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[ Welcome to the Guild Wiki of Omniscient! ]


"Infinite Potential"

Guild Founder: Viscerix
Approx. Population: Growing
Guild Master(s):
  • Viscerix [Founder]
  • Yamaroda [Founder]
Guild Officer(s):
  • Mechzhar

Guild Veteran(s):

  • Venymous

"Infinite Potential"

[ Omniscient ]

Welcome to the Wikipedia page of Omniscient. Here you will find information about what it takes to become a member of the guild, what we stand for and the origins of the guild. Omniscient was originally founded by Viscerix & Yamaroda, both from opposite sides of the world (Australia/Netherlands). Created in 2015, Omniscient was formed to bring together players of Spiral Knights with a certain set of skills and attitude. We strive to have a clean, enjoyable atmosphere between our members so that everyone can enjoy themselves. Where some players seek power in items, Omniscient seeks power in knowledge. Understanding of consideration for others. Working together to share knowledge with one another. Helping to build a solid foundation we can all stand on and build from. This is the core of our guild all members of Omniscient protect and uphold.

[ Recruitment ]

We advise you read through our history, beliefs, and rules in order to successfully apply for a membership to the guild.

  • So you're interested in becoming a member of Omniscient. Awesome! Here is what you'll need to do.
- Contact one of our Guild Masters (Viscerix/Yamaroda) for evaluation.
- Or contact one of our Officers for evaluation.

We will ask you some questions, and try to get to know you a little bit before inviting you to the guild.

  • Recruit
- This rank means you're well on your way to becoming a member of Omniscient and a part of our community.
- Recruits are not required to pay upkeep to the guild.
- Can be kicked from the guild for improper behaviour or inactivity by any Guild Master or Officer.'
  • Member
- This rank means you have been accepted into our community. Congratulations!
- Members are required to pay upkeep costs of 3k crowns weekly.
- Can be kicked from the guild for improper behaviour or prolonged inactivity by any Guild Master or Officer.
  • [ To get Member rank ]
You have to have read this entire Wikipedia page, have (4*/5*) gear and donate your first 3,000 crowns to the treasury.
  • Veteran
- This rank is reserved for our members with a Vanguard rank and have shown excellent skill by passing our Veteran Test
- Veterans are required to pay upkeep of 5k crowns weekly.
- Can be kicked from the guild for improper behaviour or extreme inactivity by any Guild Master or 2 Officers.
  • [ The Veteran Test ]
To pass the veteran test you need to have payed 10,000 crowns to the treasury within the past week and beat the first 3 stages
of Fire Storm Citadel on (Elite difficulty) with 1 spectator (Guild Masters or Officers) and no revives used (Emergency Revives included).
- One attempt per week
  • Officer
- Officers are veterans hand-picked by the Guild Masters. Requests for this rank are NOT accepted.
- Officers are required to pay upkeep of 8k crowns weekly.
- Can be kicked from the guild for improper behaviour or extreme inactivity by the Guild Masters only.
  • Guild Master
- Guild Masters are the founding members and the core of Omniscient
- Guild Masters go out of there way to pay as much to the treasury as they possibly can to keep the guild hall growing.
- Guild Master rank is reserved for our founders who have dedicated themselves to the guild over the years.
they are the primary investors to the guild.

[ About The Ranks ]

Every member of the guild belongs to one of five ranks. The founder of a guild begins at Guild Master rank. Every other newly joined member begins as a Recruit. You earn your way up one rank at a time.

  • Recruits
- May use the guild chat, guild hall, and guild treasury.
- [This rank is kept till after the approval of membership]
  • Members
- Have the same privileges as Recruits. and Also have access to all our hall's service rooms.
- [The members job (and anyone else's) is to be helpful of other members and assist where its needed.]
  • Veterans
- Have the same privileges as Members (Vanguards can test into this rank)
- [Veterans are allowed to make suggestions for Guild-hall changes]
  • Officers
- Have all of the privileges of Veterans, and may also invite other players into the guild. They are allowed to promote or Demote knights up to Veteran Rank. Also they can use officer chat.
- [Officers manage the Recruits/Members/Veterans and make sure everyone pays their upkeep]
  • Guild Masters
- Have the same privileges as Officers, except that Guild Masters may promote & demote knights all the way to Guild Master. Only Guild Masters are allowed to approve use of guild funds!
- [Major Guild decisions will only be made with FULL support of all (not owner) Guild Masters Or the Guild-owners approval]

[ Promotion ]

Looking for a promotion in the guild? Pay attention to the following:

  • Show and share your knowledge with other members.
  • Accept other members play styles.
  • Donate as required, and give a little extra when possible to help the guild grow.
  • Respect the chain of command.
  • Develop skill, for missions and socializing, the guild needs members who strive to be great in these aspects.
  • Be active and nice to other members, we need each other to grow.
  • Earn respect from your fellow guild members.
  • Talk to the Guild Masters about how you can help.

[ Guild Rules ]

{WARNING} [Breaking these rules will result in a expulsion from the guild] {WARNING}

  • 1. As a member of the guild you MUST donate your required upkeep fee each week!
  • 2. Be active! After 2 weeks of inactivity you will be removed from the Guild!
  • 3. You must be able to enjoy a laugh here and there, we all enjoy our jokes. Builds bonds.
  • 4. Request for off-time or prolonged absence needs to be checked with a guild master or officer.
  • 5. Team work is a must! work with your party to achieve victory.
  • 6. Help guild members in need; it’s your duty as a guild member. (This does not include begging.)
  • 7. Guild Masters and Officers can help mediate trades; but in the end all issues arising from trades fall back on the participants.
  • 8. Beggars are NOT tolerated. This includes rank, crowns, crystals, and equipment.
  • 9. Anyone is NOT to abuse their power.
  • 10. The Guild Masters words are ALWAYS final.

{WARNING} [Breaking these rules will result in a expulsion from the guild] {WARNING}

[ Guild Screenshots ]

Work in progress

Personal tools