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| motto = We are one Family and are helping us one for all, all for one. Everyone is welcome, but we are at the moment 99% german.
| motto = We are one Family and are helping us one for all, all for one. Everyone is welcome, but we are at the moment 99% german.
| founder = Dinosauer
| founder = Dinosauer
| pop = always about 100 - 150
| pop = under 50
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Everyone can join the Big Family and will get a chance. The only thing that is important for us is to have active and friendly members.<br>
Everyone can join the Big Family and will get a chance. The only thing that is important for us is to have active and friendly members.<br>
If you want to invite a friend to the guild and you don't have the permissions for that, please contact an officer or guildmaster. They will take care for the invite then.<br>
If you want to invite a friend to the guild and you don't have the permissions for that, please contact an officer or guildmaster. They will take care for the invite then.<br>
Every recruit, which is longer than one month off, will be kicked from guild. Members have got two month and veterans three.<br>
Guildmasters and officers will be demoted to veteran after one month offline but altogether it is at least three month allowed.<br>
Should there be more member requests than space, then the recruit with longest offline time will be kicked.<br>
== General Guildrules ==
== General Guildrules ==
We want to have friendly members with good manners. Should there be some discrepancies we will talk about that.<br>
1) Don't beg (in any way).<br>
If it is not possible to find a solution, there will be consequences that can effect that someone has to leave the guild at worst.<br>
2) Don't talk bad about the guild<br>
Also it is not allowed to ruin the name of the guild in public. For example it is forbidden (in public or in guild) to:<br>
3) Don't talk about guildstuff in public. That is non of externals businesses.<br>
1) ...beg (doesn't matter if it is about money or energy or something else).<br>
4) Don't flame other players (doesn't matter from which guild).<br>
2) ...talk bad about the guild or talk about guildstuff in public. That is non of externals businesses.<br>
5) Don't invite members without asking in advance. If you need help you may ask in the guildchat. Please keep in mind that officers have other targets than recruits.<br>
3) ...flame other players (doesn't matter from which guild).<br>
6) Don't disgrace somehow else the guild or its name or members.<br>
4) ...invite members without asking. In every case you need to ask before inviting. You can do that also openly in guildchat.<br>
If you need help contact first the members with same guildrank like you are, because for example officers have other targets than recruits.<br>
5) ...disgrace somehow else the guild or its name or members.<br><br>
<b><u>Special Guildrules for officers and guildmasters</u></b><br>
{{showhide|How long can I stay offline?|content=
Every demotion will be discussed and approved by the guildmasters.<br>  
-Recruits: 1 month<br>
Officers are allowed to audit Membership and Veteran-Tests. Guildmasters are allowed to audit every test.<br>  
-Members: 2 months<br>
Officers and guildmasters are allowed to invite new recruits, but need to have a look that they don't have nasty names.<br>  
-Veterans: 3 months<br>
Breaches of the rules will lead to demotion to rank veteran.<br>
-Officers and Guildmasters: 3 Month (Demotion to Veteran after 1 month)<br>
Every officer and guildmaster was instructed and has aggreed on this additional rules.<br>
-Honorary Guildmasters: No time limit!<br>
Should there be more member requests than space, then the recruit with longest offline time will be kicked.}}
{{showhide|What happens if I pass the maximum offline time?|content=
-You will leave the guild.}}<br>
{{showhide|<b><u>Special Guildrules for officers, guildmasters and guildleader(s)</u></b>|content=
Every demotion and kick from the guild will be discussed with the guildmasters and approved by the guildleader(s).<br>
Every demotion and kick of a Guildmaster will be discussed with the guildleader(s) and Dinosauer.<br>
Officers are allowed to audit Membership and Veteran-Tests. Guildmasters are allowed to audit every test except the guildmastertest.<br>
The guildleader(s) and Dinosauer are the only persons that are allowed to audit guildmastertests.<br>
Officers, guildmasters and guildleader(s) are allowed to invite new recruits, but need to have a look that they don't have nasty names.<br>
The guildleader is allowed to redecorate the guildhall, but not to cancel existing rooms or floors.<br>
Breaches of the rules will lead to demotion to rank veteran.<br>
Every officer, guildmaster and guildleader was instructed and has aggreed on this additional rules.}}
== Special Guildrules for Guildhall and Guildstorage==
== Special Guildrules for Guildhall and Guildstorage==
