Difference between revisions of "Brothers of Eternity (Guild)"

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(Further reorganized the page)
(Member List: Took detailed bios out. Added links to respective wiki/Steam pages.)
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*'''Thuris''' (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041672257)
*Armyunit (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198012331539)
*'''Autofire''' (http://wiki.spiralknights.com/User:AutoFire)
*'''Necromus''' (http://steamcommunity.com/id/ChaosAndDisharmony)
''Note: Sections beyond here are old. We are in the process of migrating this info into the user's respective user pages.''
''This used to only exclusively list GMs.''
===Councilknight Thuris===
[[File:Thuris.png]] ''"The true treasures in life are those that are already before you"''
Councilknight Thuris truly cares greatly about his bretheren. His goal is to be as helpful as possible to any knight who needs it. In battle, Thuris enjoys being the healer of the group, and reviving his fellow knights. Councilknight Thuris tries his best to make sure that no members of the Brotherhood start arguing, and that no one is being offensive to each other. One thing Councilknight Thuris believes in is that you should do whatever makes you happy. He always keeps a positive attitude, and encourages others to do so as well. Thuris masters the Aura of Life, and his apprentice is Yamiyugimon.
===Councilknight Necromus===
[[File:Necromus2.png]] ''"No matter how brave you are, fear... is always with you..."''
There is not much to be said of Councilknight Necromus personality-wise, other than that he is serious. Councilknight Necromus enjoys studying the history of the Spiral, and the past of others. He has a fascination of all dark beings, and studies new forms of darkness that appear in the Clockworks. Councilknight Necromus controls the Aura of Darkness, and has no current apprentice.
===Councilknight Autofire===
[[File:Autofire2.png]] ''"The same flame that gives one warmth, also gives one pain"''
Councilknight Autofire is the leader of the Fire Aura, and his apprentice is currently Dragonmage. Councilknight Autofire is heir to the position of former Councilknight of Fire, Winterslodier, who mysteriously disappeared shortly after the foundation of the Brotherhood. Autofire is an admitted strong team leader. He is brave, and knows how to lead a team during times of great distress. An all-around knight of valiance and chivalry, Councilknight Autofire is a knight dedicated to his Brotherhood.
==BoE Links==
==BoE Links==

Latest revision as of 22:19, 8 February 2014

Brothers of Eternity
GuildLogo-Brothers of Eternity.png

Forever, As One

Guild Founder: Winterslodier, Skinnypete, Frostshadow, Thuris, and Necromus
Approx. Population: 15

The Philosophy

  • Nights that harvest life...
  • Lights that revive the weak...
  • Flames that send out warmth...
  • Frosts that seal and protect...
  • Storms that energize the weary...
  • ...Even if they are all so different,
  • They can still go, hand in hand,
  • Forming something quite grand.

...We'll need all the help we can get if we are going to carry all these qualities. We may succeed or we may fail. Like all things, we'll fall one day, but we won't give up. We are Brothers of Eternity.

About our Brotherhood

Brothers of Eternity is a guild with a lot of variety! Each aura, that is to say, Frost, Storm, Fire, Life, and Dark, has its own role inside and outside the guild. (See the next section for more info.) In addition, ranks are also important. You cannot be promoted past the first rank until you have an aura, but you can still participate in the guild despite that. There are (or will be) 5 Guild Masters and 5 Officers, one for each aura. The Officers take the title of Guild Master in the case that the Guild Master leaves the guild, and then he choses another Officer.

Although each aura has its own goal, we are still all in it together! As one guild, we are to aid each other whenever we can.



Fire is the Aura of heat and flame. It represents passion, strength, bravery, and courage. Knights of Fire tend to have a good sense of pride, confidence, and the ability to be a leader. Fire is a powerful aura specified on aggressiveness and damage, but must be used wisely or it can cause devastation to allies and wielders.

Roles: PVP


Life is the Aura of nature and light. It represents goodness, peace, and joy. Knights of Life are social, nice, and caring. The Aura of Life focuses on various methods of healing and assisting, helping their friends and saving them from the most dire of situations.

Roles: Recruiting, Event organization


The Aura of Darkness is the Aura of shadows and death. It represents negativity, sadness, and evil. Knights of Darkness are quiet, serious, and troubled. The method by which the dark get past obstacles varies to the user, each their own way of using the shadows. But despite what method, it is all for the same cause...

Roles: Shadow Lair dive management

Dormant Auras

These auras currently lack members. They will be revived in due time. Until then, other auras will carry their responsibilities.

Member List

Guild Masters are listed in bold, Officers are listed in cursive, and Veterains are listed in normal text.




BoE Links

We have other pages and sites which will have some different content on them. Note that some content on these sites may only be viewed if you are logged in. (Mainly the forums.


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