Reign of Fire (Guild)

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Reign of Fire
File:GuildLogo-Reign of Fire.png

Fairness, Justice and Friendship make this Guild

Guild Founder: Theoncomingfire
Approx. Population: 100
Guild Master(s):

Theoncomingfire, Pedropolo

This is the official Spiral Knights wiki page for the guild Reign of Fire

Guild History

Reign of Fire was created by Theoncomingfire on Wednesday 30th November 2011. Theoncomingfire made the guild to give knights a chance and experience of joining a guild that is aimed at working with other knights for the better, and helping them to complete the tasks that they face. The name of the guild was brought together by the Guild master, his deputy Guild Master and his senior officers who he knows in real life. The guild is open to any knight with Tier 2 or Tier 3 entrance. We do not accept Tier 1 members unfortunately and the guild is open to any promising and active knights. The guild is run by the Guild Master, with the Deputy Guild Master Pedropolo and with his senior officers Fufumaster, Eclipsex and Godziwa.

Guild Rules

There are several rules in the guild that must be adhered to. These include:

Be Active: Life in the real world can be very difficult. Everyone understands that. However, if you cannot go online for a period of time, please tell a guild master or senior officer about the situation to why you will not be online. If you have not been online for 2 weeks then you will receive mail giving a warning and idleness for a month may result in removal from the guild unless you have told a senior officer or guild master why you have been offline for a long time beforehand.

Be Respectful: Guild Members are to be respectful to Guild Masters and Senior Officers. Officers are not allowed to remove people from the guild however, they can report to guild masters if someone has been misbehaving or breaking any of the guild rules. This is to ensure that the guild is fun and to prevent anyone from feeling left out or alone.

No Begging: Begging is not taken in the guild. This is because it does not just give a bad reputation on you, but on the guild too. Even if it's just a small amount of crowns then that is still unacceptable.

No Offensive/Rude Language: This is not tolerated at all. This can lead to a removal or demotion in the guild if necessary.

Attend All Guild Meetings: All Guild Meetings are at the Reign of Fire Guildhall. You should come to those guild meetings unless you are at Clockworks. Guild Meetings can only be called by the Guild Master and the Senior Officers. This rule mostly concerns officers who are part of the Guild Government

Guild Ranks

To start off, when a member has joined Reign of Fire, they automatically receive a promotion from Recruit to Member. To become a veteran/officer you will have to come to an interview with one of the Guild Masters or one of the Senior Officers. They will inspect you on three things. These are:

  • The Current Equipment you use
  • Why You want to be a veteran/officer
  • What would you do to help the guild

If they think you have passed that interview then you will become that rank. The Rank can also be obtained if you are handpicked by an officer or Guild Master because of the way you play in Clockworks. At the moment, the officer rank is full but there are still several places to become a veteran.

Guild Achievements

To be updated soon

Guild Alliance

On Monday 19th December 2011, Reign of Fire formed its first guild Alliance with the guild Clockwork Runners managed by the Guild Master and Founder: Charlietrooper

Guild Admissions

The Guild usually reaches 100 but if you do want to join then please speak to Theoncomingfire to put you on the guild waiting list. You will then be mailed or sent an invite to tell you if anything has changed. If you are in a joint Position, priority will go first to friends of the Guild Master. If that is not available then it will go to the more skilled or better knight. The guild is only looking for promising knights and will not accept inactive knights. We only accept Tier 2 and Tier 3 Members

Guild Lottery

The Guild Lottery occurs once every month. Theoncomingfire will call a date to when it will happen and will be mentioned on the guild Newspaper. The Guild Follows GMT Time and will happen at a specific time then. To enter, pay 25 crowns to Rof-Lottery-Man and he will collect the crowns. Theoncomingfire will take your name down and you would have entered the guild lottery. You can buy up to 25 tickets

Guild Newspaper

We are currently preparing for the launch of our guild newspaper, "The Fortnightly Flame". This newspaper will be put on the wiki page on the 1st and 16th of every month, starting on the 1st of January 2012. It hasn't yet been released and is still taking ideas in but it will include sections on :

If you are top on the charts you will recieve a prize of 500 crowns.

I am very sorry that the guild newspaper has not yet been put online.I have written it but I am having hardware issues so it will be put up as soon as possible.

Once again I am very sorry for any delay.

Guild Registry

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