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| name = Advent Children  
| name = Advent Children  
| type = jpg
| type = jpeg
| motto = The Advent has come.
| motto = Vene mi fili, hic veni da mihi mortem iterum.
| founder = Isekuube
| founder = Isekuube
| masters = *Isekuube.
| masters = *Isekuube
| officers = Nobody yet.
| pop = 10
==About Advent Children~==
Isekuube created Advent Children on May 28th 2012. Advent Children is a relatively new guild that consists of mature, friendly, and active tier three knights that are sole on fun and power. The sole purpose of this guild is to have an elite guild with members who want fun and organization in a guild. We do not discriminate or judge, if it's just not toleratable and you will be removed from the guild if you do. In this guild, Guild Chat is highly respected and used everyday. You may notice the Final Fantasy VII reference in the guild name that has nothing to do with it. I just liked the name and am a fan of Final Fantasy VII.
*Must be Tier Three.
*Must have beaten Vanaduke.
*Must be active.
*Must be friendly.
*Most importantly, have fun guys, this is not a formal guild. Goof off and have fun.
*Be respectfull to your guildmates.
*No Profaning, at least not around me or your guildmates.
*No begging. (If it is for a humourus reason, that's O.K.)
*Most important rule: HAVE FUN! This is one of the laid back guilds, don't sweat if you didn't pass your Rank Test.
==Join Form~==
Fill this out and mail it to Isekuube~
*How easily can you beat Vanaduke? (On a scale from 1 to 10) (One is hard for you 10 is able to solo, 2-9 is in between)
*What is your arsenal set?
*Are you a Vanguard? If so, what is your Prestige Badge?
*How often do you play?
*How long do you normally play?
*What time are you on? (PST, CT, etc.)
*Is this your first guild? If not, how many guilds have you been in? What was the name of the last guild you were in?
*Do you plan on staying?
*Why do you want to join my guild?
*Where did you find out about Advent Children? (Forums, Wiki Page, Friends, etc.)
*Do you have a Forums account?
==The Ranks~==
*Recruit: Given to people who have just recently joined. Capacity: Unlimited
*Member: Has shown interest and loyalty in the guild. Promoted by any of my officers or I. Normally, I will go on a [[Vanaduke]] run with a recruit to test their skills, that's how many Recruits come to be a Member. Or if you don't want to do that, just wait a week. Max Capacity: Unlimited
*Veteran: Great player is known by most of the knights in the guild. To become, you must have one piece of Vanaduke gear ([[Fang of Vog]], [[Blackened Crest]], etc.). Doesn't matter which, just one. Max Capacity: Unlimited
*Officer: Known by at least 90% of the guild. Has shown seniority, activeness, and friendliness. Has one piece of Shadow Lair equipment. Is promoted by me, or voted in by my officers and I. If Officer is voted in, but doesn't have a piece of [[Shadow Lair]] equipment I will test them on a secret run witnessed by me or one of my current officers. Max Capacity: 10
*Guild Master: Is ONLY promoted by me, this spot is reserved for officers who I have begun to like. Officers must take a test that I will issue to them when I think they're ready. Max Capacity: 3
===Ranking Questions~===
Now, I'm not going to name names here, but somebody asked why to be an officer they couldn't just show me the [[material]] they got at the [[Shadow Lair]]. This was my explanation: I believe you went into every SL, but the SL equipment is not proof, but proof you have embraced the SL and dominated it.
==About the Guild Master~==
Isekuube is a Five Star knight. (DUH) If you see him in Haven he will 90% of the time be wearing a [[Vog Cub Coat]] and a [[Quicksilver Helm]] as a costume. 5% of the time he will be being stupid and will want to wear his Vog Coat and his [[Snarbolax Cap]] without a costume on. 4.9% of the time he will be owning in Tier Two [[Lockdown]]. The last 1% he will be other things.
If you see Isekuube in Haven and you want to be recruited, he's going to act formal, though he may joke about your answers (in a good way). When you are officially in the guild, you'll love him. Isekuube one of the friendliest, fun, outgoing and powerful knight on Cradle. But, when you are in [[Firestorm Citadel]] with him, well, keep him out of trouble. Don't get me wrong, Ise is a skilled player in FSC, he just tends to get careless, he most definitely tries his hardest.
==What to expect~==
Isekuube. Saying herro to you when you log on, or at least you should expect a "herro" if Isekuube is not kicking Vana's butt.