The Guildhall is a very expansive benefit. Everyone is invited to spend money for it, but nobody is forced to. The easiest way is to do a Vana-run with four persons.<br>
In the Guildstorage you can put materials, weapons, armors and recipes.<br>
Afterwards everyone is offering his loot from this run. If everybody do so once a week, then we would be able to have a very beautiful Guildhall.<br>
Everybody that takes out something of it should pay something else from at least same value into it.<br>
Every offering, doesn't matter if for furniture or upkeep, is to be paid directly to the Guildhallbank. Everything that is above the weekly upkeep amount will be used for furniture.<br>
We will check prices according to value in auction house.<br>
<b>The <u>Guildstorage</u> is not the same as <u>Guildtreasury</u>!!!<br>
So it is <u>NOT</u> ok to take something from the <u>Guildstorage</u> and pay the balance into the <u>Guildtreasury.</u></b><br><br>
Everyone is invited to spend money for it, but nobody is forced to.<br>
The easiest way is to do a Vana-run with four persons and spend all earnings afterwards.<br>
If everybody do so once a week, then we would be able to have a very beautiful Guildhall.<br>
Shouldn't there be enough money for upkeeping, we will cancel as much rooms as needed to have the upkeep paid.<br>
Shouldn't there be enough money for upkeeping, we will cancel as much rooms as needed to have the upkeep paid.<br>
According to prior agreement from Dinosauer it is possible to buy and create an own room. But then the costs for the room-floor (incl. furniture and weekly upkeep) is to be paid by the user of the room.<br>
<u><b>Buying furniture and redecorating furniture from public rooms are only made by the guildleader(s) and Dinosauer according to the Special Guildrules for officers, guildmasters and guildleader(s).<br>
Breaches of this rule will be punished immediately with demotion</b></u>}}
{{showhide|Can I have an own room?|content=
According to prior agreement from the guildleader(s) or Dinosauer it is possible to buy, create and upkeep an own room.<br>
It goes without saying that stuff from private-rooms are not to be redecorated or removed except from the owner himself.<br>
It goes without saying that stuff from private-rooms are not to be redecorated or removed except from the owner himself.<br>
If the upkeep from an owner is not paid until wednesdays noon, the owner has to pay a double upkeep as punishment.<br>  
If the upkeep from an owner is not paid until wednesdays noon, the owner has to pay a double upkeep as punishment.<br>  
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The upkeep of their rooms is to be paid also by the person who was responsible for the sealing. If the upkeep is still not payable from the owner,<br>  
The upkeep of their rooms is to be paid also by the person who was responsible for the sealing. If the upkeep is still not payable from the owner,<br>  
the owner will be dispossessed and the rooms and the furniture will be belong to the community then.<br>  
the owner will be dispossessed and the rooms and the furniture will be belong to the community then.<br>  
A future renting is only possible if the arrears inclusive the penalty is payed at once to "Unterhalt" and the upkeep for the first week of the new renting is paid in advance to guildtreasury.<br>
A future renting is only possible if the arrears inclusive the penalty is payed at once to "Unterhalt" and the upkeep for the first week of the new renting is paid in advance to guildtreasury.}}<br>
<u><b>Buying furniture and redecorating furniture from public rooms are only made by Dinosauer or Kampfkuh.<br>
Should there be anything that needs to be changed in the guildhall, then this is to be discussed with mentioned persons.<br>
Breaches of this rule will be punished immediately with demotion to rank member. A promotion after this punishment is only possible with a special payment to the guildhall.<br>
The height of this payment is decided by the guildmasters. Anyway a special payment does not allow any (further) redecorations.<br>
If someone is caught in the design mode (even if it is without saving) then this person gets a warning. If this person is caught again, he will be demoted also to rank member.</b></u><br><br>
<u><b>Owned rooms:</b></u><br>
2nd Floor East: Schwertmeister<br><br>
We have an energyfountain, but it is not placed at the moment for the community because we cannot see a benefit for our guild.}}<br>
<u><b>Special Thanks to:</b></u><br>
- Schwertmeister (for buying the Alchemie-Room)<br><br>
== How can I get promoted? ==
In this guild there are tests where you can get through to be promoted.<br>  
The mistfountain is only available for veterans or higher guildmembers. Those who want to have a mistfountain in their own room needs to make sure that a veterans-door is installed.<br>  
<b>You can get through the first test 10 days after joining the guild and you have to wait every time 10 days until you are allowed to do the next test.<br>  
