Divine Dragoons (Guild)

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Divine Dragoons
GuildLogo-Divine Dragoons.png

Honor, blood and vinegar and all that

Guild Founder: Kyttles
Approx. Population: 40
Guild Master(s):
  • Kyttles
  • Toxophilite
Guild Officer(s):
  • Audrey-Hepburn
  • Kreuz-Drache
  • Namaquensis
  • Nihilsinenefas
  • Sir-Muffin-Cakes

About Us

We're a friendly bunch of scoundrels braving the terrors of the clockworks together. No construct nor beast nor vengeful trojan can get the best of us! Divine Dragoons' population may be small, but our motley crew is more than familiar with the monsters of Cradle, and we strive for a helpful environment and that big, happy family feel that make a knight go all squishy inside.

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