Big Family (Guild)

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Big Family (Guild)
GuildLogo-Big Family (Guild).png

We are one Family and are helping us one for all, all for one. Everyone is welcome, but we are at the moment 99% german.

Guild Founder: Dinosauer
Approx. Population: immer etwa 95 - 100
Guild Master(s):
  • Dinosauer (LvA/HaE/M42/GidM)
  • Xpeterpan (LvA/HaE/M42/GidM)
  • Chesterfjeld (LvA/HaE/M42/GidM)
  • Deltaop (M42)
  • Antabaka (LvA)
  • Derschakal (GidM)
  • Jacqui (GidM)
  • Schwertmeister (GidM)
Guild Officer(s):
  • Grosnah
  • Bakaroo
  • Rescue-Guard (Zweitcharakter eines GMs)
  • Kampfkuh
  • Mythio


General Information about "Big Family"

Generally everyone will help you willingly. You should start asking members with same guildrank for help first, because for example officers have others targets than recruits.
Should there be bigger problems that a member from same guildrank is not able to solve, please contact an officer, guildmaster or at least the founder "Dinosauer".
Everyone can join the Big Family and will get a chance. The only thing that is important for us is to have active and friendly members.
If you want to invite a friend to the guild and you don't have the permissions for that, please contact an officer or guildmaster. They will take care for the invite then.
Every recruit, which is longer than one month off, will be kicked from guild. Members have got two month and veterans three.
Guildmasters and officers will be demoted to veteran after one month offline but altogether it is at least three month allowed.
Should there be more member requests than space, then the recruit with longest offline time will be kicked.

How can I get promoted?

In this guild there are tests where you can get through to be promoted. All tests will be only you and the auditor.

Membership: One Snarbolaxrun without dying. You are not allowed to die in the mission of Snarbolax. You need to kill every enemy.
You are turning the switches and bells. The auditor is just to watch you and not going to help. The test can be audited from every officer or guildmaster.

Veteran-Test: One Roarmulus- or Jellyrun without dying. You are not allowed to die in the mission of Jelly King or Roarmulus Twins.
You need to kill every enemy. The auditor will leave 3/4 of all enemys for you. The test can be audited from every officer or guildmaster.

Officer-Test: One FSC-Run without dying. You are not allowed to die in the mission of Vanaduke.
You just need to do as much as needed to get to the elevator. That means NOT every enemy has do die. The test can be audited from every guildmaster.
Requirement for doing Officers-Test is to be veteran and avantgarde. You don't need to have Shivermist Buster or Blitzneedle, but it is recommended.

Guildmaster-Test: One dangerprestigemission (Tier 3) of free choice without dying.
The auditor is Xpeterpan or the guildfounder himself. If testee is dead the test is failed. If auditor is dead the testee does not have to revive the auditor.
Requirement for doing Guildmasters-Test is to be officer. Besides that you need to have Shivermist Buster AND Blitzneedle.

What is the benefit of beeing tested?

The guildranking is implemented to see at one sight who is able to help you and who is good for what job. You also might find easyier a party to help you on your way.
Besides that you have the benefit of beeing allowed to stay longer offline with every guildrank (see General Information about "Big Family").


We want to have friendly members with good manners. Should there be some discrepancies we will talk about that.
If it is not possible to find a solution, there will be consequences that can effect that someone has to leave the guild at worst.
Also it is not allowed to ruin the name of the guild in public. For example it is forbidden to:
-beg in public or in guild (doesn't matter if it is about money or energy or something else).
-talk bad about the guild in public.
-talk about guildstuff in public. That is non of externals businesses.
-flame other players (doesn't matter from which guild) in public.
-disgrace somehow else the guild or its name or members.
It is not allowed to invite members that are busy. In every case you need to ask before inviting. You can do that also openly in guildchat.
If you need help contact first the members with same guildrank like you are, because for example officers have other targets than recruits.

For officers and guildmasters

Every demotion will be discussed by all guildmasters and approved by the founder (Dinosauer).
Officers are allowed to audit Membership and Veteran-Tests. Guildmasters are allowed to audit every test except the Guildmaster-Test.
Officers and guildmasters are allowed to invite new recruits, but need to have a look that they don't have nasty names.
Breaches of the rules will lead to demotion to rank veteran.
Every officer and guildmaster was instructed and has aggreed on this additional rules.


The Guildhall is a very expansive benefit. Everyone is invited to spend money for it, but nobody is forced to. The easiest way is to do a Vana-run with four persons.
Afterwards everyone is offering his loot from this run. If everybody do so once a week, then we would be able to have a very beautiful Guildhall.
Every offering, doesn't matter if for furniture or upkeep, is to be paid directly to the Guildhallbank. Everything that is above the weekly upkeep amount will be used for furniture.
Shouldn't there be enough money for upkeeping, we will cancel as much rooms as needed to have the upkeep paid.
According to prior agreement from Dinosauer it is possible to buy and create an own room. But then the costs for the room-floor (incl. furniture and weekly upkeep) is to be paid by the user of the room.
It goes without saying that stuff from private-rooms are not to be redecorated or removed except from the owner himself.
Buying furniture and redecorating furniture from public rooms are only made by Dinosauer or Kampfkuh.
Should there be anything that needs to be changed in the guildhall, then this is to be discussed with mentioned persons.
Breaches of this rule will be punished immediately with demotion to rank member. A promotion after this punishment is only possible with a special payment to the guildhall.
The height of this payment is decided by the guildmasters. Anyway a special payment does not allow any (further) redecorations.
If someone is caught in the design mode (even if it is without saving) then this person gets a warning. If this person is caught again, he will be demoted also to rank member.

Owned rooms:
2nd Floor West: Deltaop and Kampfkuh

Special Thanks to:
- Schwertmeister (for buying the Alchemie-Room)
- Derschakal (for buying the Auction-Room and spending furniture that last for two rooms)


We also have a Teamspeakserver that helps communicate. Everyone is welcome. For getting the address, please contact a guildmaster.

Achievements and other stuff

Roarmulus Twins in 47 seconds from erstwhile guildmember Maikschnut and erstwhile guildmember Milkywai:
Jelly King solo without losing one lifepoint. From the guildfounder Dinosauer:

Help to Firestorm Citadel depth 25 clockwise beginning with the first room on the down left side
Room 1:
Room 2:
Room 3:
Room 4:
Room 5:
Room 6:
Room 7:
Room 8:

Other stuff
The wedding from Deltaop and Kampfkuh:
Doing some rubbish in the traininghall:

Permanently banned persons
- Alperkiller
- Blaue-Aura
- Calloffalko
- Callofandyp
- Calloffumap
- Cevelt
- Cmdman
- Driveboy
- Dressler
- Fumaxisxmyxname
- Gamer-Blade
- Gertiger
- Honigsummie
- Jennyjay
- Kamui-Shiro
- Leleleo
- Lord-Fuma
- Lord-Fuma-Gott
- Mijaboy
- Spielzeugritterin
- Toniti
- Vinrie
- Xdstefanxd
- Yellowlink