Everyone that pays 500 crystalenergy can take 600 mistenergy.<br>  
All tests contains a practical test and a theoretical test where you have to answer questions about the Guildrules. All tests will be only you and the auditor.</b><br><br>
If somebody should take mistenergy without having crystalenergy prepaid, the person needs to pay a penalty with same hight in crystalenergy to the injured (who was owner of the energy in the mistfountain).<br>  
The breach of rule needs to be reportet immediately to reconstruct clearly who paid energy and who took energy without permission.<br>
If the payback isn't done after one week, the injuring party will leave the guild automatically and will be banned permanently.<br>
It is recommended that the payback with crystalenergy will be done by way of an officer or guildmaster so that the officer/guildmaster can attest that the payback was done.<br>
As long as the penalty is not paid, the injuring party will be demoted to rank member.<br><br>
{{showhide|<b><u>Membership:</u></b>|content= One Snarbolax-Run without dying. You have to kill every enemy. The auditor will only watch and don't help. The test can be audited from every officer or guildmaster.}}
{{showhide|<b><u>Veteran-Test:</u></b>|content= One Roarmulus- or Jellyrun without dying. You have to kill every enemy. The auditor will only watch and don't help. The test can be audited from every officer or guildmaster.<br>
<b>Special Requirements for doing Veteran-Test: Title "Member" and at least "Knight"</b>}}
{{showhide|<b><u>Officer-Test:</u></b>|content= One FSC-Run without dying. You have to kill every enemy. The auditor will only freeze Vanaduke at the end of FSC. The test can be audited from every guildmaster.<br>
<b>Special Requirements for doing Officer-Test: Title "Veteran" and "Avantgarde"</b>}}
{{showhide|<b><u>Guildmaster-Tests:</u></b>|content= Every Dangerprestige without dying. If you collected all, you will get a final theoretical test. The tests can be audited only from the guildleader(s) or Dinosauer (Guildfounder)<br>
<b>Special Requirements for doing Guildmaster-Test: Title "Officer", you have to have Shivermist Buster AND Blitzneedle and you are willing to take over a job in the guild.</b>}}
{{showhide|<b><u>Honorary Guildmaster-Tests:</u></b>|content= There is no test available for this status. You <b>cannot</b> apply for this status. It is given to you, when the time is ready and you have proven to be a reliable guildmaster and friend of the guild. This status will be given only by Dinosauer (Guildfounder)}}<br><br>
{{showhide|On which difficulty must I play?|content=
In the Guildstorage you can put materials, weapons, armors and recipes. The guildstorage is not bought to enrich some persons and make some persons poorer.<br>  
The difficulty of the mission (normal, advanced, elite) is choosen by the correctness of the theoretical test.<br>
Everybody that takes out something of it should pay something other from same value into it. For example: a recruit that is doing Snarbolaxruns have a lot of sharp fang materials, that he doesn't use.<br>  
<b>Everything is answered 100% correctly: The testee can choose between normal, advanced and elite.<br>
If he needs some materials that are dropped by doing Jelly King or Vanaduke, then he should give some of his materials that are dropped on Snarbolaxruns.<br>
One of the three questions is not answered 100% correctly: The testee can choose between advanced and elite.<br>
If someone needs a rare 3-Star recipe that is not available in the hall of heroes, then he should exchange it to another 3-Star recipe that is also not available in the hall of heroes.<br>
Two of the three questions is not answered 100% correctly: The testee has to play on difficulty elite.</b>}}
In very special cases, that a recipe from guildstorage is urgently needed, and you don't have any recipe to give as exchange you may pay in materials with same value.<br>
Same rules effect weapons and armors in the guildstorage.<br>
{{showhide|What is the benefit of beeing tested?|content=
The guildranking is implemented to see at one sight who is able to help you and who is good for what job. You also might find easyier a party to help you on your way.<br>
Another Benefit is the increased access to the guildhall and the guildstorage, which gives you more security for your exchange objects.<br>
Besides that you have the benefit of beeing allowed to stay longer offline with every guildrank (see General Information about "Big Family").}}<br>
== How can I get promoted? ==
== Weapons- and Armorguide ==
In this guild there are tests where you can get through to be promoted.<br>
{{showhide|<b><u>P r e a m b l e</u></b>|content=
<b>You can get through the first test 10 days after joining the guild and you have to wait 10 days until you are allowed to do the next test.<br>  
