Amazing Moments (Guild)

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Revision as of 23:21, 20 July 2013 by MiXaZz (Talk | contribs)

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Amazing Moments
GuildLogo-Amazing Moments.png

Guild In Which Amazing Moments Happens

Guild Founder: Mixiukazz
Approx. Population: 97
Guild Master(s):


Guild Officer(s):

Daggerjezus, Captinthe, Yakuzaxpl, Shadowxeta, Drsmiley, Flash-Havock, Duskfyre, Graruk, Konzii, Canispace

A Short History About Our Guild

The guild with such name as Amazing Moments has appeared in 2011 Jul 3 when its owner had 3* gear and collected required CE for it. Was not easy to find a nice, good name for it, but Guild Master is a big fan of basketball, especially NBA, so he decided, that guild will be named Amazing Moments. This phrase is from NBA "Where Amazing Happens", which guilds founder likes. The guild Amazing Moments had 3 times reached 99 population. In the beggining of first era (when first time population was 99) members of it were random people, from different time zones and countries. In winter (2011-2012) Guild Master decided to have a rest from this game, but when he returned back in 2012 spring, everyone almost were offline for about months. In the 2nd era guild had only polish players, because the owner is polish and he decided, that the guild must be actually polish, not the "randomizer" like was before. But... it was again a fail, because a lot of players went to the another polish guilds, which are more popular than our was and those guilds had more polish names. One of those guilds is now the most popular polish guild (I won't tell its name, because I dont want to advertise it, this page is about Amazing Moments guild). The 3rd era will be called rebuilding, 4 fun, or again return to the "randomizer" style. It started not so long ago, couple days ago (Jul 13 2013), because Guild Master was bored and decided, that can try again build a guild with 99 random people for fun and try to help them somehow in this game and to have with them amazing moments together. The main reason why this guild has become so many times without members is, that they left it (not helped to make it more popular) or became inactive (left the game). We hope now, that our guild will have always 99 players or even more, and atleast half of them will be active and will have those memorable, amazing moments in our guild!


This guild can join everyone who wants, no matter what stuff he/she has and from which country she/he are. To join it please contact Guild Master ign (in game nick) Mixiukazz, or the officers Daggerjezus, Captinthe. To stay in guild is very easy, you must not to be inactive more than 1 month (If u are planning to be more than month inactive and u have a important reason like PC broken, going near sea and etc. , then please contact Mixiukazz and write your reason to him and he won't remove without a reason). Recruits or even members (newbies) inactive will be removed from the guild after a week. You must not break the guild rules and you must read them before entering the guild.

Guild Rules

1. Don't spam in the guild chat.

2. Don't advertise other guilds, don't reccomend other guilds.

3. Don't beg anywhere u are, because our guild don't like such players and they will be removed from our guild very fast.

4. If u need some help (in example: died, too hard alone, bored to play alone, no players joining) while u are alone playing, don't send invites to the whole online people from the guild, because they can be busy, can have no energy left to join. In this case please ask somebody in the guild chat to join, to help you. If somebody agrees to help, then send him an invite.

5. Ask before you join any guild party.

6. Be friendly, active, polite, respectful to all players. Try to help others guildmates.

7. Donations for the guild treasury are not mandatory, but they are appreciated.

8. Try to give some ideas about guild events. Don't be mad, if guild events price or award is too low for u or not interesting.

9. Don't ignore Officers and Guild Masters messages.

10. Officers must ask Guild Master if they are going to move something in the guild hall, buy something in it, change something. U need to get agreement from the Guild Masters.

11. Officers must know, when they are inviting new people to the guild, that they supossed to explain them how to write to the all guild (need to type /g), and also they must show

for them this wiki page, because of rules and events etc. Also don't forget, if u inviting somebody new to the guild, please promote him to the his current rank by checking what

stuff he/she has.

12. Officers must take care of guildmates, look at current progress of a player and by doing this they must give her/him appropriate rank in the guild

13. Be careful with changing the guilds message. Nonsense message will be removed and u will be probably demoted. For the first time u will get a message with the warning.

14. If u saw, that someone is breaking the rules, please contact Guild Master. If u have some ideas, u something want from the guild, something u don't like, please either contact Guild Master.

15. Have fun in this guild!

If a guild member breakes, vioaltes any of these rules, Guild Master and Officers will discuss your condition in this guild, and probably u will be for the first time warned if not removed.

NOTE: It's possible, that the rules may be changed or new added during the games/guilds/humans life time.

Last time edited 13:55, 20 July 2013 (UTC)

About Guild Promotions

Recruit 0-1* gear

Member 2* gear

Veteran 3* gear

Officer 4-5* gear with Guild Masters permission (Officers rules mentioned in general rules from 10 point till 14, also don't forget other points lol)

Future plans: Guild Master by now its only one, but there is an idea to make more, who are very long in the guild and are active, who made very a lot for the guilds development.

NOTE: In gear should include same star armor, helmet, shield, and two weapons.

About Events

Right now we have two events. One of them is called "beginners going on vana run". As title says, we (Veterans, Officers, Guild Master) are going on the vana run and inviting one of the newbies, or member, who has weak gear like 1-3* and he collects with us from the run cash. Participant must have 50 energy for the run. The best rookie of the week or of the month will be awarded with extra cash and 5* random material. Committee (Veterans, Officers, Guild Master) will put after the run marks from 0 to 10. When only 2 organizers will play, they marks will put from 0 to 15, and when the only one organizer he/she will put from 0 to 30. The best marks player received will win. On the run player can do what he wants (only of course not disturbing for the party members) , in example dance, troll, tell jokes, die and etc. He can be not skilled player, it not depends if he plays badly or good.

The second is called "guess first". Veteran, Officer or Guild Master asks in the guild hall questions and the others are trying to answer or guess. First who guesses or answers will be awarded with some cash or materials (sometimes even weapon). Depends from the organizer.

U have some more ideas about the events? Please contact Officers or Guild Master.

This weeks "guess first" marks of the following players:
Participants (newbies) ↓ \ Committee (organizers) → Mixiukazz (Guild Master) Daggerjezus (Officer) Captinthe (Officer) Yakuzaxpl (Officer) Total (max30) ↓
Graruk 8 6 7.5 - 21.5 / 30
Flash-havock 8.5 10.5 wasn't playing - 19 / 30
Taika-Sieni 4 3.5 1.5 - 9 / 30
Konzii wasn't playing 10 12 - 22 / 30
Gneralnick 6 - wasn't playing 5 11 / 30
Staslev 8 - wasn't playing 12 20 / 30

Our Members

Questions asked:

How old are u?

From what country you are?

How people call u in the game?

When u joined this guild?

When u started playing sk?

Why u started playing this game? Who recommended it? where did u find it?

Your fav boss?

Can u solo all arcade bosses?

Your fav weapon?

What other games do u play?

Do u have wings, or aura? If yes, then what?

Have u ever been on the SL (shadow lair) run? If no, do u want to go there?

How long took you to get full 5* gear? (In which includes 2 weapons 5*, armor, helm and shield 5*)

Do u ever spent a cent for this game? (I mean real money)

Your fav phrase?

Tell something about yourself.

Guild Master



  • Accentz
  • Jagged-Blade
  • Koytkos
  • Vulx
  • Waiv
  • Staslev

P.S. English is not my native language, so there can be seen mistakes. Sorry about my grammar and mistakes.

                                                                       With love, Amazing Moments
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