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Page for my lore stuff. This'll be fun.
Page for my lore stuff. This'll be fun.
I suppose this will be a place for me to chuck lore everywhere, for later editions of World of Lorecraft. Just quick notes and gibberish and bullet points 'n stuff.
Let us begin!
== Isorans ==
* Originally from the planet Cradle.
* Ancestors were of the Three Kingdoms (Almire, Novaran, Auria)
* Novaran + Auria = Spiral Union, the kingdom that destroyed Almire.
* War of the Alliances. Novaran + Auria + Kat Tribes against Almire + Owlite Kingdom (need a name!).
* Vanadukes revenge! Destroys Spiral Union and stuff. Some manage to escape on a spaceship they built using Kat blueprints provided to them.
* Wander around galaxies and stuff, find Isora and colonize it.
* History concerning Cradle and their ancestors are lost.
* Turn planet Mora into jai planet, for nasty people.
* Over time, stuff happens. Prisoners on Mora (ranking in the tens of thousands) rebells, take over planet. Become known as the Morai.
* War! The Morai Wars.
* More aliens join the war after stuff!
* Skylark crashes onto Cradle.
* Stuff
== The War of Alliances ==
* The Three Kingdoms: Almire, Novaran, Auria
* Novaran, Auria team up against Almire; believe that her military force could be a really big problem someday.
* Form Spiral Alliance
* Ally with Kats, great makers of weaponry and war machines
* Kats provide Spiral Alliance with blueprints and stuff for energy-based weaponry, aircraft, etc.
* In return, Spiral Alliance helps Kats fight war against Owlites. Cause Owlites have magic stuff that Kats need to make most epic weapons ever.
* Almire allies with Owlites.
* Owlites provide magical support of Almire, Almire helps Owlites against Kats + Spiral Union
* Owlites gradually get destroyed, along with Almire.
* Vog and his Vog Cubs help Almire!
* Owlites defeated during the Sacking of the High Academy of Magicks.
* Kats turned into floating head things by Great Kataclysm.
* Vog wounded, retreats with his cubs.
* Sacking of the Citadel. Almire defeated.
* The Valkyrie save Lord Vanaduke, bring him to Mountains of DarkFyre/Shadow Fire.
* Vanaduke wanders around. Find shrine/temple for Vog.
* Vog brings him army back, imbues Vana with fiery power.
* Destruction of the Spiral Empire.
* Some escape on spaceship.
* Vana rules!
== Isoran and Various Languages ==
So this was from [http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/94211#comment-843895 this comment.]
"Extensive research you say? What about the fact that every single friendly Gremlin we've encountered can speak Isoran?"
Heck, ALL Gremlins can speak Isoran. We can understand Razwog, Seerus, even Menders with their "Stay Close!" and stuff. And not even just Gremlins. The Lost Spirits in FSC; Kats; Devilites. Strangers, King Krogmo, everyone! So either OOO is just doing that so we can understand them, or we speak a dialect not unlike the common Clockworks language. The Gremlins have their own dialect, but they must also have a 2nd dialect that they speak in for the rest of the Clockworks.
And since we can understand it, which means Isoran language must be similar to the common language, it makes sense for the theory that the Isorans originated from Cradle, before crap happened and they ended on leaving and Isora and Morai Wars and stuff.
Or, of course, we could've just leared the Common Language during the time we've been on Cradle.
But wait! We understood Razwog and the Strangers from the very first, when we first explored Cradle and the Clockworks. I don't think we'd have had enough time to become fluent in the Common Language, so it must be similar to Isoran!
So we can understand dudes on Cradle cause Isoran and the Common Speech are very similar cause we originated from Cradle and the Common Speech became a base for Isoran, which must be either the same thing or a mutated form of the Common Speech.
My Vog I'm a genius I just thought of all of this right on the spot O.o
== Humans ==
Prof. Allister Danford = Member of Three Rings, rival company of Aperture Science and Black Mesa. Based on Portal/Half-Life.
Gaian Federation: The united government of Earth.
== Apocreans ==