As the Guildfounder I have made myself all weapons and armors until the beginning of 2014 and was able to test each of them sufficiently.<br>
All tests contains a practical test and a theoretical test where you have to answer questions about the Guildrules. All tests will be only you and the auditor.</b><br><br>
Some weapons or armors are similar to each other and sometimes it is a matter of taste. Because of that wrote the similar ones aside after a forward slash.<br>
<b><u>Membership:</u></b> One Snarbolax-Run without dying. You have to kill every enemy. The auditor will only watch and don't help. The test can be audited from every officer or guildmaster.<br><br>
You will see next a listing of weapons which are good to reach almost everything in game. I have listed them in sequence in which it should be made. First weapon is on top.<br>  
<b><u>Veteran-Test:</u></b> One Roarmulus- or Jellyrun without dying. You have to kill every enemy. The auditor will only watch and don't help. The test can be audited from every officer or guildmaster.<br>
I have written down also the alchemic path. On the very left you will see the groundversion and on the very right the 5 Star version.<br>
<b>Special Requirements for doing Veteran-Test: Title "Member" and at least"Knight"</b><br><br>
(I am not talking about the equipment for shadow lair or dangerous prestige here, because each of them need complete different equipment.)}}<br><br>
<b><u>Officer-Test:</u></b> One FSC-Run without dying. You have to kill every enemy. The auditor will only freeze Vanaduke at the end of FSC. The test can be audited from every guildmaster.<br>
<b>Special Requirements for doing Officer-Test: Title "Veteran" and "Avantgarde"</b><br><br>
<b><u>Guildmaster-Tests:</u></b> You have to be able to do every Dangerprestige without dying. If you collected all, you will get a final theoretical test. The test can be audited only from Dinosauer (Guildfounder)<br><b>Special Requirements for doing Guildmaster-Test: Title "Officer", you have to have Shivermist Buster AND Blitzneedle and you are willing to take over a job in the guild.</b><br><br>
<b><u>What is the benefit of beeing tested?</u></b><br>
<b><u>All really important weapons (Please click on the "Show"-button for details):</u></b><br>
The guildranking is implemented to see at one sight who is able to help you and who is good for what job. You also might find easyier a party to help you on your way.<br>  
{{showhide|1) Brandish --> Nightblade --> Silent Nightblade --> Acheron|content= The Acheron is very good for Slime and passably good for Beast. The first serious enemys for beginners will be beast (Snarbolax) and slime (Jelly King), so this is the weapon to be made first. I wouldn't create the Gran Faust because you can curse yourself with a charged hit, your weapon is slower and it makes only 2 hits in a row. Ok, the weapon is lightly stronger on each hit, but against more enemys it could be that you can't do the second hit without beeing hitted by one of the enemys.}}
Another Benefit is the increased access to the guildhall and the guildstorage, which gives you more security for your exchange objects.<br>
{{showhide|2) Brandish --> Fireburst-/Iceburst-/Shockburst-Brandish --> Blazebrand/Blizzbrand/Boltbrand --> Combuster/Glacius/Voltedge|content= I prefer the Combuster. The Glacius and the Voltedge don't deal as much damage in total as the Combuster, but provides calm due to the frost and shock that is dealt to the enemys. The Combuster is very strong for Jelly-King-Runs and also the most effective for Vanadukeruns although it does not fire the enemys. It is kind of all-round because the charge damage is not blocked by the status it deals. Besides that the Voltedge is just available in exchange of Krogmo Coins (Lockdown).}}
Besides that you have the benefit of beeing allowed to stay longer offline with every guildrank (see General Information about "Big Family").<br>
{{showhide|3) Flourish --> Swift Flourish --> Grand Flourish --> Final Flourish|content= I prefer the Final Flourish more than the Barbarous Thorn Blade because the chargeattack is a combo that hits fully one enemy instead of several spikes that flies towards the enemys in a semi circle and some of them doesn't hit anyone. Besides that both swords are equal but the recipes for the Barbarous-Thorn-Blade-Line are not to be found it the hall of heroes but need to be collected by hard work in the clockworks. I wouldn't choose the variants Rigadoon and Flamberge either. They probably stun or flambe the enemys, but deal less damage to the enemys in total.}}
{{showhide|4) Pulsar --> Kilowatt Pulsar --> Gigawatt Pulsar --> Polaris|content= On one hand this gun is "only" an elementary weapon but it is very all-round. It has big bullets that hits almost always. If you stand close to the enemy they deal less damage and doesn't knock back the enemys but when you stand further the bullets deal more damage and knock back the enemys. Depending on whether you need more room or just want to kill the enemy fast you can use the weapon very differently. Some people like also the Argent Peacemaker, but I think that it is not better than the Polaris because you can not knock back enemys and you need to fire 6 bullets to deal the damage of 3 bullets from the polaris. Besides that you have to aim carefully to hit with every shot, because the bullets are very thin.}}
