on you. You can hold out on your own and make tough decisions when time is short. You are kind, but strict when necessary, and you put the guild first above your own personal interests and do what is best for the guild. You aren't just qualified to be a Guild Master; you can handle being a Guild Master.
    • To become a Guild Master, you must be (after careful deliberation) designated by a Guild Master to the others. To become a Guild Master, ALL Guild Masters must vote for you, and after you have been promoted, you will go through a trial period (just like as an Officer) to demonstrate your capabilities as a leader in the guild.

Rules for Ranked Guild Members

This second section of rules is created for rules regarding the abilities granted to Veterans and Officers within Elfen Lied.


  • Changing the MOTD (Message of the Day):
    • Due to experiences with MOTD spam in past guilds, changing the MOTD is always done by a high-ranking Officer or a Guild Master. Veterans are not allowed to change the MOTD. Changing it will result in a severe warning, and repeatedly spamming it AFTER WARNINGS or changing an important message is not allowed.
  • Entering Design Mode and changing the look of the Guild Hall by publishing it:
    • On occasion, our guild will have groups of people in design mode, changing the looks of our Guild Hall. We encourage Veterans to join in the remodeling of our Guild Hall, and we love more company! Entering Design Mode with at least one Officer or Guild Master present is approved, but entering it alone and changing the Guild Hall without permission is out of the question. If you are in a small group while in Design mode, tampering with already finished rooms and publishing without consent is not appreciated.


  • Changing the MOTD (Message of the Day):
    • As an officer, you are only allowed to change the MOTD for an important message, and as long as you don't spam it, there won't be an problems. MOTDs that are derogatory or use foul language are not allowed, under any circumstances. Spamming is also intolerable, as stated in the Veterans section.
  • Entering Design Mode and changing the look of the Guild Hall by publishing it:
    • As our guild expands, we will allow Officers to have their own room that they can choose to share with one other person (they must agree to share, of course). The officer is in charge of raising the funds with their roommate for any furniture they wish to have. They may also change their room whenever they wish, and are authorized to by furniture with the money they have deposited in the treasury. We do not encourage you to install doors onto your room, and your room = your responsibility. If we find out that you are using the a large chunk of the guild's money (and not you and your roommate's) to buy furniture for your room, you will be warned. We support Officers having rooms and will allow a portion of our funds to be used, but frivolous spending is discouraged.
    • We'd like our Guild Hall to change from time to time in order to freshen things up. Because of this, Officers are allowed to change the Guild Hall from time to time. To change the Guild hall, make sure you let another Officer or Guild Master know. Don't change the guild hall too much; we don't want our guild members getting lost!
  • Buying Furnishings and Expansions from the Birdsong Emporium:
    • In order to decorate the Guild Hall, it is often necessary to buy supplies from the Birdsong Emporium and other upgrades as well. Officers, unless they are told by a Guild Master to make an authorized transaction, are not allowed to buy Furnishings and any other upgrades/expansions offered by the Birdsong Emporium. It is strictly prohibited.
  • Recruiting:
    • As any guild does, we are always looking for new recruits to join us, and as Officers it is your duty to recruit and represent us. You are the first people any recruit ever meets. Because this is the case, Officers are not allowed to spam guild invites to everyone they see or advertise our guild excessively or with the use of rewards, as it taints our reputation. Officers should recruit and represent us positively; constantly being negative or just plain out no fun to be with is bad for you as a ranked member and bad for us too. When recruiting, get to know the recruits a little, and chat with them. There's no problem in chatting; it's fun anyways! Recruiting is quite easy to do, and you shouldn't have a hard time.
  • Promoting:
    • As the Guild Masters carry out many of the duties that an Officer does, most Officers are not expected or allowed to promote members. Promotions that have not been finalized or are unauthorized can be a danger to the guild structure and can cause unnecessary trouble and chaos. Officers can promote Recruits to the rank of Member as long as the Recruit in line for promotion is active (because Guild Masters are not online all the time), and meetings with the Guild Masters will be held occasionally to determine who will be promoted to be new Veterans and Officers.


Elfen Lied is proud to say we are allies with:

Members from all of these guilds are welcome in our Guild Hall and we consider them to be our friends and allies. We'd love to host events someday with these guilds and have parties as well!

Guild Hall

Section under construction.

Legends and Lore

The Disappearing Chair

At the time when our guild was filled with only a dozen or so members, we earned and put enough crowns in the treasury to buy ourselves a piece of furniture! We decided to buy a Blue Chair, and use it to decorate the Guild Hall. Hemad placed it smack dab in the middle of the floor, inducing one of those 'Lol wth are you doing?!' moments, and then published the Guild Hall. It used to face forward, until Araliaggtwo turned it around (being a troll ftw). From that day on it has stayed in its place, no matter what. After deciding to buy an Alchemy room, the three Guild Masters entered Design Mode, only to find the chair had disappeared, even after they saw that their Furnishings tab said there was 1/1 Blue Chairs. The Guild Masters ignored the weirdish issue that they saw, and published the Guild Hall. Once the guild mebers realized the chair was gone, they grew upset. "WHERE IS THE CHAIR?!" they asked, and when the Guild Masters finally bought a new one to take its place, everything was fixed. Hemad, who claimed that he was 'the smartest one here,' finally concluded that the chair had 'walked away and disappeared.' The chairs were eventually found hiding behind a wall (someone had moved them, in order to be funny = -=) and a chair hasn't gone missing ever since.

The Derpbot

Derp goes the Derpbot.

Member List

This list is updated about every week and is used to keep track of members. If any alternates are in this guild, they will also be listed, but we ask that you contact us (preferably Araliaggtwo) so we can list your alternates with your main character.

Last updated at 9:00 p.m. EST, November 4th, 2013

Inactivity Policy

As of now, our inactivity policy is as follows:

  • If you have been inactive for 2 months or more and are of member or recruit rank, you will be removed from the guild roster. Those removed because of inactivity are welcome back into the guild whenever they choose to return, but we ask that you please remain active at least every few weeks so that we know you are not taking up valuable space within our guild ranks.
  • Veterans and Officers are expected to contact their higher-ranking officials about any major absences that may occur, so that they will not be removed from the guild. Officials within Elfen Lied will be lenient with members of higher ranks, but remember that there is a 3 month policy that applies to you if you do not contact a Guild Master or Officer during this time.
  • Special cases for both groups will be considered and ruled upon by the Guild Masters.

Future Scheduled Meetings and Events

Any scheduled meetings and events for <Elfen Lied> can be found here.

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