Creatures from the Underworld that the Fiends inhabit as well. They have a strange society based around magycks and science. They power their machines with the souls those they catch. Their machines have much to do with breaking reality and stuff and exploring the voids beyond. What lies in the blinding darkness beyond the lies of reality? It is not nothing, yet it is nothing because it is. It is not everything and nothing these terms cannot even begin to attempt to describe the miniculest bit of what it means to not even be beyond reality and the void and eternity and infinity and everything and nothing that was never and ever was and will be and is and hasn't been in existance and non existance and a state of static nonbeing while being. It is very very confusing to try to write this wtf am i even writing
The Cup of Kings is a strange device that renders them all invincible and immortal. It is a pool of sorts containing the mixed life essences of the Apocreans; without it, they are immortal. If the Cup is destroyed, then the life essence stuff returns to the Apocreans and they become mortal. But how can it be destroyed? It is contained within Harvester. To destroy it you must destroy Harvester first, who cannot be destroyed without the CoK being destroyed first. EHEHEHEHEHE
The Path of Ages is a wormhole machine that allows beings to pass back and forth from Apocrea and any point in time, space, and reality. But at a price. Time passes unnaturally for those crossing the Path. Hours, days, years may pass for the traveler while no time passes for the rest of the world. Dying from old age or something while trying to cross is completely possible. But as immortal beings, the Apocreans are uneffected.
The Apocrealypse; and age-old Fiend superstition. It is foretold that someday when whatever happens, the Apocrealypse will come forth. Legions upon legions of Apocrean warriors will flood the Underworld, and then continue to conquer worlds outside of the Underworld dimension. It comes in multiple stages. The Forewarning, where single Apocreans may be sighted in isolated areas. Mysterious deaths and disappearances in the local population may occur. Then the Opening, where the first legions of Obsidian Disciples advance, causing chaos and wrecking havoc. Then the Happening, when the Apocreans themselves come forth, using their infernal devices to subjugate those in their way and drag them back to Apocrea. And finally, the actual Apocrealypse, when they are unstoppable, and reality begins to shatter. Dimensional walls warp and tear, and unstable portals between dimensions appears at random. Stuff stuff stuff stuff basically they're destroying reality as we know it. Once they fully succeed, reality will be completely shredded. All dimensions, subdimesions, alternate realities, ect ect will all coalesce into a single, beyond-chaotic entity.
Obsidian Disciples; Obsidian is a materail most often ascociated with the Apocreans. A shadowy version of it is abundant in the realm of the Apocreans, and they use it to create their machines and devices. The Obsidian Disciples are creatures and warriors created by an Apocrean device; much like the GMO soldiers that the Vea'lx are. They are literally made out of Obsidian. They wield weapons that are capable of opening portals back to Apocrea, which they use to slay enemies and rip their souls out, or to drag said enemies directly back to Apocrea via portals. Obsidian Edge, Carbine, Crusher. The infinite tentacles of the Unchosen One appear in these portals and drag, drag, drag. They wear robes made from obsidian thread.
The Obsidian Disciples obey the commands of the Apocreans, who are warriors, scientists, and absolutely terrifying. They in turn obey the one and only Harvester; the Grand Apocrean. The UberApocrean, if you will. He is no warfaring soldiers; rather, he plays with psychological warfare. And Harvester yet has its own master; the Unchosen One. Dignitary of the HorrorTerrors from the Furthest Ring, who live in the gaps of reality, with a foot/tentacle/appendage/limb in each and every universe, dimension, and reality to ever and never exist, and every other one in between. They are everywhere and nowhere. Literally. They inhabit every single point in space-time-reality. But they cannot act directly. So they act through the Apocreans. Why? Because they <em>are</em> the Apocreans. Or rather, the Apocreans are still developing HorrorTerrors. If anything, they are basically the embryotic stages of becoming an actual HorrorTerror.