{{showhide|5) Autogun --> Needle Shot --> Strike Needle --> Blitz Needle|content= The Blitzneedle eases the killing of Vanaduke very much because it deals piercingdamage (Vanaduke has a slightly weakness for piercingdamage) and in comparison to other weapons deals it enormous damage with one charged shot. The disadvantage of this weapon is that you can't move while shooting. So you need to have a very good timing or a teammate that has a Shivermist Buster with him. (It is a pity that there is no better piercingweapon (or at least one where you can move while shooting.)}}
{{showhide|6) Freezing Vaporizer --> Freezing Vaporizer Mk II --> Freezing Atomizer --> Shivermist Buster|content= This Bomb is not absolutely necessary because in most cases it is kind of kid's stuff, but at Vanadukes it is recommended because it calms and eases the whole fight.}}<br><br>
<b><u>All really important armors (Please click on the "Show"-button for details):</u></b><br>
{{showhide|1) Wolver --> Dusker --> Ash Tail --> Skolver|content= The Skolverset is an armor against piercing. It is ideal for fights against beast and slime. There are sure also other armors that protect from piercingdamage but the Skolverset has a damagebonus for swords and therefore helps killing enemys. In addition I find the Skolverset the most beautiful piercingequipment.}}
{{showhide|2) Wolver --> Dusker --> Ash Tail --> Vog Cub|content= The Vog-Cub-Set is an armor against elemental damage. It is the elemental complement to the Skolver and looks as great as it. Though it has no damagebonus it provides an increased attack speed for swords. Besides that it protects from fire, so you can take it also for your first Vanaduke experiences.}}
{{showhide|3) Wolver/(nichts) --> Dusker/Gunslinger --> Ash Tail/Sunset --> Snarbolax/Shadowsun|content= At last we need a shadowarmor to have every damage covered. The Snarbolaxset is the shadow complement to the Skolver and Vog Cub and has also a damagebonus for swords. It is a pity that the Snarbolaxset is only available in the shadow lair but it is the better choice for swordsmen. If you think of becoming a gunman you would do better with choosing the Shadowsunset because it has a damagebonus for guns. For the same reason it is better to choose for a Vanadukerun when you have your Blitzneedle with you.}}<br><br>
<b><u>All really important shields (Please click on the "Show"-button for details):</u></b><br>
{{showhide|1) Bristling Buckler --> Twisted Targe --> Dark Thorn Shield --> Barbarous Thorn Shield|content= The Barbarous Thorn Shield is a wonderful shield agains piercing that provides also a damagebonus for swords. In combination with the Skolverset or the Snarbolaxset you can reach the maximum damage for swords.}}
{{showhide|2) Owlite Shield --> Horned Owlite Shield --> Wise Owlite Shield --> Grey Owlite Shield|content= The Grey Owlite Shield is a elemental shield which provides additional protection against fire and shock. You can use it therefore for Roarmulus Twins because of the shockresistance and for the first Vanadukeruns because of the fireresistance.}}
{{showhide|3) Blackened Crest --> Crest of Almire|content= The Crest of Almire is a shield against shadowdamage with additional protection against fire and shock and therefore it is best for Vanadukeruns because the most enemys deal shadowdamage and it protects you from the fire that is almost everywhere. The disadvantage is that you can receive the preversion "Blackened Crest" only by exchangeing the coins that you not receive before Vana.}}<br>
== Guild Registry ==
== Guild Registry ==
<div style="width: {{{width|60em}}}">
<div class="NavFrame autocollapsed">
  <div style="text-align:left" class="NavHead">Honorary Guild Masters</div>
  <div style="text-align:left" class="NavContent">
Anyone that has proven to be a reliable guildmaster and friend of the guild Big Family.
*<b>Dinosauer</b> (Founder)
*<b>Nomination</b> (Guildleader)
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<div style="width: {{{width|60em}}}">
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<div class="NavFrame autocollapsed">
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   <div style="text-align:left" class="NavContent">
Anyone that is able to clear every Dangerprestige without dying and is willing to take over a job in the guild
Anyone that is able to clear every Dangerprestige without dying and is willing to take over a job in the guild
*<b>Dinosauer</b> (Founder, Wiki) (is also able to clear every Dangerprestige without dying)
*<b>Chesterfjeld</b> (Monitor the Gildlog)
