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| pop = 50+
| pop = 50+
| website = http://tao.shivtr.com
| website = http://www.togetherasone.shivtr.com/

Revision as of 07:52, 29 January 2012


Together as one ~ Individually we fall!

Guild Founder: Shinn / Jane
Approx. Population: 50+
Guild Master(s):
  • Miss-Shinn
  • Calamityjane
  • Arline
Guild Officer(s):


  • Adramissy
  • Killezz
  • Anubis
Website: http://www.togetherasone.shivtr.com/


Welcome to T A O! ( together as one!) Our guild is here to provide players with a fun, and interactive playing experience.

How To Join

If we are not already full, you may ask any officer or Guild master, Under certain circumstances, some players would need approval first.

Guild Rules

Knights are promoted as follows: RECRUITS: Congratulations!You are now a member of the Guild TAO!

MEMBERS: You are promoted to Member, Only if you have not defeated the Dreaded Snarbolax. Or, In this option, you may also play T2 Lock down and acquire thru Krogmo coin a ENAMOROCK, Its must be earned, Not Bought.

VETERANS: To be promoted to veteran status, you must be able to gain access to t2 in the clockworks and t3.


Are promoted as needed, currently we do not need officers. Keep in mind that we look for quality, Not quantity.

TAO Foundation Rules:

(1) NO DRAMA. I'm going to be strict with this one. Should anyone cause such a thing, whether is fighting arguing, etc., Your out. end of story.

(2) No more immature Players. Lets face it, This is a game that we all come to play and enjoy, It is not a place to come and dump your problems on everyone, I mean I have enough problems of my own. So please. , Try not to bring that with you.

(3)There shall be a new council, one that is completely trusted, This way the Power is evenly distributed,

And the weight of the guild is shared, So in this case there shall be no more than a total of 

4 GM's- and 9 Officers. after that , DO NOT beg to become officer or such.

(4) BEGGING. This rule is just like #1, if you are caught begging in public or otherwise,, well.. you know. Remember, you can ask, but don't beg.

(5) AFK or MIA Players. This is a NEW rule that applies only to those that go way to far from not logging on for a very long time. So~ Generally Speaking if you are MIA (

missing in action ) , For more than 3 weeks, you will be removed, UNLESS you give us 

specific reasons not to. There are far more active players who wish to come into the guild and play actively.

(6) Loyalty. I expect those that remain to stay put, and the same goes for that others that join. So~ if you join this guild and plan to just "Jump" later,, then don't bother, don't waste my time.

(7) We are a peaceful guild~ That means that WE DO NOT, start confrontations of ANY sort,

We respect all players, even if you don't like them, Regardless.. So if you cannot do this, 

Then you don't belong here. ( this rule is also like # 1, break this rule and your out.. 'Nuff said.)

(8) Excessive Vulgarity,~ This means that you can use profanity to a point,

It does not mean that you can call everyone in the guild or in the game the "f" word.

So~Just to clear things up, profanity can be used, but to used it constantly,, would be considered excessive, agreed? OK.

(9) Respect those with rank. this is a new rule, If you cannot respect those with rank,

or recognize it, or have issues with said player because he has rank and you do not, 

then this applies as rule #1.. you don't belong here.

(10) lastly but most Importantly all Major issues must be brought forth to an officer, In turn officers will then bring forth to Gm's. This is called following the chain of command. this ensures a Democratic process that is fair to all.

Guild Roster

Since we are fairly new, Roster list is coming soon.

Guild Registry

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