Latest revision as of 08:25, 10 June 2014

Page for my lore stuff. This'll be fun.

I suppose this will be a place for me to chuck lore everywhere, for later editions of World of Lorecraft. Just quick notes and gibberish and bullet points 'n stuff.

Let us begin!


  • Originally from the planet Cradle.
  • Ancestors were of the Three Kingdoms (Almire, Novaran, Auria)
  • Novaran + Auria = Spiral Union, the kingdom that destroyed Almire.
  • War of the Alliances. Novaran + Auria + Kat Tribes against Almire + Owlite Kingdom (need a name!).
  • Vanadukes revenge! Destroys Spiral Union and stuff. Some manage to escape on a spaceship they built using Kat blueprints provided to them.
  • Wander around galaxies and stuff, find Isora and colonize it.
  • History concerning Cradle and their ancestors are lost.
  • Turn planet Mora into jai planet, for nasty people.
  • Over time, stuff happens. Prisoners on Mora (ranking in the tens of thousands) rebells, take over planet. Become known as the Morai.
  • War! The Morai Wars.
  • More aliens join the war after stuff!
  • Skylark crashes onto Cradle.
  • Stuff

The War of Alliances

  • The Three Kingdoms: Almire, Novaran, Auria
  • Novaran, Auria team up against Almire; believe that her military force could be a really big problem someday.
  • Form Spiral Alliance
  • Ally with Kats, great makers of weaponry and war machines
  • Kats provide Spiral Alliance with blueprints and stuff for energy-based weaponry, aircraft, etc.
  • In return, Spiral Alliance helps Kats fight war against Owlites. Cause Owlites have magic stuff that Kats need to make most epic weapons ever.
  • Almire allies with Owlites.
  • Owlites provide magical support of Almire, Almire helps Owlites against Kats + Spiral Union
  • Owlites gradually get destroyed, along with Almire.
  • Vog and his Vog Cubs help Almire!
  • Owlites defeated during the Sacking of the High Academy of Magicks.
  • Kats turned into floating head things by Great Kataclysm.
  • Vog wounded, retreats with his cubs.
  • Sacking of the Citadel. Almire defeated.
  • The Valkyrie save Lord Vanaduke, bring him to Mountains of DarkFyre/Shadow Fire.
  • Vanaduke wanders around. Find shrine/temple for Vog.
  • Vog brings him army back, imbues Vana with fiery power.
  • Destruction of the Spiral Empire.
  • Some escape on spaceship.
  • Vana rules!

Isoran and Various Languages

So this was from this comment.

"Extensive research you say? What about the fact that every single friendly Gremlin we've encountered can speak Isoran?"

Heck, ALL Gremlins can speak Isoran. We can understand Razwog, Seerus, even Menders with their "Stay Close!" and stuff. And not even just Gremlins. The Lost Spirits in FSC; Kats; Devilites. Strangers, King Krogmo, everyone! So either OOO is just doing that so we can understand them, or we speak a dialect not unlike the common Clockworks language. The Gremlins have their own dialect, but they must also have a 2nd dialect that they speak in for the rest of the Clockworks.

And since we can understand it, which means Isoran language must be similar to the common language, it makes sense for the theory that the Isorans originated from Cradle, before crap happened and they ended on leaving and Isora and Morai Wars and stuff.

Or, of course, we could've just leared the Common Language during the time we've been on Cradle.

But wait! We understood Razwog and the Strangers from the very first, when we first explored Cradle and the Clockworks. I don't think we'd have had enough time to become fluent in the Common Language, so it must be similar to Isoran!

So we can understand dudes on Cradle cause Isoran and the Common Speech are very similar cause we originated from Cradle and the Common Speech became a base for Isoran, which must be either the same thing or a mutated form of the Common Speech.

My Vog I'm a genius I just thought of all of this right on the spot O.o


Prof. Allister Danford = Member of Three Rings, rival company of Aperture Science and Black Mesa. Based on Portal/Half-Life.