*<b>Schwertmeister</b> (Recruiting new Members and Support with tests) (is also able to clear every Dangerprestige without dying)
*<b>Deltaop</b> (Update daily message, Membersupport)
*<b>Xpeterpan</b> (Wiki, Tests) (is also able to clear every Dangerprestige without dying)
*<b>Dinosauer</b> (Founder, Wiki)
*<b>Nomination</b> (Guildleader)
*<b>Unterhalt</b> (Administration of the guild-treasuries and special finances)
*<b>Xpeterpan</b> (Wiki, Tests)
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   <div style="text-align:left" class="NavContent">
Anyone that have done FSC-Run without dying.
Anyone that have done FSC-Run without dying.
*<b>Chesterfjeld</b> (is also able to clear every Dangerprestige without dying)
*<b>Deltaop</b> (is also able to clear Dangerprestige M42 without dying)
*<b>Jacqui</b> (did dangerprestige GidM without dying)
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   <div style="text-align:left" class="NavContent">
Anyone that have done Jelly King- or Roarmulus-Run without dying.
Anyone that have done Jelly King- or Roarmulus-Run without dying.
*<b>Antabaka</b> (did dangerprestige LvA without dying)
== Achievements, Videos and other stuff ==
== Teamspeak ==
We also have a Teamspeakserver that helps communicate. Everyone is welcome. The address is:<br>  
We also have a Teamspeakserver that helps communicate. Everyone is welcome. The address is:<br>  
For getting access to the other channels, please contact one of the guildmasters or officers.<br>
For getting access to the other channels, please contact one of the guildmasters or officers.
== Weapons- and Armorguide ==
Each player did ask himself someday: Does my equipment make sense and is it enough?<br>
As the Guildfounder I have made myself almost all weapons and armors and was able to test each of them sufficiently.<br>
Some weapons or armors are similar to each other and sometimes it is a matter of taste. Because of that I will write the similar ones aside after a forward slash.<br>
You will see next a listing of weapons which are good to reach almost everything in game. I have listed them in sequence in which it should be made. First weapon is on top.<br>
I have written down also the alchemic path. On the very left you will see the groundversion and on the very right the 5 Star version.<br>
(I am not talking about the equipment for shadow lair or dangerous prestige here, because each of them need complete different equipment.)<br><br>
<b><u>All really important weapons (Please click on the "Show"-button for details):</u></b><br>
{{showhide|1) Brandish --> Nightblade --> Silent Nightblade --> Acheron|content= The Acheron is very good for Slime and passably good for Beast. The first serious enemys for beginners will be beast (Snarbolax) and slime (Jelly King), so this is the weapon to be made first. I wouldn't create the Gran Faust because you can curse yourself with a charged hit, your weapon is slower and it makes only 2 hits in a row. Ok, the weapon is lightly stronger on each hit, but against more enemys it could be that you can't do the second hit without beeing hitted by one of the enemys.}}
{{showhide|2) Brandish --> Fireburst-/Iceburst-/Shockburst-Brandish --> Blazebrand/Blizzbrand/Boltbrand --> Combuster/Glacius/Voltedge|content= I prefer the Combuster. The Glacius and the Voltedge don't deal as much damage in total as the Combuster, but provides calm due to the frost and shock that is dealt to the enemys. The Combuster is very strong for Jelly-King-Runs and also the most effective for Vanadukeruns although it does not fire the enemys. It is kind of all-round because the charge damage is not blocked by the status it deals. Besides that the Voltedge is just available in exchange of Krogmo Coins (Lockdown).}}
{{showhide|3) Flourish --> Swift Flourish --> Grand Flourish --> Final Flourish|content= I prefer the Final Flourish more than the Barbarous Thorn Blade because the chargeattack is a combo that hits fully one enemy instead of several spikes that flies towards the enemys in a semi circle and some of them doesn't hit anyone. Besides that both swords are equal but the recipes for the Barbarous-Thorn-Blade-Line are not to be found it the hall of heroes but need to be collected by hard work in the clockworks. I wouldn't choose the variants Rigadoon and Flamberge either. They probably stun or flambe the enemys, but deal less damage to the enemys in total.}}
{{showhide|4) Pulsar --> Kilowatt Pulsar --> Gigawatt Pulsar --> Polaris|content= On one hand this gun is "only" an elementary weapon but it is very all-round. It has big bullets that hits almost always. If you stand close to the enemy they deal less damage and doesn't knock back the enemys but when you stand further the bullets deal more damage and knock back the enemys. Depending on whether you need more room or just want to kill the enemy fast you can use the weapon very differently. Some people like also the Argent Peacemaker, but I think that it is not better than the Polaris because you can not knock back enemys and you need to fire 6 bullets to deal the damage of 3 bullets from the polaris. Besides that you have to aim carefully to hit with every shot, because the bullets are very thin.}}
