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Revision as of 05:46, 2 January 2012 by Addisona (Talk | contribs)

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It is possible that the size of adjectives varies for defense vs offense. This should be clarified, and the "numbers" should be specified with units (defense points vs % increase) --Pauling 05:06, 25 February 2011 (UTC)

Question: Do weapon-specific damage UVs stack with family-specific damage UVs? --Dasparian

    - Yes. Wielding a Dark Thorn Shield and a Calibur vs. Beasts Low will show the following on the character/progress page: Sword Damage Low ; vs. Beasts Medium Rigwald 06:18, 8 August 2011 (UTC)

Do abilites stack multiplicatively (not really a word) or additively? That is to say, does a medium damage bonus increase damage by 1.07*1.07, and does a CTR bonus decrease charge time by .925*.925? This seems unlikely considering data, but if it is the case, it means that attack speed reductions and damage increase reductions are actually further apart in terms of DPS, as at maximum attack speed boosts increase DPS by 1.32 and attack damage boosts increase it by 1.42 (assuming abilities are additive), whereas in this situation it is 1.28 and 1.50. This also cancels diminishing returns in the case of stat increases and cancels increasing returns in the case of stat drops.

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