User talk:N3cR0m4nS1r/Lore

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Discuss my lore! Improvements? Ideas? Feedback?

Any ideas anyone gives me will be properly credited to that person.

Some Random Ramblings/Rants

I am extremely biased against fanfics where Knights are human and/or the Clockworks inhabitants are plain evil. Humans... Just goes against everything I think of the SK is all. More on that on some later post. But about my other point... All those Gremlins and Devilites and guys are just defending their home, with the Knights crusading down to the Core to get that Energy at all costs... With their Energy-based weaponry, the SK jus rip through everything the Clockworks throw against them. It's no even funny.

Honestly, IMO the SK should be tried for war crimes like genocide/xenocide, environmental destruction (I wonder how many ecosystems the Knights have screwed over by killing the Snarbolax and all those beasts(wait, does this even count as a war crime?)) 'n stuff like that. But hey, that's just me. Not that I don't enjoy these type stories, but it's that these things tend to put me off of reading them and then I generally never find out if they're good or bad stories.

This is all why I created the Crimson Guard. I needed some Clockworks characters that could kick some serious SK arse.


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