{{showhide|5) Autogun --> Needle Shot --> Strike Needle --> Blitz Needle|content= The Blitzneedle eases the killing of Vanaduke very much because it deals piercingdamage (Vanaduke has a slightly weakness for piercingdamage) and in comparison to other weapons deals it enormous damage with one charged shot. The disadvantage of this weapon is that you can't move while shooting. So you need to have a very good timing or a teammate that has a Shivermist Buster with him. (It is a pity that there is no better piercingweapon (or at least one where you can move while shooting.)}}
{{showhide|6) Freezing Vaporizer --> Freezing Vaporizer Mk II --> Freezing Atomizer --> Shivermist Buster|content= This Bomb is not absolutely necessary because in most cases it is kind of kid's stuff, but at Vanadukes it is recommended because it calms and eases the whole fight.}}<br><br>
<b><u>All really important armors (Please click on the "Show"-button for details):</u></b><br>
{{showhide|1) Wolver --> Dusker --> Ash Tail --> Skolver|content= The Skolverset is an armor against piercing. It is ideal for fights against beast and slime. There are sure also other armors that protect from piercingdamage but the Skolverset has a damagebonus for swords and therefore helps killing enemys. In addition I find the Skolverset the most beautiful piercingequipment.}}
{{showhide|2) Wolver --> Dusker --> Ash Tail --> Vog Cub|content= The Vog-Cub-Set is an armor against elemental damage. It is the elemental complement to the Skolver and looks as great as it. Though it has no damagebonus it provides an increased attack speed for swords. Besides that it protects from fire, so you can take it also for your first Vanaduke experiences.}}
{{showhide|3) Wolver/(nichts) --> Dusker/Gunslinger --> Ash Tail/Sunset --> Snarbolax/Shadowsun|content= At last we need a shadowarmor to have every damage covered. The Snarbolaxset is the shadow complement to the Skolver and Vog Cub and has also a damagebonus for swords. It is a pity that the Snarbolaxset is only available in the shadow lair but it is the better choice for swordsmen. If you think of becoming a gunman you would do better with choosing the Shadowsunset because it has a damagebonus for guns. For the same reason it is better to choose for a Vanadukerun when you have your Blitzneedle with you.}}<br><br>
<b><u>All really important shields (Please click on the "Show"-button for details):</u></b><br>
{{showhide|1) Bristling Buckler --> Twisted Targe --> Dark Thorn Shield --> Barbarous Thorn Shield|content= The Barbarous Thorn Shield is a wonderful shield agains piercing that provides also a damagebonus for swords. In combination with the Skolverset or the Snarbolaxset you can reach the maximum damage for swords.}}
{{showhide|2) Owlite Shield --> Horned Owlite Shield --> Wise Owlite Shield --> Grey Owlite Shield|content= The Grey Owlite Shield is a elemental shield which provides additional protection against fire and shock. You can use it therefore for Roarmulus Twins because of the shockresistance and for the first Vanadukeruns because of the fireresistance.}}
{{showhide|3) Blackened Crest --> Crest of Almire|content= The Crest of Almire is a shield against shadowdamage with additional protection against fire and shock and therefore it is best for Vanadukeruns because the most enemys deal shadowdamage and it protects you from the fire that is almost everywhere. The disadvantage is that you can receive the preversion "Blackened Crest" only by exchangeing the coins that you not receive before Vana.}}<br><br>
== Achievements and other stuff ==
Roarmulus Twins in 47 seconds from erstwhile guildmember Maikschnut and erstwhile guildmember Milkywai:<br>
Roarmulus Twins in 47 seconds from erstwhile guildmember Maikschnut and erstwhile guildmember Milkywai:<br>
Jelly King solo without losing one lifepoint. From the guildfounder Dinosauer:<br>
Jelly King solo without losing one lifepoint. From the guildfounder Dinosauer:<br>
<b><u>Help to Firestorm Citadel depth 25 clockwise beginning with the first room on the down left side</u></b><br>
Room 1:<br>
{{showhide|Other stuff|content=
Room 2:<br>
Room 3:<br>
Room 4:<br>
Room 5:<br>
Room 6:<br>
Room 7:<br>
Room 8:<br>
<b><u>Other stuff</u></b><br>
The wedding from Deltaop and Kampfkuh:<br>
The wedding from Deltaop and Kampfkuh:<br>
Doing some rubbish in the traininghall:<br>
Doing some rubbish in the traininghall:<br>
{{showhide|<b><u>Permanently banned persons</u></b>|content=
<div style="width: {{{width|60em}}}">
<div class="NavFrame autocollapsed">
  <div style="text-align:left" class="NavHead"><b><u>Permanently banned persons</u></b></div>
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Latest revision as of 17:21, 22 August 2014