Isekuube and his horribly bad jokes.
Meetings for Officers and Guild Masters.
Rank Ups. I've noticed in my past guild that I was never promoted. AT ALL. In my second guild, I was promoted to Veteran and my first guild, Veteran. In my last guild I should have AT LEAST been a Veteran, so should have my other guilde who was aslo a lowly recruit. Here, you will most definitely be promoted.
===Guild Events~===
Guild Events are events that all guildes participate in. From short little contests, to weekly challenges! I'm going to give a list of Guild Event ideas:
<em>"Who can beat Vanaduke first?"</em> Who can beat Vanaduke first, speaks for itself. Everybody gets ready with their team and on guild chat I will say "NAO!" and all the members get on the elevators descend and try to beat Vanaduke before their counterparts. ~Isekuube
<em>"Wiki Hunt!"</em> I will say something like, <em>A superior shield forged from sun silver. The meaning of the crest on its face has been lost to time. </em> You can't type in any thing I said and you have to look for clues. Like see here: <em>...a superior shield... </em> that means its a shield. Superior might refer to a 5 star shield, also a Sun Silver is a five star mat, bingo, its a five star shield. <em> ...The meaning of the crest on its face...</em> That could mean a [[Crest of Almire]]! Nope, that's not it. If you think you will eventually come up with [[Ironmight Plate Shield]]. ~Isekuube
<em>"Pierce the Royal Jelly!"</em> Hehe, this one's fun! One group of guildes go fight the Royal Jelly, but here's the catch, you can ONLY use piercing weapons! The person who dies the least gets the other member's heat or 500 crowns from each of the members!
Nothing more I can think of guys, if you're a member of this guild feel free to add something! Also, don't feel mad and leave the guild just because you lost an event. These aren't supposed to be taken seriously; they're only for your entertainment! :D
==Guild Roster~==
{{showhide|Guild Masters|content=
*Guild Founder: Isekuube}}
*Nobody yet, Ecmanl and Bhut-Jolokia are battling for the frst officer space.}}
| officers = *Ecmanl
| pop = Dead
*Tearninja [[User:Ninjaja]]
<em>Note: This is in alphabetical order, not from who joined first.</em>
=About Advent Children=
Isekuube created Advent Children on May 28th 2012. Advent Children is a relatively new guild that consists of mature*, friendly, and active tier three knights that are sole on fun and power. The sole purpose of this guild is to have an elite guild with members who want fun and organization in a guild. We do not discriminate or judge, if it's just not toleratable and you will be removed from the guild if you do. In this guild, Guild Chat is highly respected and used everyday. You may notice the Final Fantasy VII reference in the guild name that has nothing to do with it. I just liked the name and am a fan of Final Fantasy VII. Unfortunately due to Ise's computer having a nervous break down for like, a year, he was unable to do anything about the guild falling apart. To this day it brings tears to his eyes. Hopefully one day, the Advent Children may rise again.
==Guild Alliances==
This is a list of alliances we have made wit hother guilds:
{{showhide|Guild Allainces|content=
*No Guilds yet.}}
If you wish to allaince your guild with mine, mail me about it. A respected Guild Master of the requesting guild should talk with me. I would rather not talk to Officers about this, but if I have to I would like to know why the Guild Masster could not show up.
==Fun Links~==
[http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/55246 Advent Children Guild Recruitment Thread]
[http://www.nitrome.com/ Nitrome - Run out of energy and want to play some games? Clickie here]
[http://www.freewebarcade.com/ Freeweb arcade - ditto] These two websites are epic ~Tear
==My Officers~==
Being an Officer in Advent Children is an important, sometimes it is even more important that being a Guild Master. You are upholding the reputation of Advent Children and keeping this guild from getting out of hand. You must do these things:
*Promote members that you think are ready to be promoted.
*Witness promotion tests.
*Issue promotion tests (with my consent, if you give a test with out my consent you will be demoted to the member rank)
*Come to meetings that I will issue.
*Settle fights between guild members (if this ever happens) and you even have my permission to demote the arguers.
===Types of Officers===
There are 6 types of officer types:
*Senior Officer- The Senior Officer is my most trusted officer who would take over for me if I'm on Vacation or something.
*Recruitment Officer- Is the Officer that spams the Zone Chat with guild offers.
*Swordsman Training Officer- Trains knights in the art of Swording.
*Gunslinger Training Officer- Trains knights in the art of Gunslinging.
*Bomber Training Officer- Trains knights in the art of Bombing.
*Hybridist Training Officer- Trains knights in the art of Hybriding.
{{showhide|Senior Officer|content=
No one yet.}}
{{showhide|Recruitment Officers|content=
Nobody yet.}}
{{showhide|Bomber Trainers|content=
Nobody yet.}}
{{showhide|Swordsman Trainers|content=
Nobody yet.}}
{{showhide|Gunslinger Trainers|content=
Nobody yet.}}
{{showhide|Hybridist Trainers|content=
Like most guilds this one won't tolerate idleness. After a certain amount of time you will be demoted, then you will be put on the waiting period for that rank, and so on. This is the waiting period:
*Guild Masters: 2 Months
*Officers: 1 Month
*Veteran: 2 Weeks
*Member: 1 Week
*Recruit: 4 Days
Please, contact me of a vacation; you will be put on a Two Month waiting period. After that... the sand begins to fall.
<em>Note: If you can play SK during your vacation, you don't have to tell me about the vacation.</em>
==Why you should join Advent Children~==
Because this is a guild that offers skilled members who are friendly and active. If you are unclear on a skill in Spiral Knights, the corresponding Trainer Officer will guide you through the art. The guild is organized and have promotion tests that aren't too hard, yet aren't too easy. Advent Children is truly a great guild! Though it has a small amount of members, we are friendly, kind, and informal. I should probably elaborate on this, but really this is why in a nutshell.
==Already a Member? Get ovah here :D~==
The .1 .2 etc are for you guys specifically so here:
===The News~===
*Ecmanl and Jol are currently battling for the first spot of Officer!
Who will win? Only YOU can decide that, go to the discussion tab above and vote using this little guy as a tally: I when there is five tallies space and move on the the next five.
The only people who can vote are:
More News:
Guild Logo, baby! :D Go on the discussion page to post your thoughts!
10 members! :D After pushing on for 5 days, we finally have 10 members! :D Go on the discussion page to tell everybody what this means to you!}}
Cloudxsepthiroth has been promoted to Veteran! He is now on the poll.}}
This section will be constantly updated so here's the first announcement:
*Ecmanl and Bhut-Jolokia are both Vets, it's time to hold an election! Go to the discussion tab above and post your thoughts:
Ecma or Jol?
===Screenies! :D~===
Any screenie you have taken with guild mates, post here guys!
{{showhide|Sceenies|content =
Ise:I took this when I was assessing Epic's skills, I wanted him to come here and sit among the sprites, we were in a hurry, so I took it with only me.
Tear: Ise summoned me to poke bhut, and take a picture of it xD
Tear: Yeah, when Ise left a had to try another way ;)}}
===Quotations by our Guild Mates~===
<em>"What to do when you see your guild master die in vana."</em> ~Bhut-Jolokia
<em>"This (Swiftstrike) isnt a good shield for soloing."</em> ~Bhut-Jolokia
''"It's a paranoid thing"'' ~Tearninja
''"LAWLS"'' ~Cloudxsephiroth
If you happen to see a quote by a guildee that's humourus post it here.

Latest revision as of 21:43, 21 September 2013

Advent Children
GuildLogo-Advent Children.jpeg

Vene mi fili, hic veni da mihi mortem iterum.

Guild Founder: Isekuube
Approx. Population: Dead
Guild Master(s):
  • Isekuube
  • Bhut-Jolokia
Guild Officer(s):
  • Ecmanl

About Advent Children

Isekuube created Advent Children on May 28th 2012. Advent Children is a relatively new guild that consists of mature*, friendly, and active tier three knights that are sole on fun and power. The sole purpose of this guild is to have an elite guild with members who want fun and organization in a guild. We do not discriminate or judge, if it's just not toleratable and you will be removed from the guild if you do. In this guild, Guild Chat is highly respected and used everyday. You may notice the Final Fantasy VII reference in the guild name that has nothing to do with it. I just liked the name and am a fan of Final Fantasy VII. Unfortunately due to Ise's computer having a nervous break down for like, a year, he was unable to do anything about the guild falling apart. To this day it brings tears to his eyes. Hopefully one day, the Advent Children may rise again.

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