Elegance (Guild)

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Creative with a style.

Guild Founder: Hollows & Mysteryzx
Approx. Population: 80

About Us

Since 11/14/12

Founded by Hollows and Mysteryzx, our focus is all things in game; we are neither a PvP or PvE guild. We are all things Spiral Knights related and hope to bring in all varieties of fellow knights on Cradle. From accessory hoarders to Vanaduke slayers, we welcome all.

What We Expect from Members

We want to create a positive atmosphere for the guild and the players around us. We simply ask that all of our members be friendly and mature to not just other members, but other players as well. The simple act of being courteous represents you and the guild in a positive manner.

We also want our members to be active as well. There will be an inactivity sweep every 3 weeks and all members who have not logged in at least once after the previous sweep will be removed. There are special cases however, so if you expect to be gone for a while, simply send Hollows a note explaining why and how long you expect to be gone. If possible, try to make updates or log in again when possible to say hi, we miss you. Members who are removed for inactivity are more than welcome to rejoin the guild, but they will start as a recruit if they were promoted before hand.

Promotion Guidelines

How to Join

Fill out this short app and reply in our recruitment forum or mail it in game to Hollows, Soral, or Vezix.

  • 1. Your IGN:
  • 2. What is your reason for wanting to be in a guild?
  • 3. How often are you on SK on a weekly and/or daily basis?
  • 4. If you are currently guildless, please state why. If not, please state why you are looking to leave.
  • 5. How long have you been playing SK? (estimates are welcome since 3 weeks is plenty different than 3 months)
  • 6. Please tell about past guild experiences.
  • 7. Anything you feel necessary to help us get to know you better.

We also can do live interviews if you meet one of our GM's or officers in game. Whatever is more convenient.

Guild Roster

Honorable Mentions


Personal tools