Revelation (Guild)

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All will be revealed.

Guild Founder: Dark-Fantasy
Approx. Population: 20
Guild Master(s):

Guild Info

Revelation is the laying foundation of the old guild Red Bull. Red Bull fell apart due to Dark-Fantasy's departure. Dark-Fantasy returned in making a new guild with most of his former guildmates. It may be due to the fact that Dark-Fantasy could not handle Mariomonsteryoshi's leadership as head guildmaster. Pending...

Joining Info

Contact Dark-Fantasy for recruiting info. The guild now have a recruiting policy. Dark-Fantasy refers to this policy "New members must have 4* equipment or above."

Ranking System


Armor Set

More members getting their 5* equipments! If you gain 5* equipment or full gear ask Dark-Fantasy in adding you to the list by mail.

Guild Alliances

Guild Lottery

Lottery-Man is the secured account that is controlled by Hobbzie. Come and claim prizes within the guild.

Guild Winners

Personal tools