Big Family (Guild)
GuildLogo-Big Family (Guild).png

We are one Family and are helping us one for all, all for one. Everyone is welcome, but we are at the moment 99% german.

Guild Founder: Dinosauer
Approx. Population: under 50



General Information about "Big Family"

Generally everyone will help you willingly. You should start asking members with same guildrank for help first, because for example officers and veterans have others targets than recruits.
Should there be bigger problems that a member from same guildrank is not able to solve, please contact an officer, guildmaster or at least the founder "Dinosauer".
Everyone can join the Big Family and will get a chance. The only thing that is important for us is to have active and friendly members.
If you want to invite a friend to the guild and you don't have the permissions for that, please contact an officer or guildmaster. They will take care for the invite then.

General Guildrules

1) Don't beg (in any way).
2) Don't talk bad about the guild
3) Don't talk about guildstuff in public. That is non of externals businesses.
4) Don't flame other players (doesn't matter from which guild).
5) Don't invite members without asking in advance. If you need help you may ask in the guildchat. Please keep in mind that officers have other targets than recruits.
6) Don't disgrace somehow else the guild or its name or members.

Special Guildrules for Guildhall and Guildstorage

In the Guildstorage you can put materials, weapons, armors and recipes.
Everybody that takes out something of it should pay something else from at least same value into it.
We will check prices according to value in auction house.
The Guildstorage is not the same as Guildtreasury!!!
So it is NOT ok to take something from the Guildstorage and pay the balance into the Guildtreasury.

How can I get promoted?

In this guild there are tests where you can get through to be promoted.
You can get through the first test 10 days after joining the guild and you have to wait every time 10 days until you are allowed to do the next test.
All tests contains a practical test and a theoretical test where you have to answer questions about the Guildrules. All tests will be only you and the auditor.

Weapons- and Armorguide

All really important weapons (Please click on the "Show"-button for details):

All really important armors (Please click on the "Show"-button for details):

All really important shields (Please click on the "Show"-button for details):

Guild Registry

Achievements, Videos and other stuff