Gaian Federation: The united government of Earth.


Creatures from the Underworld that the Fiends inhabit as well. They have a strange society based around magycks and science. They power their machines with the souls those they catch. Their machines have much to do with breaking reality and stuff and exploring the voids beyond. What lies in the blinding darkness beyond the lies of reality? It is not nothing, yet it is nothing because it is. It is not everything and nothing these terms cannot even begin to attempt to describe the miniculest bit of what it means to not even be beyond reality and the void and eternity and infinity and everything and nothing that was never and ever was and will be and is and hasn't been in existance and non existance and a state of static nonbeing while being. It is very very confusing to try to write this wtf am i even writing

The Cup of Kings is a strange device that renders them all invincible and immortal. It is a pool of sorts containing the mixed life essences of the Apocreans; without it, they are immortal. If the Cup is destroyed, then the life essence stuff returns to the Apocreans and they become mortal. But how can it be destroyed? It is contained within Harvester. To destroy it you must destroy Harvester first, who cannot be destroyed without the CoK being destroyed first. EHEHEHEHEHE

The Path of Ages is a wormhole machine that allows beings to pass back and forth from Apocrea and any point in time, space, and reality. But at a price. Time passes unnaturally for those crossing the Path. Hours, days, years may pass for the traveler while no time passes for the rest of the world. Dying from old age or something while trying to cross is completely possible. But as immortal beings, the Apocreans are uneffected.

The Apocrealypse; and age-old Fiend superstition. It is foretold that someday when whatever happens, the Apocrealypse will come forth. Legions upon legions of Apocrean warriors will flood the Underworld, and then continue to conquer worlds outside of the Underworld dimension. It comes in multiple stages. The Forewarning, where single Apocreans may be sighted in isolated areas. Mysterious deaths and disappearances in the local population may occur. Then the Opening, where the first legions of Obsidian Disciples advance, causing chaos and wrecking havoc. Then the Happening, when the Apocreans themselves come forth, using their infernal devices to subjugate those in their way and drag them back to Apocrea. And finally, the actual Apocrealypse, when they are unstoppable, and reality begins to shatter. Dimensional walls warp and tear, and unstable portals between dimensions appears at random. Stuff stuff stuff stuff basically they're destroying reality as we know it. Once they fully succeed, reality will be completely shredded. All dimensions, subdimesions, alternate realities, ect ect will all coalesce into a single, beyond-chaotic entity.

Obsidian Disciples; Obsidian is a materail most often ascociated with the Apocreans. A shadowy version of it is abundant in the realm of the Apocreans, and they use it to create their machines and devices. The Obsidian Disciples are creatures and warriors created by an Apocrean device; much like the GMO soldiers that the Vea'lx are. They are literally made out of Obsidian. They wield weapons that are capable of opening portals back to Apocrea, which they use to slay enemies and rip their souls out, or to drag said enemies directly back to Apocrea via portals. Obsidian Edge, Carbine, Crusher. The infinite tentacles of the Unchosen One appear in these portals and drag, drag, drag. They wear robes made from obsidian thread.

The Obsidian Disciples obey the commands of the Apocreans, who are warriors, scientists, and absolutely terrifying. They in turn obey the one and only Harvester; the Grand Apocrean. The UberApocrean, if you will. He is no warfaring soldiers; rather, he plays with psychological warfare. And Harvester yet has its own master; the Unchosen One. Dignitary of the HorrorTerrors from the Furthest Ring, who live in the gaps of reality, with a foot/tentacle/appendage/limb in each and every universe, dimension, and reality to ever and never exist, and every other one in between. They are everywhere and nowhere. Literally. They inhabit every single point in space-time-reality. But they cannot act directly. So they act through the Apocreans. Why? Because they are the Apocreans. Or rather, the Apocreans are still developing HorrorTerrors. If anything, they are basically the embryotic stages of becoming an actual HorrorTerror.



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